This is fixed. I made the style in the externalized text file a css class so it is easier to manage going forward and removed the no-wrap. This patch is applied
on the demo server and tested.
Patch: grouper_v2_2_1_ui_patch_12
[ patches]$
java -jar grouperInstaller.jar
Do you want to 'install' a new installation of grouper, 'upgrade' an existing installation
or 'patch' an existing installation
(enter: 'install', 'upgrade', 'patch' or blank for the default) [install]: patch
Enter in a Grouper temp directory to download tarballs (note: better if no spaces or special chars) [/opt/grouper/2.2/patches]:
What do you want to patch? api, ui, ws, or psp? [api]: ui
Where is the grouper UI installed? /opt/tomcats/tomcat_d/webapps/grouper_v2_2
What do you want to do with patches (install, revert, status)? [install]: patch
What do you want to do with patches (install, revert, status)? [install]: install
################ Checking patch grouper_v2_2_1_api_patch_0
Patch: grouper_v2_2_1_api_patch_0: was applied on: 2015/01/18 17:45:34
################ Checking patch grouper_v2_2_1_api_patch_1
Patch: grouper_v2_2_1_api_patch_1: was applied on: 2015/01/18 17:46:04
################ Checking patch grouper_v2_2_1_api_patch_2
Patch: grouper_v2_2_1_api_patch_2: was applied on: 2015/01/18 17:46:24
################ Checking patch grouper_v2_2_1_api_patch_3
Patch: grouper_v2_2_1_api_patch_3: was applied on: 2015/01/20 06:07:54
################ Checking patch grouper_v2_2_1_api_patch_4
Patch: grouper_v2_2_1_api_patch_4: was applied on: 2015/02/04 13:56:11
################ Checking patch grouper_v2_2_1_api_patch_5
Patch: grouper_v2_2_1_api_patch_5: was applied on: 2015/02/23 19:54:20
################ Checking patch grouper_v2_2_1_api_patch_6
Patch doesnt exist yet (not an error):
There are no new API patches to install
################ Checking patch grouper_v2_2_1_ui_patch_0
Patch: grouper_v2_2_1_ui_patch_0: was applied on: 2015/01/18 17:46:18
################ Checking patch grouper_v2_2_1_ui_patch_1
Patch: grouper_v2_2_1_ui_patch_1: was applied on: 2015/01/18 17:46:20
################ Checking patch grouper_v2_2_1_ui_patch_2
Patch: grouper_v2_2_1_ui_patch_2: was applied on: 2015/01/18 17:46:22
################ Checking patch grouper_v2_2_1_ui_patch_3
Patch: grouper_v2_2_1_ui_patch_3: was applied on: 2015/01/18 18:12:10
################ Checking patch grouper_v2_2_1_ui_patch_4
Patch: grouper_v2_2_1_ui_patch_4: was applied on: 2015/01/18 17:46:30
################ Checking patch grouper_v2_2_1_ui_patch_5
Patch: grouper_v2_2_1_ui_patch_5: was applied on: 2015/01/18 17:46:31
################ Checking patch grouper_v2_2_1_ui_patch_6
Patch: grouper_v2_2_1_ui_patch_6: was applied on: 2015/01/18 19:55:29
################ Checking patch grouper_v2_2_1_ui_patch_7
Patch: grouper_v2_2_1_ui_patch_7: was applied on: 2015/01/20 06:07:59
################ Checking patch grouper_v2_2_1_ui_patch_8
Patch: grouper_v2_2_1_ui_patch_8: was applied on: 2015/02/04 13:56:19
################ Checking patch grouper_v2_2_1_ui_patch_9
Patch: grouper_v2_2_1_ui_patch_9: was applied on: 2015/02/23 19:54:26
################ Checking patch grouper_v2_2_1_ui_patch_10
Patch: grouper_v2_2_1_ui_patch_10: was applied on: 2015/02/24 02:25:38
################ Checking patch grouper_v2_2_1_ui_patch_11
Patch: grouper_v2_2_1_ui_patch_11: was applied on: 2015/02/24 02:38:16
################ Checking patch grouper_v2_2_1_ui_patch_12
Downloading from URL: to
file: /opt/grouper/2.2/patches/grouper_v2_2_1_ui_patch_12.tar.gz
Unzipping: /opt/grouper/2.2/patches/grouper_v2_2_1_ui_patch_12.tar.gz
Expanding: /opt/grouper/2.2/patches/grouper_v2_2_1_ui_patch_12.tar
Patch grouper_v2_2_1_ui_patch_12 is low risk, is not a security patch
GRP-1117: grouper new ui tooltips wrap
Would you like to install patch grouper_v2_2_1_ui_patch_12 (t|f)? [t]:
- added to end of property file: = 2015/02/24 22:05:09
Applying file: /opt/tomcats/tomcat_d/webapps/grouper_v2_2/grouperExternal/public/assets/css/grouperUi2.css
Applying file: /opt/tomcats/tomcat_d/webapps/grouper_v2_2/WEB-INF/classes/grouperText/
Patch successfully applied: grouper_v2_2_1_ui_patch_12
- added to end of property file: grouper_v2_2_1_ui_patch_12.state = applied
################ Checking patch grouper_v2_2_1_ui_patch_13
Patch doesnt exist yet (not an error):
Since patches were applied, you should delete files in your app server work directory,
in tomcat it is named 'work'. Hit <enter> to continue:
[ patches]$
From: [mailto:]
On Behalf Of Yoann Delattre
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2015 11:29 AM
Subject: [grouper-users] display problem with tooltip
Hello everybody,
just notice a little display problem with tooltip :

i think the problem came from
: <span style="white-space: nowrap">
If i remove it, it's better :)
