presidents-planning - PPSP 2016 listserv marketing/outreach fodder
Subject: PPSP planning list
List archive
- From: James Werle <>
- To: "" <>
- Subject: PPSP 2016 listserv marketing/outreach fodder
- Date: Thu, 3 Dec 2015 22:16:28 +0000
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For those who would like to begin distributing information about our upcoming PPSP 2016 programs via your listserv communications channels (including state DoE listservs, etc.), here is a draft post you can adapt to your liking. Happy Marketing!!
Note: this will go out tomorrow to the following national school librarian listservs, courtesy of Marcia Mardis, Assistant Professor, iSchool @ Florida State University (thanks Marcia!!): ; ; .
I also posted it today to which is CILC's collaboration listserv.
----begin draft message ---
Dear PPSP Participants and Supporters,
The National Park Service, U.S Presidential Libraries, and Museums, the Internet2 community, and cultural and historic organizations nationwide are proud to offer the annual Presidential Primary Source Project
(PPSP), a series of free, standards aligned, 45 minute interactive videoconferencing programs aimed at students in grades 5-12. The series will run from January - March 2016. Each program will also be live streamed and recorded for on demand viewing for
Free registration is open now so visit the project website for more information and to sign up today!
Here is a direct link to the program sign up form:
This year¹s theme is "Presidential Powers and the Constitution". Through the use of primary source documents and interactive video-conferencing, the 2016 program series will explore how different presidents in different eras have interpreted and exercised
presidential powers.
"Presidential Roles and Responsibilities"
The White House Historical Association, Washington, D.C.
Wednesday, January 20: 10-10:50am and 1-1:50pm CT
Grades 5-8
"Presidential Powers with Documents from the National Archives"
The National Archives at Fort Worth, Fort Worth, TX
Tuesday, February 9: 10-10:50am and 1-1:50pm CT
Grades 5-12
"Woodrow Wilson and the Consolidation of Presidential Executive Power"
President Woodrow Wilson House, Washington, D.C.
Thursday, February 11: 10-10:50am and 1-1:50pm CT
Grades 9-12
"TR: Setting a Precedent for the President"
Theodore Roosevelt Center, Dickinson, ND
Tuesday, February 22: 10-10:50am and 1-1:50pm CT
Grades 6-12
Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum, Hyde Park, NY
Thursday, February 24: 10-10:50am and 1-1:50pm CT
"Abraham Lincoln: Presidential Power in ³A House Divided"
Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historical Park, Hodgenville, KY
Thursday, March 3: 10-10:50am and 1-1:50pm CT
Grades 6-8
"Washington's Monument: The Tradition of Presidential Powers"
The National Mall and Memorial Parks, Washington, D.C.
Tuesday, March 8: 10-10:50am and 1-1:50pm CT
Grades 6-12
"Reorganizing the Executive Branch: Hoover and the Federal Government"
Herbert Hoover Presidential Library, West Branch, IA
Wednesday, February 17: 10-10:50am CT and 1-1:50pm CT
Grades 7-12
"President Ulysses S. Grant and Civil Rights"
Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site, St. Louis, MO
Thursday, March 10: 10-10:50am and 1-1:50pm CT
Grades 5-12
"President Truman and the Steel Crisis"
Harry S. Truman Presidential Library, Independence, MO
Tuesday, March 29: 10-10:50am and 1-1:50pm CT
Grades 8-12
On behalf of my colleagues at the participating National Parks Service, National Archive, other presidential sites and libraries, the Idaho Department of Education, and the entire PPSP planning team, we hope you and your students will consider joining
us for these exciting programs. Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.
Best Regards,
James Werle
Director, K20 Initiative
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- PPSP 2016 listserv marketing/outreach fodder, James Werle, 12/03/2015
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