comanage-users - Re: [comanage-users] Making members visible
Subject: COmanage Users List
List archive
- From: Duncan Brown <>
- To: Scott Koranda <>
- Cc: "" <>
- Subject: Re: [comanage-users] Making members visible
- Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2021 20:05:06 +0000
- Arc-authentication-results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none
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Hi Scott,
Thanks, this is 3.3.x as I haven't had chance to upgrade to 4.x yet.
If I view the group CEConsortium, I can see the members. I think my mistake is trying to view CO:members:active as a regular user. If I do that, I get permission denied (see screenshot). If I view the regular group CEConsortium group as a regular
user, then I can see the membership.
BTW, I discovered a couple of gotchas in the mailman docker images that you may already have seen: psycopg2 needs to be pinned to 2.8.6 and dnspython needs to be pinned to 1.16.0.

On Nov 11, 2021, at 2:39 PM, Scott Koranda <> wrote:
Hi Duncan,
This seems so obvious that I must be missing something simple, but I
can't figure out how to let members of a group see who is in the group
without making them an owner. Is there a simple way to allow peoples
to see who else is in a group that they are a member of?
That should be the default.
Attached is a PNG showing me logged in as a normal user (not a platform
admin, not a CO admin, not a COU admin) and viewing the membership of
the CO Group named Lunch.
I can see that Jeff and Scott (me) are members of the group.
What are you seeing?
Which version of COmanage Registry are you using (my image shows version
Duncan Brown Room 263-1, Physics Department
Charles Brightman Professor of Physics Syracuse University, NY 13244 (+1) 315 443 5993
Duncan Brown Room 263-1, Physics Department
Charles Brightman Professor of Physics Syracuse University, NY 13244 (+1) 315 443 5993
- [comanage-users] Making members visible, Duncan Brown, 11/11/2021
- Re: [comanage-users] Making members visible, Scott Koranda, 11/11/2021
- Re: [comanage-users] Making members visible, Duncan Brown, 11/11/2021
- Re: [comanage-users] Making members visible, Scott Koranda, 11/16/2021
- Re: [comanage-users] Making members visible, Duncan Brown, 11/11/2021
- Re: [comanage-users] Making members visible, Scott Koranda, 11/11/2021
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