presidents-planning - PPSP 2017 Kicks Off January 25th!
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Subject: PPSP planning list
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- From: Matt Hall <>
- To: "" <>
- Subject: PPSP 2017 Kicks Off January 25th!
- Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 16:12:45 +0000
- Accept-language: en-US
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Hi Everyone,
I wanted to reach out with a quick update and a reminder that the first presentation of PPSP 2017 is in 2 weeks!
Last week, the PPSP was announced as a new content provider on CILC and we have already begun receiving registrations via the site. CILC PPSP Page:
Also, unfortunately the Sixth Floor Museum will no longer be able to participate in this year's series. We thank them for their hard work and look forward to working with them again next year!
If you could, please share the below reminder with your communities and marketing channels.
Thank you!
----begin draft message ---
Dear PPSP Participants and Supporters,
The first presentation of the Presidential Primary Sources Project is in 2 weeks! The White House Historical Association will present "Information, Access, and the Presidency" on Wednesday, January 25 at 10am and 1pm CT.
Free registration is open now so visit the project website for more information and to sign up today! Here is a direct link to the program sign up form:
The National Park Service, U.S Presidential Libraries, and Museums, the Internet2 community, and cultural and historic organizations nationwide are proud to offer the annual Presidential Primary Source Project (PPSP), a series of free, standards aligned, 45 minute interactive videoconferencing programs aimed at students in grades 6-12. The series will run from January - March 2016. Each program will also be live streamed and recorded for on demand viewing for free.
This year’s theme is "Culture, Society, and Presidential Decision-Making." Through the use of primary source documents and interactive videoconferencing, the 2017 program series will take students on a journey through our nation's history and allow them to view a President's key decisions through the life and times of their era.
"Information, Access, and The Presidency" The White House Historical Association, Washington, D.C. Wednesday, January 25: 10-10:50am and 1-1:50pm CT Grades 9-12
The National Mall and Memorial Parks, Washington, D.C. Wednesday, February 8: 10-10:50am and 1-1:50pm CT Grades 6-12
"Presidential Powers with Documents from the National Archives" The National Archives at Fort Worth, Fort Worth, TX Tuesday, February 15: 10-10:50am and 1-1:50pm CT Grades 5-12
"Daughters of Freedom: Ulysses S. Grant and the Rise of the Women's Rights Movement" Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site, St. Louis, MO Thursday, February 16: 10-10:50am and 1-1:50pm CT Grades 6-12
"Bootleggers, Flappers, and Gangsters: Prohibition, the Noble Experiment" Herbert Hoover Presidential Library, West Branch, IA Thursday, February 23: 10-10:50am CT and 1-1:50pm CT Grades 7-12
"Religion and the Slavery Question" Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historical Park, Hodgenville, KY Thursday, March 2: 10-10:50am and 1-1:50pm CT Grades 6-8
"Depression and Dictators: Life in No Ordinary Times" Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum, Hyde Park, NY Wednesday, March 8: 10-10:50am and 1-1:50pm CT Grades 6-12
President Woodrow Wilson House, Washington, D.C. Thursday, March 9: 10-10:50am and 1-1:50pm CT Grades 6-12
Theodore Roosevelt Center, Dickinson, ND Wednesday, March 15: 10-10:50am and 1-1:50pm CT Grades 10-12
"Propaganda Posters of World War II" Harry S. Truman Presidential Library, Independence, MO Wednesday, March 29: 10-10:50am and 1-1:50pm CT Grades 6-12
On behalf of the participating National Park Service, National Archives, other presidential sites and libraries, KINBER, and the entire PPSP planning team, we invite K-12 teachers and their students everywhere to join us for these exciting programs.
Best Regards,
Matt Hall External Relations Program Manager Internet2 202-803-8973 |
- PPSP 2017 Kicks Off January 25th!, Matt Hall, 01/11/2017
- Re: PPSP 2017 Kicks Off January 25th!, Rosenblum, Linda, 01/11/2017
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