I'm returning to this issue after being diverted to other tasks for a couple of weeks. I'm checking the regular_testing logs on all my pS toolkits again and I'm seeing this error message as well:
2014/11/14 11:09:08 (4738) ERROR> MeasurementArchiveChild.pm:125 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Master::MeasurementArchiveChild::__ANON__ - Problem handling test results: Can't locate object method "ssl_opts" via package "LWP::UserAgent" at /opt/perfsonar_ps/regular_testing/bin/../lib/perfSONAR_PS/RegularTesting/MeasurementArchives/EsmondBase.pm
line 249.
None of these nodes are even attempting to communicate with the central MA so it looks to me like there is an error while trying to attempt to establish the SSL connection because of at least one missing perl package.
From: Andrew Lake <>
Date: Monday, October 27, 2014 3:55 PM
To: George Uhl <>
Cc: "" <>
Subject: Re: [perfsonar-user] Centralized MA not receiving data.
Hi George,
On Oct 27, 2014, at 10:32 AM, "Uhl, George D. (GSFC-423.0)[SGT INC]" <> wrote:
My ps3.4 toolkit hosts are storing data locally but seem to be unable to transmit test results to a central measurement archive.
The regular testing log file of one of the ps3.4 toolkit host includes messages such as:
2014/10/27 09:23:55 (21536) DEBUG> SelfScheduledTestChild.pm:101 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Master::SelfScheduledTestChild::save_results - Enqueueing job to: esmond_latency_archive.eos.nasa.gov
2014/10/27 09:23:55 (21536) ERROR> SelfScheduledTestChild.pm:107 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Master::SelfScheduledTestChild::save_results - Enqueued test results for measurement archive: esmond_latency_archive.eos.nasa.gov
2014/10/27 09:24:21 (21536) DEBUG> SelfScheduledTestChild.pm:101 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Master::SelfScheduledTestChild::save_results - Enqueueing job to: esmond_latency_archive.eos.nasa.gov
2014/10/27 09:24:21 (21536) ERROR> SelfScheduledTestChild.pm:107 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Master::SelfScheduledTestChild::save_results - Enqueued test results for measurement archive: esmond_latency_archive.eos.nasa.gov
I've attached my regular_testing.conf with the passwords scrubbed.
George Uhl
Network Engineer
Code 423
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771
Office: 301-614-5155
Fax: 301-614-5700