grouper-users - Re: [grouper-users] gouper ui upgrading from v1.6.3 to v2.3.0, stem missing
Subject: Grouper Users - Open Discussion List
List archive
- From: Pierre Legay <>
- To:
- Subject: Re: [grouper-users] gouper ui upgrading from v1.6.3 to v2.3.0, stem missing
- Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2017 09:31:37 +0200
- Ironport-phdr: 9a23:PwxC5RxmT9191mPXCy+O+j09IxM/srCxBDY+r6Qd0uwRIJqq85mqBkHD//Il1AaPBtqLra8cw8Pt8IneGkU4qa6bt34DdJEeHzQksu4x2zIaPcieFEfgJ+TrZSFpVO5LVVti4m3peRMNQJW2NBXupSi99zkPAhjlcBduK/7uMo/Uk8mt0e2uodvebxgbqiC6ZOZKLRistwiZksQZiJoqfr4wxwHTrz1Mdutf1EtyKFmSllDy/JHjr9ZY7y1Mtqd5pIZ7WqLgcvFgQA==
Le 26/06/2017 à 17:58, Hyzer, Chris a
écrit :
What happens when you run this from GSH? I run 'new edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.misc.AddMissingGroupSets().addAllMissingGroupSets();' But the problem is not resolved, the existing groups before migration are still not visible. Here's the command display : ---------------------------------------- Searching for missing self groupSets for attribute defs Found 0 missing groupSets Searching for all composite groups to cache for later use Searching for missing self groupSets for groups Found 87948 missing groupSets 08:29:29: Processed 419 of 87948 (0%) of current phase. 08:29:59: Processed 839 of 87948 (1%) of current phase. 08:30:29: Processed 1359 of 87948 (2%) of current phase. Estimated completion time: 10:09. .... ... 08:54:32: Processed 85839 of 87948 (98%) of current phase. Estimated completion time: 08:55. 08:55:02: Processed 87359 of 87948 (99%) of current phase. Estimated completion time: 08:55. Done making 87948 updates Searching for missing self groupSets for groups with custom fields Found 0 missing groupSets Searching for missing self groupSets for stems Found 7188 missing groupSets 08:56:08: Processed 3299 of 7188 (46%) of current phase. Estimated completion time: 08:56. 08:56:38: Processed 5339 of 7188 (74%) of current phase. Estimated completion time: 08:56. 08:57:08: Processed 7159 of 7188 (100%) of current phase. Estimated completion time: 08:57. Done making 7188 updates Searching for missing immediate groupSets where the owner is an attribute def Found 0 missing groupSets Searching for missing immediate groupSets where the owner is a group Found 0 missing groupSets ----------------------------------------- Thanks --
- [grouper-users] gouper ui upgrading from v1.6.3 to v2.3.0, stem missing, Pierre Legay, 06/26/2017
- RE: [grouper-users] gouper ui upgrading from v1.6.3 to v2.3.0, stem missing, Hyzer, Chris, 06/26/2017
- Re: [grouper-users] gouper ui upgrading from v1.6.3 to v2.3.0, stem missing, Pierre Legay, 06/27/2017
- Re: [grouper-users] gouper ui upgrading from v1.6.3 to v2.3.0, stem missing, Pierre Legay, 06/27/2017
- RE: [grouper-users] gouper ui upgrading from v1.6.3 to v2.3.0, stem missing, Hyzer, Chris, 06/27/2017
- Re: [grouper-users] gouper ui upgrading from v1.6.3 to v2.3.0, stem missing, Shilen Patel, 06/28/2017
- Re: [grouper-users] gouper ui upgrading from v1.6.3 to v2.3.0, stem missing, Pierre Legay, 06/29/2017
- Re: [grouper-users] gouper ui upgrading from v1.6.3 to v2.3.0, stem missing, Shilen Patel, 06/29/2017
- Re: [grouper-users] gouper ui upgrading from v1.6.3 to v2.3.0, stem missing, Pierre Legay, 06/29/2017
- Re: [grouper-users] gouper ui upgrading from v1.6.3 to v2.3.0, stem missing, Pierre Legay, 06/27/2017
- Re: [grouper-users] gouper ui upgrading from v1.6.3 to v2.3.0, stem missing, Pierre Legay, 06/27/2017
- RE: [grouper-users] gouper ui upgrading from v1.6.3 to v2.3.0, stem missing, Hyzer, Chris, 06/26/2017
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