presidents-planning - Re: updated PPSP program flyer + new one pager for your review/approval
Subject: PPSP planning list
List archive
- From: "McGettigan, James" <>
- To: Elizabeth Dinschel <>
- Cc: James Werle <>, "" <>, Ryan Bass <>
- Subject: Re: updated PPSP program flyer + new one pager for your review/approval
- Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2015 09:12:12 -0500
Fantastic work James !
James McGettigan, CISSP
Information Technology Division,
Northeast Regional Office,
National Park Service
200 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa., 19106
D) 610-644-3998
C) 267-767-3228

Information Technology Division,
Northeast Regional Office,
National Park Service
200 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa., 19106
D) 610-644-3998
C) 267-767-3228

On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 9:02 AM, Elizabeth Dinschel <> wrote:
I think it looks great.ELIZABETH DINSCHEL
Education Specialist, National Archives and Records Administration
Herbert Hoover Presidential Library-Museum
On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 4:45 PM, James Werle <> wrote:All,
I have engaged our crack marketing team within Internet2 to refresh our PPSP program flyer with a new look and feel. The same information is included, it is just arranged to hopefully make it easy to use. We have also created a one-page flyer we can all use to help market each individual program. I've attached an example of the one-pager as well for your review (this was created for the Truman session but we will make a similar one for all the other sessions using the info you provided for the old flyer).
Please let me know if you have any edit suggestions by end of day tomorrow. We will replace the old flyer with the new on Monday. It will be available at the same URL so as not to break any existing links on websites, etc.
- updated PPSP program flyer + new one pager for your review/approval, James Werle, 02/05/2015
- Re: updated PPSP program flyer + new one pager for your review/approval, Rosenblum, Linda, 02/06/2015
- Re: updated PPSP program flyer + new one pager for your review/approval, James Werle, 02/06/2015
- Re: updated PPSP program flyer + new one pager for your review/approval, Elizabeth Dinschel, 02/06/2015
- Re: updated PPSP program flyer + new one pager for your review/approval, McGettigan, James, 02/06/2015
- RE: updated PPSP program flyer + new one pager for your review/approval, Mike Costa, 02/06/2015
- Re: updated PPSP program flyer + new one pager for your review/approval, James Werle, 02/06/2015
- RE: updated PPSP program flyer + new one pager for your review/approval, Mike Costa, 02/06/2015
- Re: updated PPSP program flyer + new one pager for your review/approval, James Werle, 02/06/2015
- RE: updated PPSP program flyer + new one pager for your review/approval, Mike Costa, 02/06/2015
- Re: updated PPSP program flyer + new one pager for your review/approval, McGettigan, James, 02/06/2015
- Re: updated PPSP program flyer + new one pager for your review/approval, Rosenblum, Linda, 02/06/2015
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