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grouper-users - Grouper v1.0 is available

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Subject: Grouper Users - Open Discussion List

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Grouper v1.0 is available

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Tom Barton <>
  • To: Grouper Dev <>, Grouper Users <>
  • Subject: Grouper v1.0 is available
  • Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 21:11:10 -0500

Grouper v1.0 is now available. This release is considered to be ready for production deployment.

With v1.0, Grouper supports

* basic group management by distributed authorities
* subgroups
* composite groups (groups whose membership is determined by the union,
intersection, or relative complement of two other groups)
* custom group types and custom attributes
* traceback of indirect membership
* delegation

and its major components include

* a java API (source)
* a java UI (source, extremely mutable)
* an XML import/export tool
* a command line shell that exposes the complete API

The Grouper Wiki is also now open. It is used to support Grouper-related working group and community activities, and will be the home of Grouper software and technical documentation.

The Grouper Wiki is located at

The Grouper v1.0 tarballs are on the download page at


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