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grouper-users - [grouper-users] Upgrade errors 2.2.1 -> 2.2.2

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[grouper-users] Upgrade errors 2.2.1 -> 2.2.2

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Baron Fujimoto <>
  • To: Grouper Users <>
  • Subject: [grouper-users] Upgrade errors 2.2.1 -> 2.2.2
  • Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2015 08:39:53 -1000

I attempted the upgrade from 2.2.1 to to 2.2.2 using grouperInstaller.jar.

After patching 2.2.1, downloading, and unpacking the new
grouper.apiBinary-2.2.2, I accepted the recommendation to run a script
that copies change log temp records to the change log. This ran for hours,
and was still running when I left for the day.

When I returned this morning, I was greeted with the error below[*],
followed by the advisory that,

You need to revert all patches to upgrade

################ Checking patch grouper_v2_2_1_api_patch_21
Patch: grouper_v2_2_1_api_patch_21: was applied on: 2015/08/10 13:41:24"

I'm unsure what remedial steps are actually needed now. grouperInstaller
looks like it wants to resume from or retry grouper_v2_2_1_api_patch_21.
Should I just let it continue, or do I need to "revert *all* patches" as
displayed and start over?

Is the amount of time being taken to copy the change logs reasonable? I
think our db goes down nightly for a backup. If the the copy change log
process can't complete before that happens, will it resume from a previous
partial completion, or does it need to start all over from the beginning?
I'm concerned about the possibility that may never complete given the
db's backup downtime constraint.

[*] Excerpted output of upgrade:

$ java -jar grouperInstaller.jar
[... patching, etc ...]

Copying records from change log temp to change log with command:

[......... 232 lines of this ..........]
stderr: // Error: unable to evaluate command: Sourced file: inline evaluation
of: ``loaderRunOneJob("CHANGE_LOG_changeLogTempToChangeLog");'' : Error
invoking compiled command: : Error in compiled command:
edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.internal.dao.GrouperDAOException: Problem in
HibernateSession: HibernateSession (2f7a97b4): notNew, notReadonly,
READ_WRITE_NEW, activeTransaction, session (564064c0),
Exception in list: (class edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.pit.PITGroupSet),
ByHqlStatic, query: 'select distinct gs from PITGroupSet as gs where memberId
= :gsMemberId and memberFieldId = :gsMemberFieldId and activeDb = 'T' and not
exists (select 1 from PITMembershipView ms where ms.ownerId=gs.ownerId and
ms.memberId = :msMemberId and ms.fieldId=gs.fieldId and ms.groupSetActiveDb =
'T' and ms.membershipActiveDb = 'T')', cacheable: false, cacheRegion:
tx type: null, tx type: nullBind var[0]: 'Param (class java.lang.String):
'gsMemberId'->'36d237ebc6404db2bc114a17837d40f3', Bind var[1]: 'Param (class
java.lang.String): 'gsMemberFieldId'->'54fb9d1d61994c1d9004f1427444c03e'Bind
var[2]: 'Param (class java.lang.String):
'msMemberId'->'9e6e45706b5043d283e5a2fe57bfdce4', ,
Exception in save: edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.pit.PITMembership,
Problem in HibernateSession: HibernateSession (5d102128): notNew,
notReadonly, READ_WRITE_NEW, activeTransaction, session (564064c0),
Exception in saveOrUpdate:
edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.pit.PITMembership, ByObjectStatic, query: ',
cacheable: null, cacheRegion: null, entityName: null, tx type: null,
Exception rolling back in exception catch:
org.hibernate.TransactionException: JDBC rollback failed
[... repeated 420 times ...]
Problem in HibernateSession: HibernateSession (641d0798): new, notReadonly,
READ_WRITE_NEW, notActiveTransaction, session (564064c0)

stdout: Using GROUPER_HOME:
Using GROUPER_CONF: /home/grouper/grouper/grouper.apiBinary-2.2.1/bin/../conf
Using JAVA: /usr/java/latest/bin/java
using MEMORY: 64m-750m
Grouper starting up: version: 2.2.1, build date: null, env: grouper

You need to revert all patches to upgrade

################ Checking patch grouper_v2_2_1_api_patch_21
Patch: grouper_v2_2_1_api_patch_21: was applied on: 2015/08/10 13:41:24

Baron Fujimoto
:: UH Information Technology Services
minutas cantorum, minutas balorum, minutas carboratum desendus pantorum

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