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Re: [] ITAD-based numbering, an alternative proposal

Chronological Thread 
  • From: John Todd <>
  • To: Ed Guy <>,
  • Subject: Re: [] ITAD-based numbering, an alternative proposal
  • Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2005 19:18:20 -0700

At 5:04 PM -0400 8/4/05, Ed Guy wrote:'ers

I really like John Todd's proposal of using the ITAD to indicate the "domain"
portion when mapping numbers to sip uri's however, everyone I talk to outside
of this group about using the '*' as a delimiter cringes. While no one I've discussed
it with can say with full certainty that an asterisk in the middle of a dial string will
absolutely break some system, they're willing to bet it will. There's got to be a
better way to encode this info. This email introduces another approach-
after a bit of analysis.

For the sake of this discussion, I'll work from the following requirements:
* The sip:user@domain uri Shall be translated into two sets of digits that are combined
into a string composed of common DTMF characters {0..9*#} suitable for dialing
on a traditional phone.
* The "user" portion of the string Shall be determined by a policy local to the domain.
* The "domain" portion string Shall be common for all members of a given "domain"
* the non-numeric DTMF characters SHOULD be used in a manner consistent with
known dialing limitations.
* The total length of the string SHALL NOT exceed 15 characters
* E.164 numbers in the NANP SHALL NOT be used as an identifier.

I'll further make these assumptions:
* ITAD numbers are the choice for domain numbering.
* collisions with other dialing patterns are not a concern because some local dialing
prefix (e.g. 012, or 0110) will be used.
* partial dialing and dial patterns are not a major concern; there is no need to collect
subsequent digits.

Therefore, I'll go back to my short list of simple methods to accomplish this two
part encoding.
* the two fields can be delimited by a known character:
* one of the fields can be fixed length
* or the length of the field can be determined from the number.

Using a known character as a delimiter is difficult because any numeric choice limits the
valid user and domain choices and '*' and '#' just might make dialing difficult.

The US Phone company made the 'carrier' field fixed length and kept having to extend
it. 10XX, 10XXX?, 101XXXX. Any choice we make is likely to be wrong and wasteful
My number might be 33489-000258 or 000258-33489
Country codes are of known length based on the first digit. Assigning them this way would
be difficult and it changes the IANA assignment procedure. BUT, we can use the IANA
assigned ITADs and run length encode them by prefixing (or appending) the length of the
ITAD. So, my number might be 3258-33489 for ITAD 258 or 41234-33489 for ITAD 1234.
So the proposed algorithm to encode numbers is number = strlen(ITAD)+ITAD+USER
where '+' is the concatenation operator.

This technique is no longer than the delimited case, it is surely more compatible with
traditional phone systems, and it maps nicely into private ENUM and SRV records,
with out any changes. It can also use a table lookup if needed.

(By the way, another possibility is to put the ITAD and length at the end: making it
33489-2583. number =? USER+ITAD+LEN(ITAD)
while the Internet does least-to-most significant encoding, the phone system does
most-to-least encoding and other than being in the same order as the email address, I
cant come up with any advantages of this over the prior method)

Comments?? Fire way!


Edward T. Guy, III, Ph.D. Chief Scientist, Enterprises Melville, NY 11747

Ed, All -
That's actually a decent idea, and I really like it at first glance. However, there are some problems with the concept, some of which are more critical than others and which I believe in total would make me shy away from this method and remain with the "*" as the subscriber/ITAD delimiter as originally described. I've listed them in rough order of importance:

1) Moving away from a known delimiter makes the number less identifiable as an ISN number. The presence of a "*" in the number makes it clear by looking at the number that it is an ISN number, and therefore must be dialed using the local prefix sequence unique to ISN dialing. Without the "*", it is possible that your example number 41234-33489 could be written or interpreted as "4123433489" and from there to "412-343-3489" which would be clearly confusing as to it's difference from E.164 numbering.

2) While I understand that there is fear about using the non-numeric "*" separator, I would like to see concrete examples of some widely-used modern system with a significant customer base that will not function with that dialing syntax. Until I can see some real-world issues, I remain unconvinced that it will be insurmountable. I certainly understand that there will be some infrequently used systems which cannot handle the "*" digit in a pattern, but I think that will be largely ignorable. Why? Because if the system is so old that it chokes on "*", then chances are good that it will not have a VoIP trunk option, anyway. If that is the case, then to pass calls out to ISN numbers, a trunk system will be required to send the subsequent digits from the local system to a VoIP-capable platform which will be able to handle the digit string.
Example: let's say that I have a very old and "stupid" system which can't correctly parse "*" in an initial dial. However, I configure the system so that when I dial "012" it will pick up an external trunk line, and then send all subsequent digits to that trunk. Since ISN calls in my enterprise all start with "012" as the prefix, then as soon as I finish the "012" part of the call, the "stupid" switch hands the call to the TDM-(PRI or channelized T1 or whatever)-to-VoIP trunk which then parses the subsequent digits. The problem is offloaded from the "stupid" system to a "smart" system which knows how to handle that dialing pattern.
Any system which can't handle the "*" character after that point I'd think would also be unable to pass the "*" digit to external IVR platforms, which would be causing a large number of headaches for the user community already.
Until a factual case can be made for a meaningful number of users would would be unable to use this method, I remain convinced that it is the most clear and useful syntax. ("meaningful"=platforms with widespread usage which would cause >5% of the possible user base to be unable to use the ISN method of dialing in any form.)

3) The mapping is somewhat confusing. The ISN would then comprise of three different variables, and will be difficult to explain. While it may seem obvious to you and I how to look up an ITAD, count the number of digits in the ITAD, and then suffix (or prefix) that number to the ITAD to get the dialing method... I think that is hard to describe to people. Imagine describing this to a typical phone system user. I think it's going to be a challenge (though possible) to describe ISNs, but adding this additional dimension of complexity that separates ITAD from dialing sequence will be a point of derision for people who like their comfortable habits. "Oh, and now I have to remember to count the number of digits and add that on the end... of which? where? what?" I also expect that people will double-add suffix digits. An ITAD of 1234 and subscriber of 999 would be 99912344 but that might easily become 999123445, or worse: 99912347.
The problem is most pronounced during the most fragile part of the cycle, when people are getting used to the system. The transition between 3, 4, and 5 digit numbers will be rather rapid during ramp-up, so there will be the densest use of different run-length suffixes/prefixes during the introduction of the method, which could be counterproductive. What is required is a methodology to convert between ITAD numbers and dialed numbers in a way that is consistent and understood by the most technology-averse or even overtly hostile users with a minimum of possible intentional or unintentional confusion.

4) Using a number suffixed or prefixed to the ITAD as a length identifier is obviously limited 10 digits, which means using 0-9 as the number of digits. So you have another single digit to add to every number dialed. So, that means that an ITAD of 12345678 would be 123456788 in this scheme. Moving out a bit more, if/when the number of ITADs grows to >999,999,999 then the numbers would be something like this: 12223334440. A five-digit ITAD becomes six, six to seven, and so on. This method penalizes the entire user community into remembering and dialing another digit, versus using a consistent symbol ("*") that does not have to be memorized or synthesized independently for each dialing sequence.

5) Removing the "*" character makes the number less like a SIP URI. One of the minor sub-goals of the adoption of ISNs is to make people familiar with a syntax for telecommunication endpoint identification that is "<subscriber><delimiter><organization>", so that the transition to SIP URIs is more easily understood in the future as keyboard-capable telephony devices come onto the scene. Without the delimiter, it is not apparent that there is a difference between the entity identifier and the subscriber number. It is less obvious what the entity identifier even is, so it is possible to accidentally list the last digit of the subscriber as the first digit of the ITAD without knowing the method to use the run-length digit as a parsing hint.

Discussion not related to the run-length vs "*" delineator:

6) There had been discussion earlier about putting the ITAD number at the end of the dialing sequence, so it would be <subscriber>*<ITAD> and I think there was general agreement that the construct was better in this format, so that it resembled a SIP URI more closely. I think that's a "closed" issue unless there is real desire to stay in lock-step with the Telephone System model... I think that subscriber numbers will be more unique than ITADs, so this even fits very well with directory-based or dialhistory-based auto-completion systems, so that fewer results will be more quickly presented with fewer digits entered. Users rarely will be guessing numeric extensions, so having a least-to-most specific "worldwide" directory will be almost useless, though it sounds good at first look. (This is perhaps not the case for phonetic or alpha searches, though - what is good for one syntax is not necessarily good for the other.)

7) I am unconvinced that e.164 numbers should be forbidden as part of the identifier, regardless of if the "*" or run-length value is used as an ITAD delimitation method. It may be good practice to actually go out of one's way to _include_ the e.164 numbers as an alias identifier for a domain.
Let's say I have Penny's business card with -only- her e.164 number on it (16095551212), and I know that Penny is a professor at Banzai University (BU). Because I often communicate with other staff at BU, I happen to know that the ITAD for the BU is 1984. Or perhaps I looked up BU's ITAD in the on-line ITAD directory. If the administrator at BU has been clever and followed the hypothetical best practices document, then for every e.164 number that BU is allocated from various PSTN providers is _also_ mapped in an internal system on BU's SIP proxies. So, I could guess and dial 16095551212*1984 and it would map to a device which would reach Penny. Recall that these directory listings do NOT pollute the true ENUM root nor should they cause any confusion, because they are essentially local requests within the entity. Of course, every entity needs to maintain that list however they see fit - there can be as many or as diverse a set of aliases as would be deemed appropriate for that enterprise. Perhaps 5551212@1984 maps to Penny, as does 1212@1984. Other numbers which are not part of previous e.164 mappings may also map to Penny - this is totally up to the local administrator, and it may make sense for some entities to install full e.164 mappings in their tables to make "guess-able" transitions possible even if only the e.164 number and organization is known by a caller. Some sites might use it, some might not, but why limit the obvious mappings?

8) Limiting to 15 digits becomes more restrictive as digit length of the ITAD grows, and also artificially limits later participants from longer subscriber numbers in order to stay under the limit. Granted, the interval between ITAD digit growth becomes logarithmically larger, but those intervals may not have corresponding chronological interval durations as adoption increases. I would hope that it would be some time before there are >1,000,000 ITADs, but resource exhaustion has plagued IP services in this way before and I'm hesitant to artificially limit the number space to match some arbitrary older technological limits. I'd have no problem if this were a "suggested" or "best practice" method, but not a "MUST". I also think that the aliasing of full e.164 numbers within the enterprise is a good idea even though the canonical subscriber numbers may be much shorter. Using e.164 numbers as subscriber aliases will very obviously create rapid (almost instant) conflict with the 15 digit limit.
I understand the request, so perhaps changing the wording to something like "there SHOULD BE for each subscriber a sequence of digits (subscriber+*+ITAD) that is less than or equal to 15 total digits", but saying "MUST" means that any administrator of an ITAD that is 9 digits is limited to a 4 digit extension pool. I know this is long-term thinking, but who would have thought we could POSSIBLY run out of IPv4 space? Or ASN space? :-)


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