comanage-dev - [comanage-dev] Re: breadcrumbs
Subject: COmanage Developers List
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- From: Arlen Johnson <>
- To: comanage-dev <>
- Subject: [comanage-dev] Re: breadcrumbs
- Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 10:38:03 -0400
Breadcrumbs are mostly finished: everything is done except for numerous bits and pieces down inside the "My Population" path. I'm in the middle of that, and it's going to take a little more time for the breadcrumbs in this section to gel. They lead to some questions about building links back to a View or Canvas (Edit) page for people and should probably be touched on in a call to get some feedback.
Given that, we can keep this as a 0.9.1 enhancement.
On Sun, Jun 22, 2014 at 5:56 PM, Arlen Johnson <> wrote:
Benn - thanks for clarifying thoughts about breadcrumbs. Now that I've explored the best way to insert them, these are going to be a snap.
They will require changing every index and file in app/View (and perhaps a few other files). Even so, do we want to try and sneak them into 0.9 or should we go ahead an keep them for a 0.9.1 enhancement? I'm fairly certain I can get them in by Tuesday morning, Wed morning at the very latest.
- [comanage-dev] breadcrumbs, Arlen Johnson, 06/22/2014
- Re: [comanage-dev] breadcrumbs, Benn Oshrin, 06/23/2014
- [comanage-dev] Re: breadcrumbs, Arlen Johnson, 06/25/2014
- Re: [comanage-dev] Re: breadcrumbs, Benn Oshrin, 06/25/2014
- Re: [comanage-dev] Re: breadcrumbs, Arlen Johnson, 06/26/2014
- Re: [comanage-dev] Re: breadcrumbs, Benn Oshrin, 06/25/2014
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