mw-announce - Internet2 Members Update - May 2002
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Subject: Middleware Announcements
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- From: "Lee Perlis" <>
- To: <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>
- Subject: Internet2 Members Update - May 2002
- Date: Fri, 3 May 2002 12:20:28 -0400
- Importance: Normal
***Internet2(R) Members Update***
May 2002
<> Internet2 Spring 2002 Member Meeting
<> Abilene Router Upgrade
<> Framework to Improve Information Technology Security in Higher Education
<> Applications Update
<> International Update
<> Middleware Update
<> End-to-End Performance Initiative (E2Epi)
<> Virtual Briefings
<> Future Internet2 Events
<> New Members
<> Internet2 Days
<> Showcase Opportunities
<> Internet2 Related Events
<> Internet2 Employment Opportunities
Member updates are now archived at
<> Internet2 Spring 2002 Member Meeting
The Internet2 Spring 2002 Member Meetings begins May 6th. The program is now
available on the Internet2 website and will feature sessions about
partnerships and collaborations within the member community. Technical
sessions will focus on issues of network security, planning and deployment,
and innovative approaches to making advanced networking and advanced
applications a reality for Internet2 members. If you cannot attend in
person, be sure to view the live netcasts beginning May 6th. For all meeting
related information, please see:
<> Abilene Router Upgrade
Internet2 will deploy Juniper Networks' most advanced core router for the
next generation of the Abilene backbone network. The nationwide upgrade will
quadruple Abilene's capacity to 10 gigabits per second and natively deploy
the next generation Internet protocol, IPv6. The upgrade will maintain
Abilene's position as one of the most advanced and far-reaching education
and research networks in the world. For more information:
<> Experts Develop Framework to Improve Information Technology Security in
Higher Education
Leading national higher education organizations have endorsed a framework
for action designed to improve information technology security in higher
education. EDUCAUSE and Internet2, higher education-led information
technology management organizations, formed a group of experts to establish
an action statement that will engage their over 1600 member organizations to
develop a coordinated strategy. For more information see:
<> Applications Update
Excerpts from the application newsletter are below, for the complete
applications newsletter go to:
+ Applications Demos at the Spring Member Meeting
Be sure to visit the Applications Demos at the Spring 2002 Internet2 Member
Meeting. Many exciting demos are planned, including new distributed distance
learning applications and collaborative multimedia environments. Video
technologies to be demoed include a scalable MPEG-4 videoconferencing
system, high bandwidth video over IBP (Internet Backplane Protocol), and
Digital Video Transport System, an application for sending/receiving video
streams using either IPv4 or IPv6. Two health sciences demos will be
featured: Coherent Medical Informatics and Visible Embryo. The Shibboleth
Project will demonstrate the use of Shibboleth to access participants and
information resources from multiple campuses.
+ New World Symphony Performance Event
On Monday, May 6 at 6:00 p.m. the Spring 2002 Internet2 Member Meeting
welcome reception will feature a remote performance by the New World
Symphony, an Internet2 Affiliate member. In this demonstration, the New
World Symphony will use an series MPEG-2 codec from Star Valley, an
Internet2 corporate member for a musical distance learning session. A group
of New World Symphony musicians, live onstage in Miami Beach, will be
connected through the MAX gigaPoP to the Abilene Network at the Member
+ Internet2 Commons Post Conference Site Coordinator Training
There will be two mini-workshops after the Spring 2002 Internet2 Member
Meeting focused on Internet2 Commons Site Coordinator Training. These
workshops are sponsored by Internet2 and the Committee on Institutional
Cooperation (CIC).
The first workshop will run from 1:00 on Wednesday May 8th to noon on
Thursday May 9th, providing a certification class for people who wish to be
designated as Internet2 Commons Site coordinators. Each university that
wishes to participate in the Internet2 Commons worldwide videoconferencing
service must designate a qualified campus site coordinator. The second
workshop takes place Wednesday afternoon and covers advanced topics for
existing Internet2 Commons Site Coordinators. Topics include advanced
gatekeeper management and quality of service.
The workshops are free to Internet2 members, but separate registration is
required. (The online registration deadline is May 1; after that, register
in person at the Member Meeting.) For further details and the registration
page please visit the Commons workshops page:
<> International Update
+ 1st AMPATH International Conference 2002 Valdivia, Chile
Hosted by Universidad Austral de Chile, in Valdivia, Chile, representatives
from the U.S. and from Latin America joined for the 1st AMPATH International
Conference. During the conference, representatives from organizations in
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Uruguay, Mexico, Venezuela, and
the US presented their current status and upcoming plans, both within their
countries and internationally. Many invited researchers discussed
applications that will make use of the AMPATH service area. AMPATH is a
joint project between Florida International University and Global Crossing
created to help connect universities and research centers in Latin America
and the Caribbean. Complete agenda, along with presentations, can be found
+ Red-CUDI (Mexico) to Double Capacity and Extend Backbone
CUDI (Corporacion Universitaria para el Desarrollo de Internet), the
not-for-profit corporation in charge of the Internet2-type project in
Mexico, has signed an agreement with Avantel that will expand the current
CUDI backbone to central and south-eastern Mexico, duplicating red-CUDI's
capacity and extending access to most of the country. CUDI connects directly
to Internet2's Abilene network via an OC-3 that connects the CUDI backbone
to CENIC's CalREN-2 network (in San Diego, CA) and also has another second
cross-border connection between Universidad de Cuidad Juarez in Cuidad
Juarez, Mexico and The University of Texas-El Paso (100 Mbps). CUDI also
participates in Abilene's International Transit Network (ITN) Service, which
allows it to peer with the vBNS and other Abilene peers from outside the
U.S. CUDI has been an Internet2 International MoU Partner since May 1999.
For more information about CUDI see:
<> Middleware Update
+ National Science Foundation Middleware Initiative (NMI)
Brendan Bellina, University of Notre Dame, and Eileen Shepard, Boston
College accepted quarter time appointments with the NMI effort. They joined
the team that is focused on directory best practices documents and directory
white papers. The teams work is part of NMI Release 1 deliverables
scheduled for May. For information:
+ MACE-Directories Working Group
The Mace-Dir working group is making progress developing a metadirectory
Practices style document. As the document takes shape, drafts will be
made available via the middleware website. Next, the group will focus on
affiliated directory issues. As with other topics explored, a Practices
style document is planned.
+ Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
The PKI Research Workshop co-sponsored by National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST), National Institute of Health (NIH) and Internet2, was
held last week in Gaithersburg, MD. Workshop proceedings will be made
available. Additional information will be provided in a future update.
+ Shibboleth
Shibboleth, which facilitates inter-institutional sharing of web resources
subject to access controls, is in alpha pilot mode. It was demonstrated on
April 29th at a meeting hosted by New York University. Content providers and
members of the university library community attended the meeting. A
Shibboleth demonstration and track session are scheduled for the Internet2
Spring Member Meeting. Project updates are maintained at:
+ Middleware for Video (VidMid)
The VidMid Working Group has developed milestone white papers for inclusion
in the NMI Release 1 deliverables. The protocols are to follow. Drafts of
the papers are posted at:
+ Campus Architectural Middleware Planning (CAMP)
Two CAMP meetings will be held in Boulder, Colorado this summer. Base CAMP,
scheduled for June 24 - 26, 2002, will be of interest to campus IT
architects who did not attend the February session held in Tempe, Arizona.
Discussions will focus on Middleware architectural issues common to Higher
Education. Advanced CAMP will be held in late July. It will be a more in
depth technical session and is intended for those who have attended one of
the Base CAMP sessions. Further information will be sent to the MW-Announce
<> End-to-End Performance Initiative (E2Epi)
We are pleased to announce the formation of a Peer-to-Peer Working Group
within the E2Epi Initiative. The working group has its beginnings from a
grassroots effort to investigate and explore the many aspects of P2P--beyond
the resource management issues that bring the most notoriety. After a very
successful P2P workshop in January, David Futey, Linda Roos and Ana Preston
have taken steps to formalize the working group, which will focus on best
practices, trends and collaboration efforts that were seeded in the January
P2P workshop. A panel discussion and lunch BoF session will be held on
Tuesday, May 7, beginning at 10:30 AM at the Spring 2002 Internet2 Member
Meeting. We hope you can join us for both sessions and we seek your
participation in the P2P Working Group. Additional information on the P2P
activities at the meeting can be found at the following web site:
E2Epi will participate in Measurement Architecture and Knowledgebase
discussions and presentations at the Spring Member Meeting. See the Member
Meeting schedule for details.
+ Call for Participation: Your Stories
E2Epi is issuing a Call for Participation (CFP) to its members, asking them
to propose compelling best current practices to allow end users and support
staff to resolve performance problems routinely and consistently. For
further information and guidelines, please see the E2Epi Call for
<> Virtual Briefings
If you missed the April 18th Virtual Briefing on Strategic Policy Issues of
Broadband to the Home and Last-Mile Connectivity to the Campus, you can view
it via the Briefings archive. For Real Stream viewing, see:
The next Virtual Briefing will be held May 14th
<> Future Events
+ CIC Internet2 Commons Site Coordinator Training- June 26-27, Madison, WI
Does your institution have a certified site coordinator for the Internet2
Commons yet? If not, the CIC Internet2 Commons Site Coordinator Training is
a great opportunity to get yourself or one of your staff certified. Each
university that wishes to participate in the new worldwide videoconferencing
service (Internet2 Commons) must designate one or more qualified campus site
coordinators. This course is the first of its kind designed to meet the
needs of prospective campus site coordinators. Join us on June 26-27 at the
high-tech Pyle Center in Madison, Wisconsin for a 1.5-day workshop that will
provide the training you need or certification as an I2 Commons Site
Coordinator. Online registration is now open:
+ Boulder, Colorado Site for July 2002 Joint Techs Workshop
The July Joint Techs Workshop will be hosted by NCAR/NIST/NOAA/NTIA in
Boulder, CO from 28 July through 1 August. Tutorials will be presented
on Sunday afternoon. Plenary and BoFs will be held all day Monday and
Tuesday, and on Wednesday morning, and in-depth sessions will be held on
Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning. NLANR Engineering Services and
Internet2 are jointly responsible for planning and organizing the workshop.
For further information see:
+ Fall 2002 Internet2 Member Meeting (Hold the Date!)
Los Angeles will be the site of the Fall 2002 Internet2 Member Meeting.
The meeting is presently scheduled for October 28-30. Details of the
meeting will be announced on the Internet2 website as they become available:
<> New Members
+ Regular Members
- Temple University
+ Corporate Members
- General Motors
- Hewlett-Packard
- inSORS Integrated Communications, Inc.
- Level 3 Communications
- Opnix, Inc.
- Star Valley Solutions, Inc.
<> Internet2 Days
Hold an Internet2 Day for your Internet2 member organization. Technical
support for live demonstrations and informational materials are
available. For more information see:
or contact Marianne Smith
+ 10 May 2002
Tufts University
<> Showcase Opportunities
Internet2 would like to showcase our members efforts on our homepage. We
encourage Internet2 members to share advanced networking milestones, as well
as interesting people, events, collaborations and efforts in the advanced
networking community. Include a brief description (less than 100 words), all
appropriate links and images, and contact information. If you have
suggestions about projects or news that might be featured, please contact
Adam Csillag
<> Internet2 Related Events
+ Online Calendar
For a complete listing of events for and of interest to the Internet2
community, see the online Internet2 Calendar. Be sure the
Internet2-related event you are holding or know about is listed at:
2-6 June
Atlanta, GA
TERENA Networking Conference 2002
3-6 June 2002
Limerick, Ireland
Summaries and final papers due: 29 March 2002
18-21 June 2002
Washington, DC
<> Internet2 Employment Opportunities
Do you have a news item or event you'd like the Internet2 community to
know about? Send a brief description and pointers to any information on
the Web to Lee Perlis
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list and the names and addresses of people to be added to:
To remove your name from this list, please email
with "remove" in the subject heading and
include the name of the list by which you received this
message. example: remove
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- Internet2 Members Update - May 2002, Lee Perlis, 05/03/2002
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