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perfsonar-dev - [pS-dev] [GEANT/SA2/SA2T3-OPPD] r849 - trunk/perfSONAR/build

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[pS-dev] [GEANT/SA2/SA2T3-OPPD] r849 - trunk/perfSONAR/build

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  • From:
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  • Subject: [pS-dev] [GEANT/SA2/SA2T3-OPPD] r849 - trunk/perfSONAR/build
  • Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2014 14:35:58 +0000 (GMT)

Author: dfn.calim
Date: 2014-02-28 14:35:58 +0000 (Fri, 28 Feb 2014)
New Revision: 849

adding Module::Build scripts to new perfsonar older

Copied: trunk/perfSONAR/build/Build.deb.PL (from rev 825,
--- trunk/perfSONAR/build/Build.deb.PL (rev 0)
+++ trunk/perfSONAR/build/Build.deb.PL 2014-02-28 14:35:58 UTC (rev 849)
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Module::Build;
+use Data::Dumper;
+my $builder = Module::Build->new(
+ module_name => 'perfSONAR',
+ dist_name => 'perfsonar-oppd',
+ license => 'apache',
+ dist_author => 'DFN-Labor
+ dist_abstract => 'perl perfSONAR implementation',
+ dist_version => '0.53',
+ build_requires => {
+ 'Test::More' => 0,
+ },
+ requires => {
+ 'Config::General' => 0,
+ 'HTTP::Daemon' => 0,
+ 'HTTP::Request' => 0,
+ 'HTTP::Response' => 0,
+ #'IPC::Shareable' => 0,
+ 'LWP::UserAgent' => 0,
+ 'Log::Dispatch' => '>= 2.11',
+ 'Log::Dispatch::File' => 0,
+ 'Log::Dispatch::Screen' => 0,
+ 'Log::Dispatch::Syslog' => 0,
+ 'NMWG' => '>= 0.03',
+ #'NMWG::Message' => 0,
+ 'URI' => '>= 1.30',
+ 'XML::LibXML' => 0,
+ 'XML::LibXML::NodeList' => 0,
+ },
+ etc_files => {
+ #'etc/oppd-egee.conf' => 'etc/oppd.conf',
+ 'etc/oppd-mdm.conf' => 'etc/oppd.conf',
+ 'etc/Auth_request.xml' => 'etc/oppd.d/Auth_request.xml',
+ 'etc/Auth_response.xml' => 'etc/oppd.d/Auth_response.xml',
+ 'etc/LS_deregister.xml' => 'etc/oppd.d/LS_deregister.xml',
+ 'etc/LS_register.xml' => 'etc/oppd.d/LS_register.xml',
+ 'etc/LS_keepalive.xml' => 'etc/oppd.d/LS_keepalive.xml',
+ 'etc/LS_KeyRequest.xml' => 'etc/oppd.d/LS_KeyRequest.xml',
+ },
+ init_files => {
+ 'etc/oppd.init.debian' => 'init/init.d/oppd',
+ },
+ sysconfig_files => {
+ 'etc/oppd.default.debian' => 'init/default/oppd',
+ },
+ add_to_cleanup => [ 'perfSONAR-*' ],
+ #install_path => { etc => '/etc' },
+ create_makefile_pl => 'small',
+my $install_base = $builder->install_base();
+if ($install_base){
+ $builder->install_path('etc' => "$install_base/etc");
+#$builder->install_path('etc' => '/etc');
+$builder->install_path('init' => "/etc");
+ #TODO ugly!!! (but it seems to be the only way, which makes at least
+ # a little bit of sense :(
+#TODO copy install_path to PROG path in perfsonar init script!!
+$builder->install_base_relpaths('lib' => 'lib');

Copied: trunk/perfSONAR/build/Build.rpm.PL (from rev 825,
--- trunk/perfSONAR/build/Build.rpm.PL (rev 0)
+++ trunk/perfSONAR/build/Build.rpm.PL 2014-02-28 14:35:58 UTC (rev 849)
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Module::Build;
+use Data::Dumper;
+my $builder = Module::Build->new(
+ module_name => 'perfSONAR',
+ dist_name => 'perfsonar-oppd',
+ license => 'apache',
+ dist_author => 'DFN-Labor
+ dist_abstract => 'perl perfSONAR implementation',
+ dist_version => '0.53',
+ build_requires => {
+ 'Test::More' => 0,
+ },
+ requires => {
+ 'Config::General' => 0,
+ 'HTTP::Daemon' => 0,
+ 'HTTP::Request' => 0,
+ 'HTTP::Response' => 0,
+ #'IPC::Shareable' => 0,
+ 'LWP::UserAgent' => 0,
+ 'Log::Dispatch' => '>= 2.11',
+ 'Log::Dispatch::File' => 0,
+ 'Log::Dispatch::Screen' => 0,
+ 'Log::Dispatch::Syslog' => 0,
+ 'NMWG' => '>= 0.03',
+ #'NMWG::Message' => 0,
+ 'URI' => '>= 1.30',
+ 'XML::LibXML' => 0,
+ 'XML::LibXML::NodeList' => 0,
+ },
+ etc_files => {
+ #'etc/oppd-egee.conf' => 'etc/oppd.conf',
+ 'etc/oppd-mdm.conf' => 'etc/oppd.conf',
+ 'etc/Auth_request.xml' => 'etc/oppd.d/Auth_request.xml',
+ 'etc/Auth_response.xml' => 'etc/oppd.d/Auth_response.xml',
+ 'etc/LS_deregister.xml' => 'etc/oppd.d/LS_deregister.xml',
+ 'etc/LS_register.xml' => 'etc/oppd.d/LS_register.xml',
+ 'etc/LS_keepalive.xml' => 'etc/oppd.d/LS_keepalive.xml',
+ 'etc/LS_KeyRequest.xml' => 'etc/oppd.d/LS_KeyRequest.xml',
+ },
+ init_files => {
+ 'etc/oppd.init.redhat' => 'init/init.d/oppd',
+ #'etc/oppd.init.debian' => 'init/init.d/oppd',
+ },
+ sysconfig_files => {
+ 'etc/oppd.sysconfig.redhat' => 'init/sysconfig/oppd',
+ },
+ add_to_cleanup => [ 'perfSONAR-*' ],
+ #install_path => { etc => '/etc' },
+ create_makefile_pl => 'small',
+my $install_base = $builder->install_base();
+if ($install_base){
+ $builder->install_path('etc' => "$install_base/etc");
+$builder->install_path('etc' => 'etc');
+$builder->install_path('init' => "/etc");
+ #TODO ugly!!! (but it seems to be the only way, which makes at least
+ # a little bit of sense :(
+#TODO copy install_path to PROG path in perfsonar init script!!
+$builder->install_base_relpaths('lib' => 'lib');

Copied: trunk/perfSONAR/build/Changes (from rev 825,
--- trunk/perfSONAR/build/Changes (rev 0)
+++ trunk/perfSONAR/build/Changes 2014-02-28 14:35:58 UTC (rev 849)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Changelog for release 0.50
+ - changed name to oppd (= open perl perfSONAR daemon)
+ - enhanced LS communication: Keepalive and Key Request
+ added, moved LS handling code from daemon to own
+ module
+Changelog for release 0.41
+New features:
+ - some bug fixes and better LS registration handling
+ - selftest funcitonality for status monitoring of service
+ - enhancement for logging to external syslog server

Copied: trunk/perfSONAR/build/README (from rev 825,
--- trunk/perfSONAR/build/README (rev 0)
+++ trunk/perfSONAR/build/README 2014-02-28 14:35:58 UTC (rev 849)
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+oppd - open perl perfSONAR daemon
+Version: 0.51
+The oppd package contains a perl daemon script to serve as container for
+perfSONAR services. The services itself are implemented as perl module
+plugins and can be added individually. The oppd daemon needs several
+perl modules (available via e.g. CPAN) and the perl-NMWG library to run.
+For more information about perfSONAR, see
+For more information about CPAN, see
+1. Preparation:
+Please make sure you have all dependencies installed properly before
+proceeding with the installation of oppd.
+Perl modules dependency list:
+perl version 5.8.0 or higher
+perl(NMWG) >= 0.02
+As it is not recommended to run the daemon as root, you should create
+a user "perfsonar". The init script included in this package starts
+the daemon automatically as perfsonar user.
+For Linux use the following commands:
+/usr/sbin/groupadd perfsonar
+/usr/sbin/useradd -g perfsonar -s /sbin/nologin -c "perfsonar user" -d /
+2. Installation:
+Change to oppd-0.51 directory and type the following commands:
+perl Build.PL --install_base=/usr/lib/perfsonar/services/oppd
+./Build install
+chown perfsonar:perfsonar /usr/lib/perfsonar/services/oppd
+The package provides a (Linux) init script which you can use to automate
+service start/stop. This script is tested under redhat and may need
+adjustments to work with other Linux flavours.
+If you are using the provided init script, you can add your service to your
+system startup (Linux):
+/sbin/chkconfig --add oppd
+You should also add some useful links:
+ln -s /usr/lib/perfsonar/services/oppd/etc/oppd.conf /etc/oppd.conf
+ln -s /usr/lib/perfsonar/services/oppd/doc /usr/share/doc/oppd-0.51/
+3. Run perfSONAR services:
+To run perfSONAR services, you first have to install service modules, e.g.
+the BWCTL MP service module. When you have done that, you have to add a
+service entry, or a include line to a service configuration to the
+/etc/oppd.conf file.
+Then start the service via the startup script:
+oppd start
+or by hand:
+For start options and configuration file format please refer to the manual
+4. Deinstallation:
+First make sure that isn't running anymore.
+If you have added via chkconfig to your system, delete it:
+/sbin/chkconfig --del oppd
+Remove the links:
+rm -f /etc/oppd.conf
+rm -f /usr/share/doc/oppd-0.51/
+Delete the software completely:
+rm -rf usr/lib/perfsonar/services/oppd/
+Note that this will also delete any service plugins you might have installed
+Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 DFN-Labor
+This program is released under the following license: bsd

  • [pS-dev] [GEANT/SA2/SA2T3-OPPD] r849 - trunk/perfSONAR/build, svn-noreply, 02/28/2014

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