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perfsonar-user - Re:[perfsonar-user]

Subject: perfSONAR User Q&A and Other Discussion

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Chronological Thread 
  • From: Raul Lopes <>
  • To: "Hoeft, Bruno (SCC)" <>, Szymon Trocha <>
  • Cc: "Marian Babik ()" <>, "" <>, Shawn McKee <>
  • Subject: Re:[perfsonar-user]
  • Date: Tue, 23 May 2023 15:20:05 +0000
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  • Msip_labels:

Hi Bruno,

I believe that you'll have to run something like

  sudo  psconfig remote add --configure-archives$host

That will shoud be run twice: one for 


and one for 


From: on behalf of Szymon Trocha
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2023 16:12
To: Hoeft, Bruno (SCC)
Cc: Marian Babik (); ; Shawn McKee
Subject: Re: [perfsonar-user]

W dniu 23.05.2023 o 14:02, Hoeft, Bruno (SCC) pisze:

Hi Shawn,


The result of “psconfig validate” is:

[root@a01-013-199 ~]# psconfig validate

Loading template ...... OK

Validating JSON schema ...... OK

Verifying object references ...... FAIL


Task LHCONE IPv6 Bandwidth references a group LHCONE IPv6 Bandwidth that does not exist.

Task LHCONE IPv4 Traceroute references a group LHCONE IPv4 Traceroute that does not exist.

Task LHCONE IPv4 Bandwidth references a group LHCONE IPv4 Bandwidth that does not exist.

Task LHCONE IPv6 Traceroute references a group LHCONE IPv6 Traceroute that does not exist.


Hi Bruno,

In fact the error says all.

Your psconfig file misses these 4 groups "LHCONE IPv4 Traceroute", "LHCONE IPv4 Bandwidth", "LHCONE IPv6 Traceroute", "LHCONE IPv6 Bandwidth" definitions so in fact misses the hosts to perform tests from/to. This would be similar sections in structure to e.g. "OPN IPv4 Bandwidth" with a list of hosts in the mesh.


Szymon Trocha
Poznań Supercomputing & Networking Center
General NOC phone +48 61-858-2015 |
Personal desk phone +48 61-858-2022
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  • Re:[perfsonar-user], Raul Lopes, 05/23/2023

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