mace-opensaml-users - Re: [OpenSAML] New addObligationhandlers method in ObligationService
Subject: OpenSAML user discussion
List archive
- From: Chad La Joie <>
- To:
- Subject: Re: [OpenSAML] New addObligationhandlers method in ObligationService
- Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2008 07:07:22 +0200
- Openpgp: id=146B2514
- Organization: SWITCH
Please submit an improvement request to JIRA for this.
Ted Hesselroth wrote:
I'd like to request that ObligationService be able to add a whole vector (or collection) of ObligationHandlers, instead of just one at a time. This will allow me to add a new ObligationHandler without modifying the code that deals with the obligation service. I will only have to add the new handler to a vector which I am already passing to the obligation service.
The signature is
public void addObligationhandlers(Vector<BaseObligationHandler> handlers);
Serving Swiss Universities
Chad La Joie, Software Engineer, Net Services
Werdstrasse 2, P.O. Box, 8021 Zürich, Switzerland
phone +41 44 268 15 75, fax +41 44 268 15 68
- New addObligationhandlers method in ObligationService, Ted Hesselroth, 07/16/2008
- Re: [OpenSAML] New addObligationhandlers method in ObligationService, Chad La Joie, 07/17/2008
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