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comanage-dev - [comanage-dev] Draft Minutes: COmanage-dev Call 12-Nov-2010

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[comanage-dev] Draft Minutes: COmanage-dev Call 12-Nov-2010

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Emily Eisbruch <>
  • To:
  • Subject: [comanage-dev] Draft Minutes: COmanage-dev Call 12-Nov-2010
  • Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2010 12:48:25 -0500

COmanage Call 12-Nov-2010


Heather Flanagan, Internet2 (chair)
Ken Klingenstein, Internet2
R.L. "Bob" Morgan, U. Washington
Steven Carmody, Brown U.
Jim Leous, Pennsylvania State U.
Benn Oshrin, Internet2
Renee Frost, Internet2
Steve Olshansky, Internet2
Emily Eisbruch, Internet2 (scribe)

New Action Items

[AI] (Steven) will develop a one-page write-up on attribute aggregation.
[AI] (Jim) will check on whether there has been discussion on the CIC list concerning LIGO and the domesticated apps list.

Old Action Items

[AI] (Jim of Chris) will follow up on the VOMS GUMS work done in the past for LIGO.
[AI] (Heather) will ask U. Chicago people to contribute an academic (intra-institutional) use case to the COmanage use case library. [|display/COmanage/Use+Case+Library]
[AI] (Jim) will share ESWN call notes with the COmanage-dev list.
[AI] (Steven or Jim) will write up the ESWN use case on the COmanage wiki.


There were many productive sessions related to COmanage at FMM.

Project Bamboo

Heather has been discussing COmanage with Steve of Berkeley and others involved in Project Bamboo, a VO focusing on facilitation research and efforts in the humanities.
Bamboo has several working groups and they are hoping to have a preliminary release in 2011. 

Japanese Federation

The Japanese federation has government funding through March 2011. They hope by then to show a collaboration platform that is usable. They will do coding themselves, but will also be happy to learn from and share with other efforts. They are interested in the person registry, and this is a need shared by LIGO.

Benn learned that the Japanese are also interested in the COmanage attribute aggregation proof of concept / prototype that StevenC developed a few months ago. Steven created a very technical write-up for Ken on how to use that prototype. The prototype is based on code that ships with Shibboleth. However, Steven added a Drupal front end. For sites using an IdP within InCommon it's relatively easy to set up the prototype.

Steven thinks a picture is just as effective as the prototype.

Benn suggested it would be useful to email the Japanese

- Technical documentation that Benn is developing, focusing on the core data management aspect of COmanage Gears
- A diagram that Steven will prepare on the attribute aggregation work

[AI] Steven will develop a one-page write-up on attribute aggregation. This will be functional, not highly technical.


Heather and Benn had many productive discussions with ScottK of LIGO at FMM in Atlanta. Benn and Heather are going to CalTech for a meeting with LIGO on December 2-3.

Q: What are first priorities for what will be delivered to LIGO? 

A: Details will become clearer after the meeting at CalTech. Most likely, the first chunk of functionality on the priority list is the VO profile attribute identity registry. The probable timeframe for mock group attribute management work is Q1 of 2011.

Q: Will that be connected to existing LIGO portals?

A: Most likely ScottK will handle that aspect.


On the international collaboration call recently, the registry of applications that COIN is working on was discussed. The plan is for Heather to get access to that list within a week:

A good approach is to divide up the domestication work for high profile applications by getting various international partners to commit to domesticating certain applications. 

Domestication of applications is also of great interest to the new MACE Federated Applications working group that Scott Cantor is establishing. It was noted that this new working group will not be focusing only on the needs of VOs, but there should be much overlap in interests.

Heather obtained a list from ScottK of the applications that LIGO is most interested in.

[AI] (Jim) will check on whether there has been discussion on the CIC list concerning LIGO and the domesticated apps list.


Benn will revise the technical roadmap in the next few days utilizing Jira 

Benn will represent COmanage and the Internet2 Middleware Initiative at EuroCAMP.

RL "Bob" is preparing a response to the email on the topic of Calendar discovery.


There was a brief discussion of what is meant by the term profiles among our target constituencies.
It was noted that DataOne wants profiles to match users with new data sets that become available.

A key question is how to enable information in a researcher or faculty profile (listing research interests, etc.) to be semantic.

Drop Box / File Service Discussion

Ken reported that on a recent AMSAC call, there was discussion of Internet2 offering a drop box or file storage/sharing service. Ken mentioned the work with a domesticated IRODS service for iPlant.

Steven: There is a federated drop box service at Brown. That was the first Shibboleth enabled service on the Brown Campus

Ken's Report

Ken will be having biweekly phone calls with Kevin Thompson, NSF program officer, most likely to start on Nov. 30.

Ken has been in discussions with NITRD The head of NITRD will be joining InCommon Steering.

REN- ISAC is interested in Federation and COmanage.

Next Call

The call is scheduled for the Friday after Thanksgiving (26-Nov-2010) is cancelled.

Next Call: Friday, 10-Dec-2010 at 1pm ET.

Emily Eisbruch, Technology Transfer Analyst
office: +1-734-352-4996 | mobile +1-734-730-5749

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  • [comanage-dev] Draft Minutes: COmanage-dev Call 12-Nov-2010, Emily Eisbruch, 11/22/2010

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