Hello All, I am a library consultant for Region 10 Education Service Center, located in Richardson, near the Dallas metroplex in north central Texas. Texas has 20 such ESC's across the state designed to support the K-12 public school
arena and coordinate initiatives from the Texas Education Agency. I deal with 56 members of a library cooperative covering 8 counties and ranging from very large urban school districts to very small rural school districts. We also support some private schools
and charter schools. I have been in public education for twenty plus years as a classroom teacher, librarian, and central administration.
1) Please describe your past experience or interest in using
videoconferencing within your organization.
My previous experience with videoconferencing includes state-wide conferences for disseminating information, providing an avenue for two-way communication and to showcase new projects, initiatives, etc. I use webinars as a means of professional development
and have also used Skype as a communication tool for committee work for professional organizations. I have never been on the 'tech' side of setting up these sessions so have much to learn about the technical aspects.
2) What's the most important thing you hope to get out of
participating in this group?
I hope to gain a better understanding of the potential of using video conferencing as a tool for the entities in my cooperative as distance is certainly a factor as well as the shrinking budget deficits that are hitting us all. I would love to learn
how others in a similar setting are using this tool effectively.
3) Are there specific questions, topics, collaborative activities
you'd like the group to explore
I am not sure yet of specific questions but do hope to learn much from networking with others and anticipate I will have questions as the listserv evolves.
Terry Roper, Library Consultant
Region 10 Education Service Center
400 E. Spring Valley Rd.
Richardson, TX 75081
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