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comanage-dev - [comanage-dev] Draft Minutes: COmanage-dev Call 20-Aug-2010

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[comanage-dev] Draft Minutes: COmanage-dev Call 20-Aug-2010

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Emily Eisbruch <>
  • To:
  • Subject: [comanage-dev] Draft Minutes: COmanage-dev Call 20-Aug-2010
  • Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2010 13:23:20 -0400

COmanage Call 20-Aug-2010

Heather Flanagan, Independent (chair)  
Ken Klingenstein, Internet2 
RL “Bob” Morgan, U. Washington
Tom Barton, U. Chicago 
Steven Carmody, Brown  
Jim Leous, Pennsylvania State U. 
Chris Hubing, Pennsylvania State U.  
Michael Gettes, Independent 
Ann West, Internet2 
Steve Olshansky, Internet2 

*New Action Items*

[AI] (Heather) will discuss timeframes with Benn for turning mockups into reality.

[AI] (Benn, StevenC, and possibly others) will work on an assessment/survey tool for the VO’s SSH requirements.

*Carry Over Action Items*

[AI] (Heather and SteveO) will continue work on updating the COmanage website and wiki.  

[AI] (Ken) will develop a COmanage Service Manager job description.

[AI] (Ken) will email the group a COmanage entrance interview/survey for a VO.

[AI] (Steven and Benn) will continue to work on demo development. 

[AI] (Ken) will initiate discussion with UK around collaboration platform work.

[AI] (Heather) will raise the VO Cookbook issue on the upcoming International Collaboration Call. 

[AI] (Jim) will send the group screenshots of the Penn State Confluence dashboard. 

**NSF Award Status**

SDCI award is official. Title is “Building from Bedrock: Infrastructure Improvements for Collaboration and Science”  

Start Date: Sept 1 2010
Expire Date: Aug 31, 2013

*Marketing Report*

AMSAC and ICO - Ken spoke about the SDCI grant with AMSAC and also with the Internet2 Council Officers (ICO), a group that includes representatives from all four councils. Ken provided background and provided pointers to the COIN animation shown at

FutureGrid - Ken spoke and presented a COmanage demo to the NSF funded FutureGrid group. They are an LDAP oriented group, and they are enthusiastic about COmanage.

DataOne - Ken also spoke to the NSF-funded VO called DataOne
They are holding a workshop in Chicago Sept 8-9 on federated security. At that workshop there will likely be discussion about COmanage and its possible use at DataOne. Randy Butler and Von Welch are involved.

Globus Alliance - Ken has also spoken with people from Globus Alliance, who are thinking for offering a service instance of COmanage for groups using Globus as their computational platform.
A representative of Globus Alliance would be interested in joining a COmanage discussion list that deals with applied topics, perhaps a list that will be appropriate for VOs.

OOI – they are planning to hire an architect in this space.

Neon (National Ecological Observatory Network) - The PI is located in Boulder, and Ken plans to meet with him.

ESWN (Earth Science Women's Network) - Jim reported that there have been two productive calls with ESWN and other interested parties so far to discuss ground setting and COmanage requirements. ESWN is interested in possibly using Drupal for their Collabmin console. Chris is working on integrating the Drupal Organic Groups ( with Ldappc-ng provisioning from Grouper.  Providing Sympa to ESWN also looks like a priority. It would be great to have something working by FMM. Rose from ESWN may attend the FMM.

VIVO - it was suggested that perhaps COmanage should try to integrate with VIVO. VIVO, originally developed at Cornell, is expanding into various areas, including taxonomy, helping researchers find collaborators and carry out their research more efficiently, and more. Michael Conlin of U. Florida is taking the lead.  

Ken noted that more could be learned about VIVO at an InCommon Research Agencies call on Sept 14. 

It was observed that OOI and DataOne are involved in providing infrastructure for future research and COmanage will provide infrastructure to support the infrastructure and ultimately the research. It was also noted that discussion about COmanage is causing more alignment of how people want to go about handling collaborations. 

*Internet2 2010 Fall Member Meeting*

A COmanage BoF and two COmanage track sessions are scheduled for FMM. The track sessions are:

- Domestication Stories
Wed. Nov. 3, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM 
Speakers will include Benn and Niels

- VO/CO Topics - Interinstitutional Research and Collaboration Approaches
Thurs. Nov. 4, 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM 

Speakers will include Heather, Scott Koranda, and possibly others.
It might be good to include a speaker from a VO in Europe or a speaker from a VO in the humanities or social sciences.


Jim Basney is running a one day “Federated Identity for Cyberinfrastructure” Workshop  
at the end of FMM, on Nov. 4 in the afternoon and Nov. 5 in the morning.
The goal is to pull several VOs into that conversation.



Benn raised the question of domesticating SSH on the COmanage-dev list. The goal is to making sure COmanage offers the right integration points for SSH.  

It was noted that Jim Basney ran a discussion on “Non-Browser Apps, Grids and CI” at Advance CAMP in Raleigh that included some discussion of SSH

CILogon ( ) is being positioned increasingly as a portal for SSH to more than just TeraGrid. It’s now serving as a portal to OSG and possibly to FutureGrid.

TomB noted that provisioning is an important element for federated SSH use cases. There must be an account at the other end to establish the shell session.

Workflow is also involved, for example in the use case where the PI adds someone to a group and some provisioning happens, and workflow gets kicked off. A new group member is notified that they are added then they open the SSH client and they are all set.

Q: Are we are trying to solve a specific problem or trying to simply be an integration point?

A: There is a generic effort to develop an environment/toolkit to support how researchers collaborate and also an NSF funded effort that will allow us to work with four specific VOs and craft and deploy solutions for their environments and their requirements. So there will be generic solutions and some specific solutions.

More work needs to be done on the survey instrument to collect requirements from a VO, started here:

We need an assessment/survey mechanism for the SSH space. Ken suggests that  2 or 3 volunteers will look at the SSH space so we ask the right questions to get the right ideas. Suggested participants in the group: Benn, Steven, TomB. Possibly include JimB? TomB noted that in the past FrankS has been involved in these issues. Ken noted that the Dutch may have some wisdom or experience to share in this area.

[AI] (Benn, StevenC, and possibly others) will work on an assessment/survey tool for the VO’s SSH requirements.

*Managing Demand from VOs*

Ken is working on obtaining funding to hire a person to help manage demands from VOs.


SteveO, Benn and Heather are working on updating the COmanage website.

Ken suggested that for top level of the web page it would be good to ask the Dutch if we can borrow or point to the COIN video. It does a good job of laying out the goals.

[AI] Heather will ask the Dutch if we can link to the animation available at

*Development Timeframes*

Ken noted that Benn’s mockups are excellent. What does it take to convert a mockup into reality? Some sense of timeframes would be very helpful.

[AI] Heather will discuss timeframes with Benn for turning mockups into reality.

Next Call: Friday, Sept 3 at 2pm ET

Emily Eisbruch, Technology Transfer Analyst
office: +1-734-352-4996 | mobile +1-734-730-5749

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  • [comanage-dev] Draft Minutes: COmanage-dev Call 20-Aug-2010, Emily Eisbruch, 08/27/2010

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