At Penn we will probably put some custom
authorization/authentication operations in the grouper client. The first will
be a decode of tokens (then run an ldap operation on the result) from cosign,
our new single signon system. So now you can add whatever custom operations
you want to the grouper client, if you want it to be a one stop shop for whatever
you want.
If you want the grouper client to execute custom Java operations, then follow
these instructions. For example, at Penn we will have a couple of operations
that decode Cosign single-signon tokens.
* Put your code in grouperClientHome/src/custom (this
is for the code which depends on ext or extCustom code, but nothing else)
* If you have external code, put that in
grouperClientHome/src/extCustom (this is for typically 3rd party code which
might depend on other jars at compile time, but not runtime)
* If you have jars for extCustom, but them in
* The class which responds to an operation should
implement the interface: edu.internet2.middleware.grouperClient.ClientOperation
* This has one method: public String
operate(OperationParams operationParams);
* Register this in the grouper.client.properties:
## Custom operations
## Implement the interface ClientOperation, put it in the jar
## Increment the int index for multiples (must be in order)
customOperation.name.0 = cosignDecode
customOperation.class.0 = edu.upenn.isc.grouperClient.CosignDecodeOperation
* Implement the interface with the logic, and get
params from the command line:
* @see
public String operate(OperationParams operationParams) {
Map<String, String> argMap =
Map<String, String> argMapNotUsed =
//get params from command line
String serviceName =
GrouperClientUtils.argMapString(argMap, argMapNotUsed, "serviceName",
String cookie = GrouperClientUtils.argMapString(argMap,
argMapNotUsed, "cosignCookie", true);
//get params from grouper.client.properties
String keyStorePath =
GrouperClientUtils.propertiesValue("cosign.keyStorePath", true);
... etc, execute the logic, and return the result which
should be printed to screen or written to file
* Build with: ant
* Call the operation from the command line:
-jar grouperClient.jar --operation=cosignDecode
--serviceName=cosign-isc-whatever-0 --cosignCookie=0mmN5ZwyJukNxxxxxxxxx
203-PennNet ID mchyzer
203-8-digit PennID 123456
203-Timestamp 1111111111
203 IP Address