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perfsonar-user - Re: [perfsonar-user] 10gbits perfsonar: how to interpret this iperf3 result bewteen 10gbits hosts ?

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Re: [perfsonar-user] 10gbits perfsonar: how to interpret this iperf3 result bewteen 10gbits hosts ?

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Philip Papadopoulos <>
  • To: Shawn McKee <>
  • Cc: , SCHAER Frederic <>
  • Subject: Re: [perfsonar-user] 10gbits perfsonar: how to interpret this iperf3 result bewteen 10gbits hosts ?
  • Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2016 07:20:24 -0700
  • Ironport-phdr: 9a23:wI793h+qKDNvn/9uRHKM819IXTAuvvDOBiVQ1KB90uocTK2v8tzYMVDF4r011RmSAtWdtqkP0reempujcFJDyK7JiGoFfp1IWk1NouQttCtkPvS4D1bmJuXhdS0wEZcKflZk+3amLRodQ56mNBX660e/5j8KGxj5KRE9ZqGsQtaT3IyL0LWJ+5TMZU1tjxmwbPsmNxC9rgjcntQTgIBibKs9102ajGFPfrFuxWJsJErbpx/k78u35Jl+9yNL86Y5989EUL28Z60gRLBfFDM7N2cuzMLuvBjHCwCI4y1PAS0tjhNUDl2dv1nBVZDrv36/77Il1Q==

What is the brand of 10g adapter?

On Oct 5, 2016 7:14 AM, "Shawn McKee" <> wrote:
Hi Frederic,

It is the packet loses which are killing your performance.  Have you run latency tests along the same path (just to verify we are seeing packet-losses)?

As for why you are getting packet-loses (causing your retransmits), I can think of a few reasons:

1) Bad cable or dirty fiber along the path
2) "Microbursts" (short-timescale bursts of packets) that cause buffer overflow and packet loss.   These are tricky because they could be happening on timescales much less than your typical measurements on devices (< 1 sec).    
3) Real congestion along the path  (some hop in your end-to-end path has lots of traffic, bringing it close to full...your traffic puts it over the top "sometimes")
4) Mis-configuration of a device or devices along the path
5) Some device on the path shaping, altering the traffic passing through (firewall, NID, shaper/policer, etc)

A couple things you can check.  If you have ethtool you can grab stats before and after running iperf3:

ethtool -S eth0   > test_start.stats
iperf3 ....
ethtool -S eth0  > test_end.stats

Then 'diff test_start.stats test_end.stats'  and look for which counters changed, ensuring nothing unpexected is showing up (packets could be lost on your local system before getting on the net).

You can ask iperf3 for finer grained reporting to see if there is any pattern/structure to the retransmits.   

Latency tests along the path you are trying as well as along other paths to what level of packet loss you have and if it is correlated with specific paths.

I am sure others on the list can provide additional suggestions.  


On Wed, Oct 5, 2016 at 9:56 AM, SCHAER Frederic <> wrote:



I’m trying to determine if we really can use all the available bandwidth on our paths (and if the v6 bandwidth is equivalent to that of the v4, but nevermind).

I tried to run some transfers between my site and a few others (and I tried 3rd party transfers too), using the LHCONE network.


According to the network traffic graphs here, the links are far from being overloaded. of the 20gbits/s available, 6 to 8gbits/s are used.

My own connection is 10gbits/s only.


I setup a perfsonar host with a 10gbits/s network card, plug that on a force10  switch, which is directly connected using 2x40gbits/s links to the main switch itself connected to the (dedicated) router.

So, that’s : PERFSONAR 10Gbits => SWITCH => 80Gbits => SWITCH => 10Gbits/s => Router => LHCONE+internet


With this setup, and with a relatively free network , I usually cannot reach more than 3 or 4gbits/s with a bwctl/iperf3 test, using even as many as 80 parallel transfers. With a single transfer, bandwidth can be as low as 700mbits/s, and I’m seeing TCP retransmits in all cases.

A summary of this is the iperf3 output :


[ 71]   0.00-30.00  sec   504 MBytes   141 Mbits/sec  334             sender

[ 71]   0.00-30.00  sec   504 MBytes   141 Mbits/sec                  receiver

[ 73]   0.00-30.00  sec   514 MBytes   144 Mbits/sec  373             sender

[ 73]   0.00-30.00  sec   513 MBytes   144 Mbits/sec                  receiver

[SUM]   0.00-30.00  sec  16.0 GBytes  4570 Mbits/sec  11105             sender

[SUM]   0.00-30.00  sec  15.9 GBytes  4566 Mbits/sec                  receiver

CPU Utilization: local/sender 85.2% (4.3%u/80.9%s), remote/receiver 71.1% (2.9%u/68.1%s)


As you can see there were 11K+ retransmits during the 30s transfer.

The command was:

bwctl -4 -v -r -s <source> -c <destination>  -t 30 -i 1 -T iperf3 -P 30

(in that case, the source was my host)


I’m therefore wondering where I could possibly be wrong ?

I tried to optimize the kernel parameters according to the ESnet tuning guides, but this did not change much.


The destination host seems quite close thanks to LHCONE :

rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 6.361/6.384/6.409/0.015 ms


The sysctl params are :



net.ipv4.tcp_rmem=4096  87380   67108864

net.ipv4.tcp_wmem=4096  65536   67108864


























Any idea why the iperf3 transfers do not reach high bandwidth even with a single thread ?

Off course, I don’t know where the destination perfsonar hosts are behind their routers (far or near, behind loaded networks or not…), and I know that the 20gbits/s link is a 2x10, but with that in mind, even a 2 threads transfer should be able to use a lot of bandwidth, not just 4 gbits in the best case ?

Also, why are there TCP retransmits when the links aren’t loaded (according to the network graphs, I don’t have access to the NOC interfaces counters ;) ) ?


Ideas ?



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