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presidents-planning - Re: Checking-In - PPSP Kick-Off Event

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Re: Checking-In - PPSP Kick-Off Event

Chronological Thread 
  • From:
  • To: "Carol Willis" <>
  • Cc: "Carol Teitelman" <>,,
  • Subject: Re: Checking-In - PPSP Kick-Off Event
  • Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2012 08:51:13 -0600

Linda Rosenblum
Servicewide Education Specialist for History & Civics
Washington Support Office
785-354-4273 office
202-997-0790 mobile
Inactive hide details for "Carol Willis" <>"Carol Willis" <>

          "Carol Willis" <>
          Sent by:

          11/06/2012 08:48 AM




"Carol Teitelman" <>, <>


Re: Checking-In - PPSP Kick-Off Event

The current plan is NOT to stream live.  We will have a link afterwards to watch the event.


>>> <> 11/6/2012 8:41 AM >>>

Is there a link to watch via web for those of us not participating on the

Linda Rosenblum
Servicewide Education Specialist for History & Civics
Washington Support Office
785-354-4273 office
202-997-0790 mobile

            "Carol Willis"                                            
  >                                               To
            Sent by:                  <>
            presidents-planni                                          cc
            ng-request@intern         "Carol Teitelman"              
                                      Checking-In - PPSP Kick-Off Event
            11/05/2012 04:27                                          

Hi everyone!  The Kick-Off event is scheduled for this Wednesday and I
wanted to confirm with you the latest planning efforts.  First I want to
welcome Carol Teitelman to the project.  She is the Distance Learning
Supervisor at Education Service Center Region 13 where I work, and is an
excellent Instructional Technologist.  Carol T. has offered to moderate the
kick-off event on Wednesday which is a relief to me!  I will be working in
the background to assist her during the event.

Enclosed is the script for the event.  We have three videos from Carter,
Roosevelt and Bush.  I am so impressed with the videos!  Very cool and well
done.  During the event we'll follow the script order of the 3 minute
Bush - video
Truman - Live presentation
Roosevelt - video
Mt Rushmore - Live presentation
Valley Forge - Live presentation
Carter - video

If you are presenting live, please connect before the event begins so that
we'll know you are ready for your part of the program.

I've also attached the connection information for the Kick-Off event.  I
know we have many more schools in Texas that will connect on Wednesday and
they did not register on the national registration site.  Roll-call may be
interesting since I have not confirmed interactive sites for the
rescheduled date.  Would the state coordinators send me an email listing
the schools you know will connect and interact on Wednesday?  We will call
on those schools during the event.

Let me know if you need anything.  The Bush Library has their content
presentation on Thursday and I will send an email tomorrow to confirm those

Thanks everyone!

Carol Willis
Manager, Texas Education
Telecommunications Network
(512) 919-5372 (voice)
(512) 771-9056 (cell) (video)

(See attached file: Kickoff Event - Outline.docx)(See attached file: PPSP

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