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grouper-users - [grouper-users] RE: Questions on attestation

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[grouper-users] RE: Questions on attestation

Chronological Thread 
  • From: "Redman, Chad" <>
  • To: "Hyzer, Chris" <>, "" <>
  • Subject: [grouper-users] RE: Questions on attestation
  • Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2017 16:49:07 +0000
  • Accept-language: en-US
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Oh, I was thinking much simpler :) What you describe is much better.


From: Hyzer, Chris []
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2017 12:41 PM
To: Redman, Chad <>;
Subject: RE: Questions on attestation


I was thinking a screen to see all groups with attestations.  And filter for overdue groups?  Grouper admins would see all and normal users would see only groups they are allowed to see.  Is that what you were thinking?





From: Redman, Chad []
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2017 12:11 PM
To: Hyzer, Chris <>;
Subject: RE: Questions on attestation


Thanks for the information. Just emailing the admins is fine -- I didn't know if I was missing something, and the users were starting to ask me about it. We have some admins looking forward to this, so it's a nice added feature.


I'm going to start out by experimenting with queries. Maybe this is something that could go in the daily loader report? Or a UI interface? Either way, I could submit a patch for it.






From: Hyzer, Chris []
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2017 11:20 AM
To: Redman, Chad <>;
Subject: RE: Questions on attestation



1) The documentation writes that emails will go to "Admins and Read/Update users". This sounds like it means people with admin, or people having both read and update privileges. However, the source code for the class is based on the union of everyone having any admin, read, or update privilege. This means that someone with just read privileges would get the email, right?


We can fix that



2) Does anything happen if no one ever recertifies? In my testing, it only sent the emails at regular intervals.


It will keep emailing people.  What do you want to happen?  We discussed disabling memberships but didn’t want to lock groups out unless it fits a use case.


3) Is there anything in the works for either reporting or for web services to query attestation status? If not, we do have a custom report we run, so we would add it locally.


We could do something for that, what did you have in mind exactly?






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