comanage-dev - [comanage-dev] **REMINDER** COmanage PIN 0139199
Subject: COmanage Developers List
List archive
- From: Steve Olshansky <>
- To: CoMaNaGe-DeV List <>
- Subject: [comanage-dev] **REMINDER** COmanage PIN 0139199
- Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2010 12:01:54 -0600
I see someone
On Aug 19, 2010, at 9:28 AM, heather flanagan wrote:
> Our next COmanage meeting is Friday at 2:00p.m. EDT, 11:00a.m. PDT.
> Dial-in numbers:
> +1-734-615-7474 PREFERRED (from any phone where Long Distance calling has
> no add'l cost over local or 800 calling, e.g., cell phones or callers with
> fixed price LD plans)
> +1-866-411-0013 (US/Canada Only and only if above 734- number costs user
> more than 800/866 calls; this number costs Internet2 substantially more
> than above 734 number and should be avoided if possible)
> Access code: 0139199#
> SIP-based:
> Connect directly:
> sip:
> Agenda:
> 0 - Roll call, agenda review
> 1- Intellectual Property Rights Policy Reminder:
> -
> 2 - NSF update (Ken)
> 3 - Update on marketing activities (Ken)
> * AMSAC report
> 4 - Technical discussion
> * discussing a scalable way to deal with demand from VOs.
> * domestication of non-web apps, e.g. video. are we willing to deal with
> hybrids (i.e. put a web front on it)
> * discovery approaches.
> 5 - Website status (Heather, Benn, SteveO)
> 6 - Your Item Here
- [comanage-dev] Bridge/Agenda COmanage Dev call, 20-Aug-2010, heather flanagan, 08/19/2010
- Re: [comanage-dev] Bridge/Agenda COmanage Dev call, 20-Aug-2010, Jim Leous, 08/19/2010
- Re: [comanage-dev] Bridge/Agenda COmanage Dev call, 20-Aug-2010, Steven Carmody, 08/19/2010
- [comanage-dev] **REMINDER** COmanage PIN 0139199, Steve Olshansky, 08/20/2010
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