Hi all,
Starting next week, the ESnet perfSONAR infrastructure will allow throughput tests from Amazon VMs. We have seen a significant increase in interest from a variety of science collaborations in using Amazon for computation, data analysis, and storage. Since performance assurance is a necessary part of the effective use of any infrastructure for large-scale science, we are bringing up the ability to test with the Amazon cloud.
If any of you use the ESnet bwctld.limits file for controlling access to your perfSONAR hosts, that file is expected to change on Monday evening - a new class (called, unimaginatively, "amazon") will be present in the file, and Amazon's prefixes will be members of that class. Test permissions for the amazon class will be the same as the test permissions for R&E hosts.
If you do not wish to inherit this change in testing policy, you can take the necessary steps to filter the file before you install it on your servers.
The documentation for the ESnet perfSONAR services and for the bwctld.limits file has been expanded - it is available on fasterdata:
Many thanks,
Eli Dart, Network Engineer NOC: (510) 486-7600
ESnet Office of the CTO (AS293) (800) 333-7638
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
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