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comanage-dev - Draft Minutes: COmanage call 3-Oct-08

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Draft Minutes: COmanage call 3-Oct-08

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Emily Eisbruch <>
  • To:
  • Subject: Draft Minutes: COmanage call 3-Oct-08
  • Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 12:00:15 -0400

COmanage-Dev Call 3-Oct-08


Digant Kasundra, Stanford (stand-in chair)
Heather Flanagan, Stanford
Scotty Logan, Stanford
Dave Donnelly, Stanford
Tom Barton, U. Chicago
Michael Gettes, MIT
RL “Bob” Morgan, U. Washington
Jim Leous, Penn State 
Renee Frost, Internet2
Ken Klingenstein, Internet2
Mike LaHaye, Internet2
IJ Kim, Internet2
Steve Olshansky, Internet2
Emily Eisbruch, Internet2 (scribe)


*New Action Items*


[AI] (Scotty) will send out to the group a list of APIs for the Domestication Guide.


[AI] (Bob) will send links to the group on the invitation problem.


[AI] (Scotty) will write up how to integrate with setup wizard for the Domestication Guide.


[AI] (Digant) will rename the Domestication Guide to “How to Integrate Domesticated Applications with COmanage.”


[AI] (Emily) will give Heather a summary of points to emphasize at the I2 FMM COmanage session.


[AI] (Jim and Heather) will meet to discuss the FMM presentation before Tuesday night.


[AI] (Digant) will provide a showable version of the Collabmin interface for the I2 FMM.


[AI] (Ken) will ping Frank Siebenlist.



*Carry Over Action Items*


[AI] (All) review the task list in the wiki and contribute as you are inclined to.


[AI] (Digant) will create COmanage video #2, when the improved Collabmin GUI is available


[AI] (Scotty) will redo COmanage video #1 to correct a few audio issues.


[AI] (Ken) will work on engaging Ed Seidel with COmanage at the Internet2 Fall Member Meeting.




- Domestication Guide


Digant introduced the domestication guide:


The guide will eventually contain more detail on accessing the information stored in Grouper and Signet.
[AI] (Scotty) will send out to the group a list of APIs for the Domestication Guide.


Digant plans to add to the Domestication guide examples of how to restrict by group or by eduPersonEntitlement using LDAP.


[AI] (Scotty) will write up how to integrate with the setup wizard for the Domestication Guide.


TomB noted that the term “domestication” should encompass a set of applications beyond those that work with COmanage (many paths to domestication). The group agreed, but felt the current guide needs to be limited in scope to the topic of getting an application to work with COmanage and in fact should be renamed.
[AI] (Digant) will rename the Domestication Guide to “How to Integrate Domesticated Applications with COmanage.”


- Invitation Problem


The group agreed that it will be important to have options for easy ways to add and remove people to the COmanage group (for access to a wiki etc.).  Bidirectionality is best, where a person can request access for him/herself or an invitation can be sent. Bob mentioned that there has been a lot of discussion in various circles about the invitation problem.
[AI] (Bob) will send links to the group on the invitation problem.


Benefits were discussed of having a common COmanage API that all applications can use for group consumption (though not group modification). A Grouper light web services interface was proposed.


- Fall Member Meeting


Points we need to emphasize at the COmanage session at the FMM?


Ken and others suggested these points:


- COmanage is not just another proprietary VO solution.


- COmanage is all open standards, all open source. 


- COmanage uses technology that’s already widely deployed.


- It’s reconfigurable underneath, flexible for when an organization grows and embraces other organizations and other locations.

- Explain how to stay informed and how to get involved.


There will be a sign-in list for people who want to be added to the COmanage user email list.


- Status on video #2 and Collabmin GUI


Digant can’t yet create COmanage video #2 (to focus on the Collabmin experience), since there is not a collabmin interface to show. Digant has agreed to work as the COmanage group’s point person with the Fluid people on what the Collabmin interface should look like.


Next Friday, Heather and Digant will have a conference call with Jess Mitchell from Fluid.




The previous GUI is not ideal to show, partly because it is application centric instead of organization centric. Digant will create a new crude (“ugly”) GUI that can be shown at FMM, though it won’t be functional. It will be made functional for the COmanage shipping date, and later be improved in appearance by work together with the Fluid people.


[AI] (Digant) will provide a showable version of the Collabmin interface for the I2 FMM.



- Ship Date


The goal for shipping COmanage (with the “ugly” GUI) is by end of 2008.


Ken stressed that OOI and others, including some from the Grid Iron community, are eager to get moving with COmanage, and a long delay could lead to some organizations looking elsewhere.  OOI wants to use COmanage, among other things, to manage their compute environment on the Amazon Cloud.


We need to decide what’ s on critical path for release and need to mark those items on the task list on the wiki.


Jim reported that the LIGO project is interested in COmanage having a better interface to the open science grid.


Tom had a conversation with Frank Siebenlist from Argonne National Laboratory, who is interested in COmanage. Ken will follow up on that.
[AI] (Ken) will ping Frank.


Next COmanage Call: 17-Oct-08 at 2pm ET.

  • Draft Minutes: COmanage call 3-Oct-08, Emily Eisbruch, 10/08/2008

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