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presidents-planning - Confirming Thurs 11/20 3pm Eastern - PPSP 2015 Kick off call

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Confirming Thurs 11/20 3pm Eastern - PPSP 2015 Kick off call

Chronological Thread 
  • From: James Werle <>
  • To: "" <>
  • Subject: Confirming Thurs 11/20 3pm Eastern - PPSP 2015 Kick off call
  • Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 18:55:34 +0000
  • Accept-language: en-US


Based upon the doodle poll results, we will meet via phone conference next Thurs 11/20 at Noon Pacific/1pm Mountain/2pm Central/3pm Eastern to launch our 2015 Presidential Primary Source Project (PPSP).   I will follow up this email with a calendar invite as well.  Hope you can join us!

Phone Conference Dial Instructions:
+1-734-615-7474 (preferred) or +1-866-411-0013 (use only if free Long Distance service is not available)
PIN:  0111625#

Draft Agenda:
1) Introductions
2) Overview of project
3) Questions?
4) Decide on topical theme
5) Discuss 2015 program schedule
6) Next Steps
7) Other business?

Looking forward to speaking with you all soon.

Best Regards,

James Werle
Director, K20 Initiative

From: James Werle <>
Date: Monday, November 10, 2014 9:28 AM
To: "" <>
Subject: Re: Launching the 2015 Presidential Primary Source Project (PPSP)

Quick reminder – please submit your availability for our PPSP 2015 kick off call by close of business today - .  Thanks to all who have already done so!


From: James Werle <>
Date: Tuesday, November 4, 2014 9:24 AM
To: "" <>
Subject: Launching the 2015 Presidential Primary Source Project (PPSP)

Dear Colleagues, 

It is with great excitement and anticipation I'm writing to announce the launch the 2015 Presidential Primary Source Project (PPSP)!  PPSP is the only collaborative distance learning project that brings together historic sites, presidential libraries, and museums from around the country to develop and deliver free standards-aligned programs around a particular thematic topic to K-12 schools and public libraries via interactive videoconferencing over Internet2, our national not-for-profit research and education network. Each of you are receiving this email because your organization has either participated in a past PPSP program or expressed interest in joining us this year.

Our next step is to kick off the project by convening via phone conference in order to accomplish three tasks:  1) choose a topical theme (this year we are proposing we explore presidential leadership in the area of civil and/or human rights); 2) address any of your questions that will help you decide whether you'd like to participate this year as a content provider 3) discuss the 2015 program schedule and next steps.

Please submit your availability for this important kick off call by submitting the following doodle poll by Monday 11/10 -

Additionally, please review our current list of contacts for each institution and let me know if there are others that should be involved.

If you'd like to get a better sense for what the PPSP is all about, please see the 2014 PPSP program flyer.  As always, please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or concerns about participating in the project this year.

Looking forward to working with all of you to make this the best PPSP yet!

Best Regards,

James Werle
Director, K20 Initiative


  • Confirming Thurs 11/20 3pm Eastern - PPSP 2015 Kick off call, James Werle, 11/11/2014

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