presidents-planning - Re: 2016 PPSP series description and content provider sign up form
Subject: PPSP planning list
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- From: "Peak, Marianne" <>
- To: "Rosenblum, Linda" <>
- Cc: James Werle <>, "" <>
- Subject: Re: 2016 PPSP series description and content provider sign up form
- Date: Mon, 29 Jun 2015 14:54:45 -0400
I agree - this is a big event holiday for most parks - let's revisit a deadline that parks can meet. Thanks, Marianne Peak, Adams NHP
Marianne Peak

Adams National Historical Park
135 Adams Street
Quincy, MA 02169
Office: 617 773-1177
Cell: 617 694-8258

On Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 2:46 PM, Rosenblum, Linda <> wrote:
Since none of the NPS sites have been notified of this timeline yet, I doubt we will have anybody sign up before July 3 especially since it is a federal holiday and most staff will be off.LindaOn Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 1:43 PM, James Werle <> wrote:All,
As promised, here is a link to the draft 2016 PPSP program series title and description along with a list of appropriate C3 learning standards.
Thank you to Courtney and Elizabeth for suggesting a series title and Marlo for contributing the learning standards. You can all blame me if I mangled the draft series description! Of course, this is just a start. Our intent is to continue refining as a group. As such, please don't hesitate to suggest edits.
Per the timeline we outlined on our last planning call (see below), our next step is to have each of the content providers indicate their intention to participate in the program series by submitting the following google form by Friday July 3rd:
Once we have all the content providers identified, we can move on to creating lesson plans, finalizing the program calendar, and developing marketing materials.Proposed PPSP 2015-2016 Planning Timeline:
1. Fri June 26 – Circulate finalized 2015-2016 PPSP series description to each content provider – to include series title, description, and applicable learningstandards.
2. Fri July 3 – Deadline for content providers to sign up to participate – indicating presenter and local technical contact information (name, email, phone), preferred presentation date/time.3. Fri July 24 – Content providers submit their finalized program description to include program title, program description, grade level, applicable learning standards, links to pre-lesson supporting materials,4. Fri August 21 – Marketing materials are ready for dissemination to the K-12 community nationwide. Marketing communication plan complete. Materials to include – complete program overview, one-pagers on each individual program. Marketing plan to include (TBD)….
Director, K20 InitiativeInternet2360-499-2069
From: James Werle <>
Date: Friday, June 12, 2015 4:12 PM
To: "" <>
Subject: Notes+ next steps - PPSP 2015 Wrap Up and 2016 Preview
Thanks for the great call last week. Here are the notes containing a rough timeline for planning the 2016 program series.
Our immediate next is to draft a description of the 2016 program theme building on what we discussed on the call. Elizabeth Dinschel, Hoover Library and Courtney Speckmann, White House Historical Association have graciously volunteered to take a first stab. If anyone else would like to help, please let Elizabeth Elizabeth <> or Courtney <> know.
Once we have a draft of the program description ready we will reconvene the group to review.
Very Best,James
From: James Werle <>
Date: Friday, May 22, 2015 7:12 AM
To: Matt Hall <>, "" <>
Subject: PPSP 2015 Wrap Up and 2016 Preview
Thanks for your quick response to the doodle poll. We're scheduled to meet on Thurs 6/4 at noon PDT/1pm MDT/2pm CDT/3pm EDT.
Dial Instructions: +1-734-615-7474 (preferred) or +1-866-411-0013 (use only if free Long Distance service is not available) PIN: 0111625#
Agenda: Discuss 2015 lessons learned –Looking forward to talking soon!
- What went well?
- What didn't go as well? How can we improve the delivery of programs to students in the future?
- PPSP 2016 – topical theme ideas? Format changes?
- Next Steps
James--Linda RosenblumEducation and Teacher Corps Program ManagerServicewide Teacher Ranger Teacher CoordinatorNational Park ServiceWashington Support Office785-354-1489 ext 224 office202-577-6469 mobile
- 2016 PPSP series description and content provider sign up form, James Werle, 06/29/2015
- Re: 2016 PPSP series description and content provider sign up form, Rosenblum, Linda, 06/29/2015
- Re: 2016 PPSP series description and content provider sign up form, Peak, Marianne, 06/29/2015
- Re: 2016 PPSP series description and content provider sign up form, James Werle, 06/29/2015
- Re: 2016 PPSP series description and content provider sign up form, Peak, Marianne, 06/29/2015
- Re: 2016 PPSP series description and content provider sign up form, Rosenblum, Linda, 06/29/2015
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