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perfsonar-dev - [GEANT/SA2/ps-java-services] r5619 - in trunk: . perfsonar-install-dvd perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4 perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/desktop perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/isolinux perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/server perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0 perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/desktop perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/isolinux perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/server

Subject: perfsonar development work

List archive

[GEANT/SA2/ps-java-services] r5619 - in trunk: . perfsonar-install-dvd perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4 perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/desktop perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/isolinux perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/server perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0 perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/desktop perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/isolinux perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/server

Chronological Thread 
  • From:
  • To:
  • Subject: [GEANT/SA2/ps-java-services] r5619 - in trunk: . perfsonar-install-dvd perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4 perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/desktop perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/isolinux perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/server perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0 perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/desktop perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/isolinux perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/server
  • Date: Mon, 10 May 2010 11:44:02 +0100

Author: psnc.lopatowski
Date: 2010-05-10 11:44:02 +0100 (Mon, 10 May 2010)
New Revision: 5619

trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS 5.4 DVD ISO.doc
trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian 5 DVD ISO.doc
Files related to perfsonar installation DVD image creation (configuration
files, scripts and how-to documents)

Added: trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS 5.4 DVD ISO.doc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS 5.4 DVD ISO.doc
Name: svn:mime-type
+ application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/desktop/firefoxconfig
--- trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/desktop/firefoxconfig
(rev 0)
+++ trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/desktop/firefoxconfig
2010-05-10 10:44:02 UTC (rev 5619)
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# Configuring autostart mechanism
+echo "firefox /home/user/perf.html &" >> /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc-common
+# Creating Firefox home page with links to installed pS services
+touch $htmlfile
+echo "<html>" >> $htmlfile
+echo "<head> <title> perfSONAR services main page </title> </head>" >>
+echo "<body>" >> $htmlfile
+echo "<p> perfSONAR </p>" >> $htmlfile
+echo "<p> PERFormance Service Oriented Network monitoring ARchitecture </p>"
>> $htmlfile
+echo "<p> ----------------------------------------------------------------
</p>" >> $htmlfile
+echo "<p> Installed perfSONAR MDM 3.3 services: </p>" >> $htmlfile
+if [[ $* == *1* ]]; then
+ echo "<p> <b>Lookup Service</b> (<a
href=\"http://localhost:8080/geant2-java-xml-ls\";>link</a>) </p>" >> $htmlfile
+if [[ $* == *2* ]]; then
+ echo "<p> <b>Authentication Service</b> (<a
href=\"http://localhost:8080/geant2-java-as\";>link</a>) </p>" >> $htmlfile
+if [[ $* == *3* ]]; then
+ echo "<p> <b>RRD MA</b> (<a
href=\"http://localhost:8080/geant2-java-rrd-ma\";>link</a>) </p>" >> $htmlfile
+if [[ $* == *4* ]]; then
+ echo "<p> <b>SQL MA</b> (<a
href=\"http://localhost:8080/geant2-java-sql-ma\";>link</a>) </p>" >> $htmlfile
+if [[ $* == *5* ]]; then
+ echo "<p> <b>BWCTL MP</b> (<a
href=\"http://localhost:8080/\";>link</a>) </p>" >> $htmlfile
+if [[ $* == *6* ]]; then
+ echo "<p> <b>Telnet/SSH MP</b> (<a
href=\"http://localhost:8080/\";>link</a>) </p>" >> $htmlfile
+if [[ $* == *7* ]]; then
+ echo "<p> <b>E2EMon MP</b> (<a
href=\"http://localhost:8080/\";>link</a>) </p>" >> $htmlfile
+echo "<p> ----------------------------------------------------------------
</p> <br>" >> $htmlfile
+echo "</body> </html>" >> $htmlfile

Added: trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/desktop/postinstall0
--- trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/desktop/postinstall0
(rev 0)
+++ trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/desktop/postinstall0 2010-05-10
10:44:02 UTC (rev 5619)
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+dialog --title "Java Installation" --backtitle "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on CentOS
5.4 Installation" \
+ --msgbox "\nThis will install the Sun Microsystems Java
Platform.\nPlease, accept the license terms; otherwise, perfSONAR
\ninstallation will not be fully operational." 8 60
+if /root/perfSONAR/rpms/jdk-1_5_0_14-linux-i586-rpm.bin; then
+ rpm -ivh --nosignature
+ /usr/sbin/alternatives --set java /usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.5.0-sun/bin/java
+ /etc/init.d/tomcat5 restart
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Installation finished." 5 60
+ sleep 3
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --msgbox "\n The installation of the Sun Microsystems Java
Platform has not been done. Remember that this is a required step to get a
fully operational perfSONAR installation. Next time you boot your server it
will be requested the acceptance of the license terms, in order to do the
installation." 10 60
+dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle "perfSONAR MDM
3.3 on CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --msgbox "\n This will install the perfSONAR MDM 3.3" 6 60
+until [ $choice == 0 ]; do
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --checklist "\nChoose which perfSONAR services to install:"
15 60 7 \
+ 1 "Lookup Service" off \
+ 2 "Authentication Service" off \
+ 3 "RRD MA" off \
+ 4 "SQL MA" off \
+ 5 "BWCTL MP" off \
+ 6 "Telnet/SSH MP" off \
+ 7 "E2EMon MP" off \
+ 2>/root/select.txt
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --yesno "\n Proceed with this selection?" 6 60
+ choice=$?
+select=$(cat /root/select.txt)
+exec 6>&1
+exec >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+echo ">>> Installing perfSONAR prerequisite software <<<"
+rpm -ivh --nosignature
+cp -vf /root/perfSONAR/rpms/perfsonar-mdm-3.1.repo /etc/yum.repos.d
+cp -vf /root/perfSONAR/rpms/perfsonar-testing.repo /etc/yum.repos.d
+cat <<EOF>/etc/profile.d/
+export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_14
+export JRE_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_14/jre
+chmod a+x /etc/profile.d/
+echo ">>> Configuring Firefox browser <<<"
+/root/perfSONAR/scripts/desktop/firefoxconfig $select
+if [[ $select == *1* ]]; then
+ exec 1>&6 6>&-
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Installing Lookup Service ..." 5 60
+ exec 6>&1
+ exec >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+ echo ">>> Installing perfSONAR Lookup Service <<<"
+ echo
+ rpm -ivh --nosignature
+ rpm -ivh --nosignature
+ cp -vf /var/lib/tomcat5/webapps/exist/WEB-INF/lib/resolver-1.2.jar
+ cp -vf /var/lib/tomcat5/webapps/exist/WEB-INF/lib/xalan-2.7.1.jar
+ cp -vf /var/lib/tomcat5/webapps/exist/WEB-INF/lib/xml-apis.jar
+ cp -vf
+ cp -vf
+ echo
+if [[ $select == *2* ]]; then
+ exec 1>&6 6>&-
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Installing Authentication Service ..."
5 60
+ exec 6>&1
+ exec >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+ echo ">>> Installing perfSONAR Authentication Service <<<"
+ echo
+ rpm -ivh --nosignature
+ cp -vf
+ cp -vf
+ cp -vf
+ cp -vf
+ echo
+if [[ $select == *3* ]]; then
+ exec 1>&6 6>&-
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on CentOs 5.4 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Installing RRD MA ..." 5 60
+ exec 6>&1
+ exec >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+ echo ">>> Installing perfSONAR RRD MA <<<"
+ echo
+ rpm -ivh --nosignature
+ rpm -ivh --nosignature
+ rpm -ivh --nosignature /root/perfSONAR/rpms/rrdjtool-1.0-1.i386.rpm
+ rpm -ivh --nosignature
+ cp -vf /var/lib/tomcat5/webapps/exist/WEB-INF/lib/resolver-1.2.jar
+ cp -vf /var/lib/tomcat5/webapps/exist/WEB-INF/lib/xalan-2.7.1.jar
+ cp -vf /var/lib/tomcat5/webapps/exist/WEB-INF/lib/xml-apis.jar
+ cp -vf
+ cp -vf
+ echo
+if [[ $select == *4* ]]; then
+ exec 1>&6 6>&-
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Installing SQL MA ..." 5 60
+ exec 6>&1
+ exec >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+ echo ">>> Installing perfSONAR SQL MA <<<"
+ echo
+ /etc/init.d/mysqld start
+ sh -c "mysql -u root < /root/perfSONAR/rpms/mysql-sqlma-dbsetup.sql"
+ rpm -ivh /root/perfSONAR/rpms/geant2-java-sql-ma-2.1-1.noarch.rpm
+ cp -vf /var/lib/tomcat5/webapps/exist/WEB-INF/lib/resolver-1.2.jar
+ cp -vf /var/lib/tomcat5/webapps/exist/WEB-INF/lib/xalan-2.7.1.jar
+ cp -vf /var/lib/tomcat5/webapps/exist/WEB-INF/lib/xml-apis.jar
+ cp -vf
+ cp -vf
+ echo
+if [[ $select == *5* ]]; then
+ exec 1>&6 6>&-
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Installing BWCTL MP ..." 5 60
+ exec 6>&1
+ exec >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+ echo ">>> Installing perfSONAR BWCTL MP <<<"
+ echo
+ sh -c "cd /root/perfSONAR/rpms && tar xvzf iperf-2.0.2.tar.gz"
+ sh -c "cd /root/perfSONAR/rpms/iperf-2.0.2 && ./configure && make &&
make install"
+ sh -c "cd /root/perfSONAR/rpms && tar xvzf bwctl-1.2a.tar.gz"
+ sh -c "cd /root/perfSONAR/rpms/bwctl-1.2a && ./configure
--prefix=/usr/lib/bwctl && make && make install"
+ rpm -ivh
/root/perfSONAR/rpms/perl-Config-General-2.40-1.el5.noarch.rpm \
+ /root/perfSONAR/rpms/perl-IO-Tty-1.07-2.el5.kb.i386.rpm \
+ /root/perfSONAR/rpms/perl-IPC-Run-0.80-3.el5.kb.noarch.rpm \
+ /root/perfSONAR/rpms/perl-IPC-Shareable-0.60-3.el5.noarch.rpm
/root/perfSONAR/rpms/perl-Log-Dispatch-2.22-2.el5.pp.noarch.rpm \
+ /root/perfSONAR/rpms/perl-MailTools-2.04-1.el5.rf.noarch.rpm \
/root/perfSONAR/rpms/perl-Mail-Sender-0.8.16-1.el5.rf.noarch.rpm \
/root/perfSONAR/rpms/perl-Mail-Sendmail-0.79-9.el5.1.noarch.rpm \
/root/perfSONAR/rpms/perl-MIME-Lite-3.01-5.el5.kb.1.noarch.rpm \
/root/perfSONAR/rpms/perl-Params-Validate-0.91-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm \
+ /root/perfSONAR/rpms/perl-Sys-Syslog-0.27-2.el5.pp.i386.rpm \
+ /root/perfSONAR/rpms/perl-XML-LibXML-1.66-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm \
+ rpm -ivh --nosignature
/root/perfSONAR/rpms/oppd-mp-bwctl-0.5-MDM_3.1.noarch.rpm \
+ /root/perfSONAR/rpms/oppd-0.5-MDM_3.1.noarch.rpm \
+ /root/perfSONAR/rpms/oppd-WebAdmin-0.2-MDM_3.1.noarch.rpm \
+ /root/perfSONAR/rpms/perl-NMWG-0.01-MDM_3.1.noarch.rpm
+ chcon -t httpd_sys_content_t
+ chcon -t httpd_sys_content_t
+ chcon -t httpd_sys_content_t
+ chcon -t httpd_sys_content_t
+ chcon -t httpd_sys_content_t
+ chcon -t httpd_sys_content_t
+ chmod 666 /usr/lib/perfsonar/services/oppd/etc/oppd.conf
+ sed -i s/#AddHandler\ cgi-script\ .cgi/AddHandler\ cgi-script\ .cgi\
.pl/g /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
+ rpm -Uvh --nosignature
/root/perfSONAR/rpms/perfsonar-oppd-mp-bwctl-0.51-1.noarch.rpm \
+ /root/perfSONAR/rpms/perfsonar-oppd-0.51-2.noarch.rpm \
+ /root/perfSONAR/rpms/perl-NMWG-0.02-1.noarch.rpm \
+ echo
+if [[ $select == *6* ]]; then
+ exec 1>&6 6>&-
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Installing Telnet/SSH MP ..." 5 60
+ exec 6>&1
+ exec >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+ echo ">>> Installing perfSONAR Telnet/SSH MP <<<"
+ echo
+ rpm -ivh /root/perfSONAR/rpms/ps-mdm-sshtelnet-mp-1.3.4-1.noarch.rpm
+ cp -vf /var/lib/tomcat5/webapps/exist/WEB-INF/lib/resolver-1.2.jar
+ cp -vf /var/lib/tomcat5/webapps/exist/WEB-INF/lib/xalan-2.7.1.jar
+ cp -vf /var/lib/tomcat5/webapps/exist/WEB-INF/lib/xml-apis.jar
+ cp -vf
+ cp -vf
+ echo
+if [[ $select == *7* ]]; then
+ exec 1>&6 6>&-
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Installing E2EMon MP ..." 5 60
+ exec 6>&1
+ exec >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+ echo ">>> Installing perfSONAR E2EMon MP <<<"
+ echo
+rm -f /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S000postinstall0

Added: trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/desktop/postinstall1
--- trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/desktop/postinstall1
(rev 0)
+++ trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/desktop/postinstall1 2010-05-10
10:44:02 UTC (rev 5619)
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+dialog --title "Passwords configuration" --backtitle "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on
CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --msgbox "\n This will change the password for the user system \n
account." 8 60
+select=$(cat /root/select.txt)
+until [ -n "$UPASSWD" ] && [ -n "$UPASSWD2" ] && [ "$UPASSWD" == "$UPASSWD2"
]; do
+ dialog --title "Passwords configuration" --backtitle "perfSONAR MDM
3.3 on CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --inputbox "\nPlease, enter the password:" 9 35
+ UPASSWD=$(cat /root/upass1.txt)
+ dialog --title "Passwords configuration" --backtitle "perfSONAR MDM
3.3 on CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --inputbox "\nEnter the password again:" 9 35
+ UPASSWD2=$(cat /root/upass2.txt)
+ if [ -n "$UPASSWD" ] && [ -n "$UPASSWD2" ]; then
+ if [ "$UPASSWD" != "$UPASSWD2" ]; then
+ dialog --title "Passwords configuration" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Passwords don't match !" 5 35
+ sleep 2
+ fi
+ else
+ dialog --title "Passwords configuration" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Incorrect password !" 5 35
+ sleep 2
+ fi
+ rm /root/upass*
+OPTIONS="\n This will change the password for the root system \n
+if [[ $select == *4* ]]; then
+OPTIONS="\nThis will change the passwords for the root system user \nand the
root and perfsonar_ma MySQL users."
+if [[ $select == *5* ]]; then
+OPTIONS="\nThis will change the passwords for the root system user \nand the
bwctl http user."
+if [[ $select == *4* ]] && [[ $select == *5* ]]; then
+OPTIONS="\nThis will change the passwords for the root system user, \nthe
root and perfsonar_ma MySQL users and the bwctl http user."
+dialog --title "Passwords configuration" --backtitle "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on
CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --msgbox "$OPTIONS" 8 60
+until [ -n "$PASSWD" ] && [ -n "$PASSWD2" ] && [ "$PASSWD" == "$PASSWD2" ];
+ dialog --title "Passwords configuration" --backtitle "perfSONAR MDM
3.3 on CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --inputbox "\nPlease, enter the password:" 9 35
+ PASSWD=$(cat /root/pass1.txt)
+ dialog --title "Passwords configuration" --backtitle "perfSONAR MDM
3.3 on CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --inputbox "\nEnter the password again:" 9 35 2>/root/pass2.txt
+ PASSWD2=$(cat /root/pass2.txt)
+ if [ -n "$PASSWD" ] && [ -n "$PASSWD2" ]; then
+ if [ "$PASSWD" != "$PASSWD2" ]; then
+ dialog --title "Passwords configuration" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Passwords don't match !" 5 35
+ sleep 2
+ fi
+ else
+ dialog --title "Passwords configuration" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Incorrect password !" 5 35
+ sleep 2
+ fi
+ rm /root/pass*
+dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle "perfSONAR MDM
3.3 on CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Configuration in progress ... \n\n
It may take several minutes." 7 60
+exec 6>&1
+exec >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+echo ">>> SETTING PASSWORDS <<<"
+echo ">>> Setting password for root <<<"
+echo $PASSWD | passwd --stdin root
+echo ">>> Setting password for user <<<"
+echo $UPASSWD | passwd --stdin user
+if [[ $select == *4* ]]; then
+echo ">>> Setting passwords for MySQL <<<"
+echo "SET PASSWORD FOR 'perfsonar_ma'@'localhost'=PASSWORD('\$PASSWD');" |
+echo "SET PASSWORD FOR 'perfsonar_ma'@'%'=PASSWORD('\$PASSWD');" | mysql
+echo "SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost.localdomain'=PASSWORD('\$PASSWD');"
| mysql
+echo "SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@''=PASSWORD('\$PASSWD');" | mysql
+echo "SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost'=PASSWORD('\$PASSWD');" | mysql
+if [[ $select == *5* ]]; then
+echo ">>> Setting password for bwctl http user <<<"
+htpasswd -b -c /etc/httpd/conf/htusers bwctl \$PASSWD
+rm -f /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S000postinstall1
+echo "Passwords have been modified."
+echo "Press [ENTER] to continue..."
+exec 1>&6 6>&-
+dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle "perfSONAR MDM
3.3 on CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Launching operating system ..." 5 60
+rm /root/select.txt
+find /root -name TRANS.TBL -exec rm {} \;

Added: trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/isolinux/isolinux.cfg
--- trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/isolinux/isolinux.cfg
(rev 0)
+++ trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/isolinux/isolinux.cfg
2010-05-10 10:44:02 UTC (rev 5619)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+default local
+prompt 1
+#noescape 1
+timeout 0
+totaltimeout 0
+display psonar.msg
+#F1 boot.msg
+#F2 options.msg
+#F3 general.msg
+#F4 param.msg
+#F5 rescue.msg
+#label linux
+# kernel vmlinuz
+# append initrd=initrd.img
+#label text
+# kernel vmlinuz
+# append initrd=initrd.img text
+#label memtest86
+# kernel memtest
+# append -
+label install
+ kernel vmlinuz
+ append ks=cdrom:/ks.cfg initrd=initrd.img
+label desktop
+ kernel vmlinuz
+ append ks=cdrom:/ks-desktop.cfg initrd=initrd.img
+label local
+ localboot 0x80

Added: trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/isolinux/psonar.msg
--- trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/isolinux/psonar.msg
(rev 0)
+++ trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/isolinux/psonar.msg 2010-05-10
10:44:02 UTC (rev 5619)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+perfSONAR - PERFormance Service Oriented Network monitoring ARchitecture
+This will install perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on your system. Note that it will remove
all partitions on your system.
+ - To install server version of the system, type: 0binstall <ENTER>07.
+ - To install desktop version of the system, type: 0bdesktop <ENTER>07.
+ - To boot from local disk, press the 0b<ENTER>07 key.

Added: trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/ks-desktop.cfg
--- trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/ks-desktop.cfg
(rev 0)
+++ trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/ks-desktop.cfg 2010-05-10
10:44:02 UTC (rev 5619)
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+# Installation mode
+logging --level=info
+# Basic configuration
+keyboard pl
+lang en_US
+timezone Europe/Warsaw
+#timezone --utc Europe/Madrid
+#firstboot --enable
+#firstboot --disable
+#firstboot --reconfig
+# Security configuration
+#rootpw --iscrypted $1$NoXQ6dS7$UjQkOxuHU4OXwNUHY2JRi0
+rootpw macka
+auth --useshadow --enablemd5
+#firewall --enabled --ssh
+firewall --disabled
+#selinux --enforcing
+selinux --disabled
+# Network information
+network --bootproto=dhcp --device=eth0 --onboot=on
+# Bootloader configuration and disk partitioning information
+bootloader --location=mbr
+clearpart --all --initlabel
+# X Window System configuration information
+xconfig --startxonboot --defaultdesktop gnome
+# Packages
+# Post installation script
+%post --nochroot
+exec >/mnt/sysimage/root/perfSONAR.log 2>&1
+# General configuration
+chroot /mnt/sysimage chkconfig sendmail off
+chroot /mnt/sysimage chkconfig ntpd on
+chroot /mnt/sysimage chkconfig tomcat5 on
+chroot /mnt/sysimage chkconfig httpd on
+chroot /mnt/sysimage chkconfig mysqld on
+# Copy perfSONAR data from installation media
+echo ">>> Copy perfSONAR data from installation media"
+mkdir /mnt/source
+mount -t iso9660 /tmp/cdrom /mnt/source
+cp -var /mnt/source/perfSONAR /mnt/sysimage/root
+umount -f /mnt/source
+rmdir /mnt/source
+cp /mnt/sysimage/root/perfSONAR/scripts/desktop/postinstall*
+chroot /mnt/sysimage chmod +x /etc/rc.d/init.d/postinstall0
+chroot /mnt/sysimage ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/postinstall0
+chroot /mnt/sysimage chmod +x /etc/rc.d/init.d/postinstall1
+chroot /mnt/sysimage ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/postinstall1
+chroot /mnt/sysimage chmod +x /root/perfSONAR/scripts/desktop/firefoxconfig
+echo ">>> Creating user account <<<"
+chroot /mnt/sysimage /usr/sbin/useradd -m user

Added: trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/ks.cfg
--- trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/ks.cfg
(rev 0)
+++ trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/ks.cfg 2010-05-10 10:44:02
UTC (rev 5619)
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# Installation mode
+logging --level=info
+# Basic configuration
+keyboard pl
+lang en_US
+timezone Europe/Warsaw
+#timezone --utc Europe/Madrid
+#firstboot --enable
+#firstboot --disable
+#firstboot --reconfig
+# Security configuration
+#rootpw --iscrypted $1$NoXQ6dS7$UjQkOxuHU4OXwNUHY2JRi0
+rootpw macka
+auth --useshadow --enablemd5
+#firewall --enabled --ssh
+firewall --disabled
+#selinux --enforcing
+selinux --disabled
+# Network information
+network --bootproto=dhcp --device=eth0 --onboot=on
+# Bootloader configuration and disk partitioning information
+bootloader --location=mbr
+clearpart --all --initlabel
+# Packages
+# Post installation script
+%post --nochroot
+exec >/mnt/sysimage/root/perfSONAR.log 2>&1
+# General configuration
+chroot /mnt/sysimage chkconfig sendmail off
+chroot /mnt/sysimage chkconfig ntpd on
+chroot /mnt/sysimage chkconfig tomcat5 on
+chroot /mnt/sysimage chkconfig httpd on
+chroot /mnt/sysimage chkconfig mysqld on
+# Copy perfSONAR data from installation media
+echo ">>> Copy perfSONAR data from installation media"
+mkdir /mnt/source
+mount -t iso9660 /tmp/cdrom /mnt/source
+cp -var /mnt/source/perfSONAR /mnt/sysimage/root
+umount -f /mnt/source
+rmdir /mnt/source
+cp /mnt/sysimage/root/perfSONAR/scripts/server/postinstall*
+chroot /mnt/sysimage chmod +x /etc/rc.d/init.d/postinstall0
+chroot /mnt/sysimage ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/postinstall0
+chroot /mnt/sysimage chmod +x /etc/rc.d/init.d/postinstall1
+chroot /mnt/sysimage ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/postinstall1
+chroot /mnt/sysimage chmod +x /root/perfSONAR/scripts/server/lynxconfig
+chroot /mnt/sysimage chmod +x /root/perfSONAR/scripts/server/lynxautorun

Added: trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/server/lynxautorun
--- trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/server/lynxautorun
(rev 0)
+++ trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/server/lynxautorun 2010-05-10
10:44:02 UTC (rev 5619)
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Lynx autorun script launched after user login
+echo "Run Lynx web browser?? (yes/no/never) [yes]"
+read select
+case $select in
+ lynx /root/perf.html
+ ;;
+ exit
+ ;;
+ sed -e 's/\/root\/lynxautorun//' /root/.bashrc > /root/temp
+ mv /root/temp /root/.bashrc
+ exit
+ ;;
+ lynx /root/perf.html
+ ;;

Added: trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/server/lynxconfig
--- trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/server/lynxconfig
(rev 0)
+++ trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/server/lynxconfig 2010-05-10
10:44:02 UTC (rev 5619)
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# Configuring autostart mechanism
+echo "/root/lynxautorun" >> /root/.bashrc
+cp /root/perfSONAR/scripts/server/lynxautorun /root/
+# Configuring Lynx
> /root/temp
+mv /root/temp /etc/lynx.cfg
+# Creating Lynx home page with links to installed pS services
+touch $htmlfile
+echo "<html>" >> $htmlfile
+echo "<head> <title> perfSONAR services main page </title> </head>" >>
+echo "<body>" >> $htmlfile
+echo "<p> perfSONAR </p>" >> $htmlfile
+echo "<p> PERFormance Service Oriented Network monitoring ARchitecture </p>"
>> $htmlfile
+echo "<p> ----------------------------------------------------------------
</p> <br>" >> $htmlfile
+echo "<p> Installed perfSONAR MDM 3.3 services: </p>" >> $htmlfile
+if [[ $* == *1* ]]; then
+ echo "<p> <b>Lookup Service</b> (<a
href=\"http://localhost:8080/geant2-java-xml-ls\";>link</a>) </p>" >> $htmlfile
+if [[ $* == *2* ]]; then
+ echo "<p> <b>Authentication Service</b> (<a
href=\"http://localhost:8080/geant2-java-as\";>link</a>) </p>" >> $htmlfile
+if [[ $* == *3* ]]; then
+ echo "<p> <b>RRD MA</b> (<a
href=\"http://localhost:8080/geant2-java-rrd-ma\";>link</a>) </p>" >> $htmlfile
+if [[ $* == *4* ]]; then
+ echo "<p> <b>SQL MA</b> (<a
href=\"http://localhost:8080/geant2-java-sql-ma\";>link</a>) </p>" >> $htmlfile
+if [[ $* == *5* ]]; then
+ echo "<p> <b>BWCTL MP</b> (<a
href=\"http://localhost:8080/\";>link</a>) </p>" >> $htmlfile
+if [[ $* == *6* ]]; then
+ echo "<p> <b>Telnet/SSH MP</b> (<a
href=\"http://localhost:8080/\";>link</a>) </p>" >> $htmlfile
+if [[ $* == *7* ]]; then
+ echo "<p> <b>E2EMon MP</b> (<a
href=\"http://localhost:8080/\";>link</a>) </p>" >> $htmlfile
+echo "<p> ----------------------------------------------------------------
</p> <br>" >> $htmlfile
+echo "</body> </html>" >> $htmlfile

Added: trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/server/postinstall0
--- trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/server/postinstall0
(rev 0)
+++ trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/server/postinstall0 2010-05-10
10:44:02 UTC (rev 5619)
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+dialog --title "Java Installation" --backtitle "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on CentOS
5.4 Installation" \
+ --msgbox "\nThis will install the Sun Microsystems Java
Platform.\nPlease, accept the license terms; otherwise, perfSONAR
\ninstallation will not be fully operational." 8 60
+if /root/perfSONAR/rpms/jdk-1_5_0_14-linux-i586-rpm.bin; then
+ rpm -ivh --nosignature
+ /usr/sbin/alternatives --set java /usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.5.0-sun/bin/java
+ /etc/init.d/tomcat5 restart
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Installation finished." 5 60
+ sleep 3
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --msgbox "\n The installation of the Sun Microsystems Java
Platform has not been done. Remember that this is a required step to get a
fully operational perfSONAR installation. Next time you boot your server it
will be requested the acceptance of the license terms, in order to do the
installation." 10 60
+dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle "perfSONAR MDM
3.3 on CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --msgbox "\n This will install the perfSONAR MDM 3.3" 6 60
+until [ $choice == 0 ]; do
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --checklist "\nChoose which perfSONAR services to install:"
15 60 7 \
+ 1 "Lookup Service" off \
+ 2 "Authentication Service" off \
+ 3 "RRD MA" off \
+ 4 "SQL MA" off \
+ 5 "BWCTL MP" off \
+ 6 "Telnet/SSH MP" off \
+ 7 "E2EMon MP" off \
+ 2>/root/select.txt
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --yesno "\n Proceed with this selection?" 6 60
+ choice=$?
+select=$(cat /root/select.txt)
+exec 6>&1
+exec >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+echo ">>> Installing perfSONAR prerequisite software <<<"
+rpm -ivh --nosignature
+cp -vf /root/perfSONAR/rpms/perfsonar-mdm-3.1.repo /etc/yum.repos.d
+cp -vf /root/perfSONAR/rpms/perfsonar-testing.repo /etc/yum.repos.d
+cat <<EOF>/etc/profile.d/
+export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_14
+export JRE_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_14/jre
+chmod a+x /etc/profile.d/
+echo ">>> Configuring Lynx browser <<<"
+/root/perfSONAR/scripts/server/lynxconfig $select
+if [[ $select == *1* ]]; then
+ exec 1>&6 6>&-
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Installing Lookup Service ..." 5 60
+ exec 6>&1
+ exec >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+ echo ">>> Installing perfSONAR Lookup Service <<<"
+ echo
+ rpm -ivh --nosignature
+ rpm -ivh --nosignature
+ cp -vf /var/lib/tomcat5/webapps/exist/WEB-INF/lib/resolver-1.2.jar
+ cp -vf /var/lib/tomcat5/webapps/exist/WEB-INF/lib/xalan-2.7.1.jar
+ cp -vf /var/lib/tomcat5/webapps/exist/WEB-INF/lib/xml-apis.jar
+ cp -vf
+ cp -vf
+ echo
+if [[ $select == *2* ]]; then
+ exec 1>&6 6>&-
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Installing Authentication Service ..."
5 60
+ exec 6>&1
+ exec >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+ echo ">>> Installing perfSONAR Authentication Service <<<"
+ echo
+ rpm -ivh --nosignature
+ cp -vf
+ cp -vf
+ cp -vf
+ cp -vf
+ echo
+if [[ $select == *3* ]]; then
+ exec 1>&6 6>&-
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on CentOs 5.4 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Installing RRD MA ..." 5 60
+ exec 6>&1
+ exec >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+ echo ">>> Installing perfSONAR RRD MA <<<"
+ echo
+ rpm -ivh --nosignature
+ rpm -ivh --nosignature
+ rpm -ivh --nosignature /root/perfSONAR/rpms/rrdjtool-1.0-1.i386.rpm
+ rpm -ivh --nosignature
+ cp -vf /var/lib/tomcat5/webapps/exist/WEB-INF/lib/resolver-1.2.jar
+ cp -vf /var/lib/tomcat5/webapps/exist/WEB-INF/lib/xalan-2.7.1.jar
+ cp -vf /var/lib/tomcat5/webapps/exist/WEB-INF/lib/xml-apis.jar
+ cp -vf
+ cp -vf
+ echo
+if [[ $select == *4* ]]; then
+ exec 1>&6 6>&-
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Installing SQL MA ..." 5 60
+ exec 6>&1
+ exec >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+ echo ">>> Installing perfSONAR SQL MA <<<"
+ echo
+ /etc/init.d/mysqld start
+ sh -c "mysql -u root < /root/perfSONAR/rpms/mysql-sqlma-dbsetup.sql"
+ rpm -ivh /root/perfSONAR/rpms/geant2-java-sql-ma-2.1-1.noarch.rpm
+ cp -vf /var/lib/tomcat5/webapps/exist/WEB-INF/lib/resolver-1.2.jar
+ cp -vf /var/lib/tomcat5/webapps/exist/WEB-INF/lib/xalan-2.7.1.jar
+ cp -vf /var/lib/tomcat5/webapps/exist/WEB-INF/lib/xml-apis.jar
+ cp -vf
+ cp -vf
+ echo
+if [[ $select == *5* ]]; then
+ exec 1>&6 6>&-
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Installing BWCTL MP ..." 5 60
+ exec 6>&1
+ exec >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+ echo ">>> Installing perfSONAR BWCTL MP <<<"
+ echo
+ sh -c "cd /root/perfSONAR/rpms && tar xvzf iperf-2.0.2.tar.gz"
+ sh -c "cd /root/perfSONAR/rpms/iperf-2.0.2 && ./configure && make &&
make install"
+ sh -c "cd /root/perfSONAR/rpms && tar xvzf bwctl-1.2a.tar.gz"
+ sh -c "cd /root/perfSONAR/rpms/bwctl-1.2a && ./configure
--prefix=/usr/lib/bwctl && make && make install"
+ rpm -ivh
/root/perfSONAR/rpms/perl-Config-General-2.40-1.el5.noarch.rpm \
+ /root/perfSONAR/rpms/perl-IO-Tty-1.07-2.el5.kb.i386.rpm \
+ /root/perfSONAR/rpms/perl-IPC-Run-0.80-3.el5.kb.noarch.rpm \
+ /root/perfSONAR/rpms/perl-IPC-Shareable-0.60-3.el5.noarch.rpm
/root/perfSONAR/rpms/perl-Log-Dispatch-2.22-2.el5.pp.noarch.rpm \
+ /root/perfSONAR/rpms/perl-MailTools-2.04-1.el5.rf.noarch.rpm \
/root/perfSONAR/rpms/perl-Mail-Sender-0.8.16-1.el5.rf.noarch.rpm \
/root/perfSONAR/rpms/perl-Mail-Sendmail-0.79-9.el5.1.noarch.rpm \
/root/perfSONAR/rpms/perl-MIME-Lite-3.01-5.el5.kb.1.noarch.rpm \
/root/perfSONAR/rpms/perl-Params-Validate-0.91-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm \
+ /root/perfSONAR/rpms/perl-Sys-Syslog-0.27-2.el5.pp.i386.rpm \
+ /root/perfSONAR/rpms/perl-XML-LibXML-1.66-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm \
+ rpm -ivh --nosignature
/root/perfSONAR/rpms/oppd-mp-bwctl-0.5-MDM_3.1.noarch.rpm \
+ /root/perfSONAR/rpms/oppd-0.5-MDM_3.1.noarch.rpm \
+ /root/perfSONAR/rpms/oppd-WebAdmin-0.2-MDM_3.1.noarch.rpm \
+ /root/perfSONAR/rpms/perl-NMWG-0.01-MDM_3.1.noarch.rpm
+ chcon -t httpd_sys_content_t
+ chcon -t httpd_sys_content_t
+ chcon -t httpd_sys_content_t
+ chcon -t httpd_sys_content_t
+ chcon -t httpd_sys_content_t
+ chcon -t httpd_sys_content_t
+ chmod 666 /usr/lib/perfsonar/services/oppd/etc/oppd.conf
+ sed -i s/#AddHandler\ cgi-script\ .cgi/AddHandler\ cgi-script\ .cgi\
.pl/g /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
+ rpm -Uvh --nosignature
/root/perfSONAR/rpms/perfsonar-oppd-mp-bwctl-0.51-1.noarch.rpm \
+ /root/perfSONAR/rpms/perfsonar-oppd-0.51-2.noarch.rpm \
+ /root/perfSONAR/rpms/perl-NMWG-0.02-1.noarch.rpm \
+ echo
+if [[ $select == *6* ]]; then
+ exec 1>&6 6>&-
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Installing Telnet/SSH MP ..." 5 60
+ exec 6>&1
+ exec >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+ echo ">>> Installing perfSONAR Telnet/SSH MP <<<"
+ echo
+ rpm -ivh /root/perfSONAR/rpms/ps-mdm-sshtelnet-mp-1.3.4-1.noarch.rpm
+ cp -vf /var/lib/tomcat5/webapps/exist/WEB-INF/lib/resolver-1.2.jar
+ cp -vf /var/lib/tomcat5/webapps/exist/WEB-INF/lib/xalan-2.7.1.jar
+ cp -vf /var/lib/tomcat5/webapps/exist/WEB-INF/lib/xml-apis.jar
+ cp -vf
+ cp -vf
+ echo
+if [[ $select == *7* ]]; then
+ exec 1>&6 6>&-
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Installing E2EMon MP ..." 5 60
+ exec 6>&1
+ exec >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+ echo ">>> Installing perfSONAR E2EMon MP <<<"
+ echo
+rm -f /etc/rc3.d/S98postinstall0

Added: trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/server/postinstall1
--- trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/server/postinstall1
(rev 0)
+++ trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/server/postinstall1 2010-05-10
10:44:02 UTC (rev 5619)
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+select=$(cat /root/select.txt)
+OPTIONS="\n This will change the password for the root system \n
+if [[ $select == *4* ]]; then
+OPTIONS="\nThis will change the passwords for the root system user \nand the
root and perfsonar_ma MySQL users."
+if [[ $select == *5* ]]; then
+OPTIONS="\nThis will change the passwords for the root system user \nand the
bwctl http user."
+if [[ $select == *4* ]] && [[ $select == *5* ]]; then
+OPTIONS="\nThis will change the passwords for the root system user, \nthe
root and perfsonar_ma MySQL users and the bwctl http user."
+dialog --title "Passwords configuration" --backtitle "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on
CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --msgbox "$OPTIONS" 7 60
+until [ -n "$PASSWD" ] && [ -n "$PASSWD2" ] && [ "$PASSWD" == "$PASSWD2" ];
+ dialog --title "Passwords configuration" --backtitle "perfSONAR MDM
3.3 on CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --inputbox "\nPlease, enter the password:" 9 35
+ PASSWD=$(cat /root/pass1.txt)
+ dialog --title "Passwords configuration" --backtitle "perfSONAR MDM
3.3 on CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --inputbox "\nEnter the password again:" 9 35 2>/root/pass2.txt
+ PASSWD2=$(cat /root/pass2.txt)
+ if [ -n "$PASSWD" ] && [ -n "$PASSWD2" ]; then
+ if [ "$PASSWD" != "$PASSWD2" ]; then
+ dialog --title "Passwords configuration" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Passwords don't match !" 5 35
+ sleep 2
+ fi
+ else
+ dialog --title "Passwords configuration" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Incorrect password !" 5 35
+ sleep 2
+ fi
+ rm /root/pass*
+dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle "perfSONAR MDM
3.3 on CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Configuration in progress ... \n\n
It may take several minutes." 7 60
+exec 6>&1
+exec >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+echo ">>> SETTING PASSWORDS <<<"
+echo ">>> Setting password for root <<<"
+echo $PASSWD | passwd --stdin root
+if [[ $select == *4* ]]; then
+echo ">>> Setting passwords for MySQL <<<"
+echo "SET PASSWORD FOR 'perfsonar_ma'@'localhost'=PASSWORD('\$PASSWD');" |
+echo "SET PASSWORD FOR 'perfsonar_ma'@'%'=PASSWORD('\$PASSWD');" | mysql
+echo "SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost.localdomain'=PASSWORD('\$PASSWD');"
| mysql
+echo "SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@''=PASSWORD('\$PASSWD');" | mysql
+echo "SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost'=PASSWORD('\$PASSWD');" | mysql
+if [[ $select == *5* ]]; then
+echo ">>> Setting password for bwctl http user <<<"
+htpasswd -b -c /etc/httpd/conf/htusers bwctl \$PASSWD
+rm -f /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S99postinstall1
+echo "Passwords have been modified."
+echo "Press [ENTER] to continue..."
+exec 1>&6 6>&-
+dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle "perfSONAR MDM
3.3 on CentOS 5.4 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Launching operating system ..." 5 60
+rm /root/select.txt
+find /root -name TRANS.TBL -exec rm {} \;

Added: trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian 5 DVD ISO.doc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian 5 DVD ISO.doc
Name: svn:mime-type
+ application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/desktop/chbwctlpass
--- trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/desktop/chbwctlpass
(rev 0)
+++ trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/desktop/chbwctlpass 2010-05-10
10:44:02 UTC (rev 5619)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#!/usr/bin/expect -f
+set password [lindex $argv 0]
+spawn /bin/bash
+send -- "htpasswd -c /etc/apache2/htusers bwctl\r"
+expect "assword:"
+send "$password\r"
+expect "assword:"
+send "$password\r"
+send "\r"
+expect eof
\ No newline at end of file

Added: trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/desktop/chmysqlpass
--- trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/desktop/chmysqlpass
(rev 0)
+++ trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/desktop/chmysqlpass 2010-05-10
10:44:02 UTC (rev 5619)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#!/usr/bin/expect -f
+set password [lindex $argv 0]
+spawn /bin/bash
+send -- "mysql\r"
+expect "mysql>"
+send "SET PASSWORD FOR 'perfsonar_ma'@'localhost'=PASSWORD('$password');\r"
+expect "mysql>"
+send "SET PASSWORD FOR 'perfsonar_ma'@'%'=PASSWORD('$password');\r"
+expect "mysql>"
+send "SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@''=PASSWORD('$password');\r"
+expect "mysql>"
+send "SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost'=PASSWORD('$password');\r"
+send "exit\r"
+expect eof
\ No newline at end of file

Added: trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/desktop/chrootpass
--- trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/desktop/chrootpass
(rev 0)
+++ trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/desktop/chrootpass 2010-05-10
10:44:02 UTC (rev 5619)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#!/usr/bin/expect -f
+set account [lindex $argv 0]
+set password [lindex $argv 1]
+spawn /bin/bash
+send -- "passwd $account\r"
+expect "assword:"
+send "$password\r"
+expect "assword:"
+send "$password\r"
+send "\r"
+expect eof
\ No newline at end of file

Added: trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/desktop/iceweaselautorun
--- trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/desktop/iceweaselautorun
(rev 0)
+++ trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/desktop/iceweaselautorun
2010-05-10 10:44:02 UTC (rev 5619)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Iceweasel autorun script launched after user login
+iceweasel /home/user/perf.html &

Added: trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/desktop/iceweaselconfig
--- trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/desktop/iceweaselconfig
(rev 0)
+++ trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/desktop/iceweaselconfig
2010-05-10 10:44:02 UTC (rev 5619)
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# Configuring autostart mechanism
+cp /root/perfSONAR/scripts/desktop/iceweaselautorun
+chmod 777 /etc/X11/Xsession.d/99iceweaselautorun
+# Creating Iceweasel home page with links to installed pS services
+touch $htmlfile
+echo "<html>" >> $htmlfile
+echo "<head> <title> perfSONAR services main page </title> </head>" >>
+echo "<body>" >> $htmlfile
+echo "<p> perfSONAR </p>" >> $htmlfile
+echo "<p> PERFormance Service Oriented Network monitoring ARchitecture </p>"
>> $htmlfile
+echo "<p> ----------------------------------------------------------------
</p> <br>" >> $htmlfile
+echo "<p> Installed perfSONAR MDM 3.3 services: </p>" >> $htmlfile
+if [[ $* == *1* ]]; then
+ echo "<p> <b>Lookup Service</b> (<a
href=\"http://localhost:8180/perfsonar-java-xml-ls\";>link</a>) </p>" >>
+if [[ $* == *2* ]]; then
+ echo "<p> <b>Authentication Service</b> (<a
href=\"http://localhost:8180/geant2-java-as\";>link</a>) </p>" >> $htmlfile
+if [[ $* == *3* ]]; then
+ echo "<p> <b>RRD MA</b> (<a
href=\"http://localhost:8180/geant2-java-rrd-ma\";>link</a>) </p>" >> $htmlfile
+if [[ $* == *4* ]]; then
+ echo "<p> <b>SQL MA</b> (<a
href=\"http://localhost:8180/geant2-java-sql-ma\";>link</a>) </p>" >> $htmlfile
+if [[ $* == *5* ]]; then
+ echo "<p> <b>BWCTL MP</b> (<a
href=\"http://localhost:8180/\";>link</a>) </p>" >> $htmlfile
+if [[ $* == *6* ]]; then
+ echo "<p> <b>Telnet/SSH MP</b> (<a
href=\"http://localhost:8180/\";>link</a>) </p>" >> $htmlfile
+if [[ $* == *7* ]]; then
+ echo "<p> <b>E2EMon MP</b> (<a
href=\"http://localhost:8180/\";>link</a>) </p>" >> $htmlfile
+echo "<p> ----------------------------------------------------------------
</p> <br>" >> $htmlfile
+echo "</body> </html>" >> $htmlfile

Added: trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/desktop/postinstall0
--- trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/desktop/postinstall0
(rev 0)
+++ trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/desktop/postinstall0 2010-05-10
10:44:02 UTC (rev 5619)
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+sleep 1
+dialog --title "Java Installation" --backtitle "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on Debian
5.0 Installation" \
+ --msgbox "\nThis will install the Sun Microsystems Java
Platform.\nPlease, accept the license terms; otherwise, perfSONAR
\ninstallation will not be fully operational." 8 60
+apt-get -y install sun-java6-jdk
+dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle "perfSONAR MDM
3.3 on Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --msgbox "\n This will install the perfSONAR MDM 3.3" 7 60
+until [ $choice == 0 ]; do
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --checklist "\nChoose which perfSONAR services to install:"
16 60 8 \
+ 1 "Lookup Service" off \
+ 2 "Authentication Service" off \
+ 3 "RRD MA" off \
+ 4 "SQL MA" off \
+ 5 "BWCTL MP" off \
+ 6 "Telnet/SSH MP" off \
+ 7 "E2EMon MP" off \
+ 2>/root/select.txt
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --yesno "\n Proceed with this selection?" 7 60
+ choice=$?
+select=$(cat /root/select.txt)
+dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle "perfSONAR MDM
3.3 on Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Installation in progress ... \n\n
It may take several minutes." 7 60
+touch $LOGFILE
+exec 6>&1
+exec >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+echo ">>> Performing prerequisite operations <<<"
+echo ">>> Adding/Configuring perfSONAR repositories <<<"
+cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d
+wget -v
+wget -v
+apt-key add perfsonar.asc
+apt-get clean
+apt-get update
+echo ">>> Configuring Iceweasel browser <<<"
+/root/perfSONAR/scripts/desktop/iceweaselconfig $select
+echo ">>> Installing tomcat5.5 <<<"
+apt-get -y install tomcat5.5
+echo ">>> Changing Tomcat security to NO <<<"
+sed -e 's/#TOMCAT5_SECURITY=yes/TOMCAT5_SECURITY=no/' /etc/default/tomcat5.5
> /root/tomcat5.5
+mv /root/tomcat5.5 /etc/default/tomcat5.5
+if [[ $select == *1* ]]; then
+ exec 1>&6 6>&-
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Installing Lookup Service ..." 5 60
+ exec 6>&1
+ exec >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+ echo ">>> Installing LS <<<"
+ echo
+ apt-get -y install perfsonar-java-xml-ls
+ echo
+if [[ $select == *2* ]]; then
+ exec 1>&6 6>&-
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Installing Authentication Service ..."
5 60
+ exec 6>&1
+ exec >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+ echo ">>> Installing perfSONAR AS <<<"
+ apt-get -y install perfsonar-java-as
+ echo
+if [[ $select == *3* ]]; then
+ exec 1>&6 6>&-
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Installing RRD MA ..." 5 60
+ exec 6>&1
+ exec >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+ echo ">>> Installing perfSONAR RRD MA <<<"
+ apt-get -y install perfsonar-java-rrd-ma
+ echo
+if [[ $select == *4* ]]; then
+ exec 1>&6 6>&-
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Installing SQL MA ..." 5 60
+ exec 6>&1
+ exec >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+ echo ">>> Installing perfSONAR SQL MA <<<"
+ apt-get -y install perfsonar-java-sql-ma
+ echo
+if [[ $select == *5* ]]; then
+ exec 1>&6 6>&-
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Installing BWCTL MP ..." 5 60
+ exec 6>&1
+ exec >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+ echo ">>> Installing perfSONAR BWCTL MP <<<"
+if [[ $select == *6* ]]; then
+ exec 1>&6 6>&-
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Installing Telnet/SSH MP ..." 5 60
+ exec 6>&1
+ exec >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+ echo ">>> Installing perfSONAR Telnet/SSH MP <<<"
+if [[ $select == *7* ]]; then
+ exec 1>&6 6>&-
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Installing E2EMon MP ..." 5 60
+ exec 6>&1
+ exec >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+ echo ">>> Installing perfSONAR E2EMon MP <<<"
+rm -f /etc/rc2.d/S24postinstall0
+echo "Press [ENTER] to continue..."
+# read
\ No newline at end of file

Added: trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/desktop/postinstall1
--- trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/desktop/postinstall1
(rev 0)
+++ trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/desktop/postinstall1 2010-05-10
10:44:02 UTC (rev 5619)
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+dialog --title "Passwords configuration" --backtitle "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on
Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --msgbox "\n This will change the password for the user system \n
account." 8 60
+select=$(cat /root/select.txt)
+until [ -n "$UPASSWD" ] && [ -n "$UPASSWD2" ] && [ "$UPASSWD" == "$UPASSWD2"
]; do
+ dialog --title "Passwords configuration" --backtitle "perfSONAR MDM
3.3 on Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --inputbox "\nPlease, enter the password:" 9 35
+ UPASSWD=$(cat /root/upass1.txt)
+ dialog --title "Passwords configuration" --backtitle "perfSONAR MDM
3.3 on Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --inputbox "\nEnter the password again:" 9 35
+ UPASSWD2=$(cat /root/upass2.txt)
+ if [ -n "$UPASSWD" ] && [ -n "$UPASSWD2" ]; then
+ if [ "$UPASSWD" != "$UPASSWD2" ]; then
+ dialog --title "Passwords configuration" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Passwords don't match !" 5 35
+ sleep 2
+ fi
+ else
+ dialog --title "Passwords configuration" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Incorrect password !" 5 35
+ sleep 2
+ fi
+ rm /root/upass*
+OPTIONS="\n This will change the password for the root system \n
+if [[ $select == *4* ]]; then
+OPTIONS="\nThis will change the passwords for the root system user \nand the
root and perfsonar_ma MySQL users."
+if [[ $select == *5* ]]; then
+OPTIONS="\nThis will change the passwords for the root system user \nand the
bwctl http user."
+if [[ $select == *4* ]] && [[ $select == *5* ]]; then
+OPTIONS="\nThis will change the passwords for the root system user, \nthe
root and perfsonar_ma MySQL users and the bwctl http user."
+dialog --title "Passwords configuration" --backtitle "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on
Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --msgbox "$OPTIONS" 9 60
+until [ -n "$PASSWD" ] && [ -n "$PASSWD2" ] && [ "$PASSWD" == "$PASSWD2" ];
+ dialog --title "Passwords configuration" --backtitle "perfSONAR MDM
3.3 on Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --inputbox "\nPlease, enter the password:" 9 35
+ PASSWD=$(cat /root/pass1.txt)
+ dialog --title "Passwords configuration" --backtitle "perfSONAR MDM
3.3 on Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --inputbox "\nEnter the password again:" 9 35 2>/root/pass2.txt
+ PASSWD2=$(cat /root/pass2.txt)
+ if [ -n "$PASSWD" ] && [ -n "$PASSWD2" ]; then
+ if [ "$PASSWD" != "$PASSWD2" ]; then
+ dialog --title "Passwords configuration" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Passwords don't match !" 5 35
+ sleep 2
+ fi
+ else
+ dialog --title "Passwords configuration" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Incorrect password !" 5 35
+ sleep 2
+ fi
+ rm /root/pass*
+dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle "perfSONAR MDM
3.3 on Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Configuration in progress ... \n\n
It may take several minutes." 7 60
+exec 6>&1
+exec >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+echo ">>> SETTING PASSWORDS <<<"
+echo ">>> Setting password for user <<<"
+/root/perfSONAR/scripts/desktop/chrootpass "user" $UPASSWD
+echo ">>> Setting password for root <<<"
+/root/perfSONAR/scripts/desktop/chrootpass "root" $PASSWD
+if [[ $select == *4* ]]; then
+echo ">>> Setting passwords for MySQL <<<"
+/root/perfSONAR/scripts/desktop/chmysqlpass $PASSWD
+if [[ $select == *5* ]]; then
+echo ">>> Setting password for bwctl http user <<<"
+/root/perfSONAR/scripts/desktop/chbwctlpass $PASSWD
+rm -f /etc/rc2.d/S25postinstall1
+echo "Passwords have been modified."
+echo "Press [ENTER] to continue..."
+# read
+exec 1>&6 6>&-
+dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle "perfSONAR MDM
3.3 on Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Launching operating system ..." 5 60
+rm /root/select.txt
+find /root -name TRANS.TBL -exec rm {} \;

Added: trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/isolinux/menu.cfg
--- trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/isolinux/menu.cfg
(rev 0)
+++ trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/isolinux/menu.cfg 2010-05-10
10:44:02 UTC (rev 5619)
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+menu hshift 10
+menu width 52
+menu title perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installer boot menu
+include stdmenu.cfg
+include psinsta.cfg
+include psdeskt.cfg
+include pslocal.cfg
+menu begin help
+ menu width 60
+ menu title Help
+ include psmenu.cfg
+ label Press ENTER to return to main menu
+ text help
+ Your are going to install Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 with perfSONAR MDM 3.3:
+ - to install server version of the system, choose: Install (server)
+ - to install desktop version of the system, choose: Install (desktop)
+ - to boot from local HDD, choose: Local boot
+ This installation will remove all partitions from your system !!
+ endtext
+ menu exit
+menu end
+#include txt.cfg
+#include amdtxt.cfg
+#include gtk.cfg
+#include amdgtk.cfg
+#menu begin advanced
+# menu title Advanced options
+# include stdmenu.cfg
+# label mainmenu
+# menu label ^Back..
+# menu exit
+# include adtxt.cfg
+# include amdadtxt.cfg
+# include adgtk.cfg
+# include amdadgtk.cfg
+# include dtmenu.cfg
+#menu end
+#label help
+# menu label ^Help
+# text help
+# Display help screens; type 'menu' at boot prompt to return to this menu
+# endtext
+# config prompt.cfg

Added: trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/isolinux/psdeskt.cfg
--- trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/isolinux/psdeskt.cfg
(rev 0)
+++ trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/isolinux/psdeskt.cfg 2010-05-10
10:44:02 UTC (rev 5619)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+label desktop
+ menu label Install (desktop)
+ text help
+ ---------------- perfSONAR -----------------
+ - PERFormance Service Oriented Network monitoring ARchitecture -
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ Choose Help for more information
+ !! Installation will remove all partitions from you system !!
+ endtext
+ kernel /install.386/vmlinuz
+ append preseed/file=/cdrom/preseed-desktop.cfg debian/priority=low
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=text locale=en_US console-keymaps-at/keymap=us
\ No newline at end of file

Added: trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/isolinux/psinsta.cfg
--- trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/isolinux/psinsta.cfg
(rev 0)
+++ trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/isolinux/psinsta.cfg 2010-05-10
10:44:02 UTC (rev 5619)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+label install
+ menu label Install (server)
+ menu default
+ text help
+ ---------------- perfSONAR -----------------
+ - PERFormance Service Oriented Network monitoring ARchitecture -
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ Choose Help for more information
+ !! Installation will remove all partitions from you system !!
+ endtext
+ kernel /install.386/vmlinuz
+ append preseed/file=/cdrom/preseed.cfg debian/priority=low
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=text locale=en_US console-keymaps-at/keymap=us
\ No newline at end of file

Added: trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/isolinux/pslocal.cfg
--- trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/isolinux/pslocal.cfg
(rev 0)
+++ trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/isolinux/pslocal.cfg 2010-05-10
10:44:02 UTC (rev 5619)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+label local
+ menu label Local boot
+ text help
+ ---------------- perfSONAR -----------------
+ - PERFormance Service Oriented Network monitoring ARchitecture -
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ Choose Help for more information
+ !! Installation will remove all partitions from you system !!
+ endtext
+ localboot 0x80
\ No newline at end of file

Added: trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/isolinux/psmenu.cfg
--- trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/isolinux/psmenu.cfg
(rev 0)
+++ trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/isolinux/psmenu.cfg 2010-05-10
10:44:02 UTC (rev 5619)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+menu background none
+menu color title * #FFFFFFFF *
+menu color border * #00000000 #00000000 none
+menu color sel * #ffffffff #00000000 *
+menu color hotsel 1;7;37;40 #ffffffff #00000000 *
+menu color help 37;40 #ffdddd00 #00000000 none
+menu vshift 2
+menu rows 1
+menu helpmsgrow 7

Added: trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/isolinux/stdmenu.cfg
--- trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/isolinux/stdmenu.cfg
(rev 0)
+++ trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/isolinux/stdmenu.cfg 2010-05-10
10:44:02 UTC (rev 5619)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+menu background splash.png
+menu color title * #FFFFFFFF *
+menu color border * #00000000 #00000000 none
+menu color sel * #ffffffff #76a1d0ff *
+menu color hotsel 1;7;37;40 #ffffffff #76a1d0ff *
+menu color tabmsg * #ffffffff #00000000 *
+menu color help 37;40 #ffdddd00 #00000000 none
+menu vshift 11
+menu rows 10
+menu helpmsgrow 9
+# The command line must be at least one line from the bottom.
+menu cmdlinerow 12
+menu timeoutrow 12
+menu tabmsgrow 23
+menu tabmsg Press ENTER to boot or TAB to edit a menu entry

Added: trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/preseed-desktop.cfg
--- trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/preseed-desktop.cfg
(rev 0)
+++ trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/preseed-desktop.cfg 2010-05-10
10:44:02 UTC (rev 5619)
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# perfSONAR Installation - PRESEED-DESKTOP.CFG #
+### Localization
+d-i debian-installer/locale string en_US
+d-i console-keymaps-at/keymap select us
+### Network
+d-i netcfg/choose_interface select auto
+d-i netcfg/get_hostname string perfSONAR
+d-i netcfg/get_domain string localdomain
+d-i netcfg/wireless_wep string
+d-i netcfg/dhcp_failed note
+d-i netcfg/dhcp_options select Do not configure the network at this time
+### Clock and time zone setup
+d-i clock-setup/utc boolean true
+d-i time/zone string Europe/Warsaw
+d-i clock-setup/ntp boolean true
+### Partitioning
+d-i partman-auto/method string lvm
+d-i partman-lvm/device_remove_lvm boolean true
+d-i partman-md/device_remove_md boolean true
+d-i partman-lvm/confirm boolean true
+d-i partman-auto/choose_recipe select atomic
+d-i partman/confirm_write_new_label boolean true
+d-i partman/choose_partition select finish
+d-i partman/confirm boolean true
+### Passwords
+d-i passwd/user-fullname string perfSONAR User
+d-i passwd/username string user
+d-i passwd/user-password password psonar
+d-i passwd/user-password-again password psonar
+d-i passwd/root-password password psonar
+d-i passwd/root-password-again password psonar
+### Apt setup
+d-i cdrom-checker/nextcd boolean false
+d-i apt-setup/cdrom/set-first boolean false
+d-i apt-setup/cdrom/set-next boolean false
+d-i apt-setup/local0/repository string lenny
main contrib non-free
+d-i apt-setup/local0/source boolean true
+d-i apt-setup/use_mirror boolean false
+### MySQL 5.0
+mysql-server-5.0 mysql-server/root_password string
+mysql-server-5.0 mysql-server/root_password seen true
+mysql-server-5.0 mysql-server/root_password_again string
+mysql-server-5.0 mysql-server/root_password_again seen true
+### Package selection
+tasksel tasksel/first multiselect standard
+d-i pkgsel/include string build-essential ssh expect dialog lynx \
+ mysql-server ntp apache2 \
+ xorg gnome-core gdm iceweasel
+popularity-contest popularity-contest/participate boolean false
+d-i grub-installer/only_debian boolean true
+d-i finish-install/reboot_in_progress note
+d-i preseed/late_command string mkdir /target/root/perfSONAR; \
+ cp -R /cdrom/perfSONAR/ /target/root/; \
+ cp
/cdrom/perfSONAR/scripts/desktop/postinstall* /target/etc/init.d/; \
+ in-target chmod +x /etc/init.d/postinstall0;
+ in-target chmod +x /etc/init.d/postinstall1;
+ in-target ln -s /etc/init.d/postinstall0
/etc/rc2.d/S24postinstall0; \
+ in-target ln -s /etc/init.d/postinstall1
/etc/rc2.d/S25postinstall1; \
+ in-target chmod +x
/root/perfSONAR/scripts/desktop/chrootpass; \
+ in-target chmod +x
/root/perfSONAR/scripts/desktop/chbwctlpass; \
+ in-target chmod +x
/root/perfSONAR/scripts/desktop/chmysqlpass; \
+ in-target chmod +x
/root/perfSONAR/scripts/desktop/iceweaselconfig; \
+ in-target chmod +x

Added: trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/preseed.cfg
--- trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/preseed.cfg
(rev 0)
+++ trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/preseed.cfg 2010-05-10 10:44:02
UTC (rev 5619)
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# perfSONAR Installation - PRESEED.CFG #
+### Localization
+d-i debian-installer/locale string en_US
+d-i console-keymaps-at/keymap select us
+### Network
+d-i netcfg/choose_interface select auto
+d-i netcfg/get_hostname string perfSONAR
+d-i netcfg/get_domain string localdomain
+d-i netcfg/wireless_wep string
+d-i netcfg/dhcp_failed note
+d-i netcfg/dhcp_options select Do not configure the network at this time
+### Clock and time zone setup
+d-i clock-setup/utc boolean true
+d-i time/zone string Europe/Warsaw
+d-i clock-setup/ntp boolean true
+### Partitioning
+d-i partman-auto/method string lvm
+d-i partman-lvm/device_remove_lvm boolean true
+d-i partman-md/device_remove_md boolean true
+d-i partman-lvm/confirm boolean true
+d-i partman-auto/choose_recipe select atomic
+d-i partman/confirm_write_new_label boolean true
+d-i partman/choose_partition select finish
+d-i partman/confirm boolean true
+### Passwords
+d-i passwd/make-user boolean false
+d-i passwd/root-password password psonar
+d-i passwd/root-password-again password psonar
+### Apt setup
+d-i cdrom-checker/nextcd boolean false
+d-i apt-setup/cdrom/set-first boolean false
+d-i apt-setup/cdrom/set-next boolean false
+d-i apt-setup/local0/repository string lenny
main contrib non-free
+d-i apt-setup/local0/source boolean true
+d-i apt-setup/use_mirror boolean false
+### MySQL 5.0
+mysql-server-5.0 mysql-server/root_password string
+mysql-server-5.0 mysql-server/root_password seen true
+mysql-server-5.0 mysql-server/root_password_again string
+mysql-server-5.0 mysql-server/root_password_again seen true
+### Package selection
+tasksel tasksel/first multiselect standard
+d-i pkgsel/include string build-essential ssh expect dialog lynx \
+ mysql-server ntp apache2
+popularity-contest popularity-contest/participate boolean false
+d-i grub-installer/only_debian boolean true
+d-i finish-install/reboot_in_progress note
+d-i preseed/late_command string mkdir /target/root/perfSONAR; \
+ cp -R /cdrom/perfSONAR/ /target/root/; \
+ cp
/cdrom/perfSONAR/scripts/server/postinstall* /target/etc/init.d/; \
+ in-target chmod +x /etc/init.d/postinstall0;
+ in-target chmod +x /etc/init.d/postinstall1;
+ in-target ln -s /etc/init.d/postinstall0
/etc/rc2.d/S98postinstall0; \
+ in-target ln -s /etc/init.d/postinstall1
/etc/rc2.d/S99postinstall1; \
+ in-target chmod +x
/root/perfSONAR/scripts/server/chrootpass; \
+ in-target chmod +x
/root/perfSONAR/scripts/server/chbwctlpass; \
+ in-target chmod +x
/root/perfSONAR/scripts/server/chmysqlpass; \
+ in-target chmod +x
/root/perfSONAR/scripts/server/lynxconfig; \
+ in-target chmod +x

Added: trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/server/chbwctlpass
--- trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/server/chbwctlpass
(rev 0)
+++ trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/server/chbwctlpass 2010-05-10
10:44:02 UTC (rev 5619)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#!/usr/bin/expect -f
+set password [lindex $argv 0]
+spawn /bin/bash
+send -- "htpasswd -c /etc/apache2/htusers bwctl\r"
+expect "assword:"
+send "$password\r"
+expect "assword:"
+send "$password\r"
+send "\r"
+expect eof
\ No newline at end of file

Added: trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/server/chmysqlpass
--- trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/server/chmysqlpass
(rev 0)
+++ trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/server/chmysqlpass 2010-05-10
10:44:02 UTC (rev 5619)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#!/usr/bin/expect -f
+set password [lindex $argv 0]
+spawn /bin/bash
+send -- "mysql\r"
+expect "mysql>"
+send "SET PASSWORD FOR 'perfsonar_ma'@'localhost'=PASSWORD('$password');\r"
+expect "mysql>"
+send "SET PASSWORD FOR 'perfsonar_ma'@'%'=PASSWORD('$password');\r"
+expect "mysql>"
+send "SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@''=PASSWORD('$password');\r"
+expect "mysql>"
+send "SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost'=PASSWORD('$password');\r"
+send "exit\r"
+expect eof
\ No newline at end of file

Added: trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/server/chrootpass
--- trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/server/chrootpass
(rev 0)
+++ trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/server/chrootpass 2010-05-10
10:44:02 UTC (rev 5619)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#!/usr/bin/expect -f
+set password [lindex $argv 0]
+spawn /bin/bash
+send -- "passwd root\r"
+expect "assword:"
+send "$password\r"
+expect "assword:"
+send "$password\r"
+send "\r"
+expect eof
\ No newline at end of file

Added: trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/server/lynxautorun
--- trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/server/lynxautorun
(rev 0)
+++ trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/server/lynxautorun 2010-05-10
10:44:02 UTC (rev 5619)
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Lynx autorun script launched after user login
+echo "Run Lynx web browser?? (yes/no/never) [yes]"
+read select
+case $select in
+ lynx /root/perf.html
+ ;;
+ exit
+ ;;
+ sed -e 's/\/root\/lynxautorun//' /root/.bashrc > /root/temp
+ mv /root/temp /root/.bashrc
+ exit
+ ;;
+ lynx /root/perf.html
+ ;;

Added: trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/server/lynxconfig
--- trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/server/lynxconfig
(rev 0)
+++ trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/server/lynxconfig 2010-05-10
10:44:02 UTC (rev 5619)
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# Configuring autostart mechanism
+echo "/root/lynxautorun" >> /root/.bashrc
+cp /root/perfSONAR/scripts/server/lynxautorun /root/
+# Configuring Lynx
/etc/lynx-cur/lynx.cfg > /root/temp
+mv /root/temp /etc/lynx-cur/lynx.cfg
+# Creating Lynx home page with links to installed pS services
+touch $htmlfile
+echo "<html>" >> $htmlfile
+echo "<head> <title> perfSONAR services main page </title> </head>" >>
+echo "<body>" >> $htmlfile
+echo "<p> perfSONAR </p>" >> $htmlfile
+echo "<p> PERFormance Service Oriented Network monitoring ARchitecture </p>"
>> $htmlfile
+echo "<p> ----------------------------------------------------------------
</p> <br>" >> $htmlfile
+echo "<p> Installed perfSONAR MDM 3.3 services: </p>" >> $htmlfile
+if [[ $* == *1* ]]; then
+ echo "<p> <b>Lookup Service</b> (<a
href=\"http://localhost:8180/perfsonar-java-xml-ls\";>link</a>) </p>" >>
+if [[ $* == *2* ]]; then
+ echo "<p> <b>Authentication Service</b> (<a
href=\"http://localhost:8180/geant2-java-as\";>link</a>) </p>" >> $htmlfile
+if [[ $* == *3* ]]; then
+ echo "<p> <b>RRD MA</b> (<a
href=\"http://localhost:8180/geant2-java-rrd-ma\";>link</a>) </p>" >> $htmlfile
+if [[ $* == *4* ]]; then
+ echo "<p> <b>SQL MA</b> (<a
href=\"http://localhost:8180/geant2-java-sql-ma\";>link</a>) </p>" >> $htmlfile
+if [[ $* == *5* ]]; then
+ echo "<p> <b>BWCTL MP</b> (<a
href=\"http://localhost:8180/\";>link</a>) </p>" >> $htmlfile
+if [[ $* == *6* ]]; then
+ echo "<p> <b>Telnet/SSH MP</b> (<a
href=\"http://localhost:8180/\";>link</a>) </p>" >> $htmlfile
+if [[ $* == *7* ]]; then
+ echo "<p> <b>E2EMon MP</b> (<a
href=\"http://localhost:8180/\";>link</a>) </p>" >> $htmlfile
+echo "<p> ----------------------------------------------------------------
</p> <br>" >> $htmlfile
+echo "</body> </html>" >> $htmlfile

Added: trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/server/postinstall0
--- trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/server/postinstall0
(rev 0)
+++ trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/server/postinstall0 2010-05-10
10:44:02 UTC (rev 5619)
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+sleep 1
+dialog --title "Java Installation" --backtitle "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on Debian
5.0 Installation" \
+ --msgbox "\nThis will install the Sun Microsystems Java
Platform.\nPlease, accept the license terms; otherwise, perfSONAR
\ninstallation will not be fully operational." 9 60
+apt-get -y install sun-java6-jdk
+dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle "perfSONAR MDM
3.3 on Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --msgbox "\n This will install the perfSONAR MDM 3.3" 7 60
+until [ $choice == 0 ]; do
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --checklist "\nChoose which perfSONAR services to install:"
16 60 8 \
+ 1 "Lookup Service" off \
+ 2 "Authentication Service" off \
+ 3 "RRD MA" off \
+ 4 "SQL MA" off \
+ 5 "BWCTL MP" off \
+ 6 "Telnet/SSH MP" off \
+ 7 "E2EMon MP" off \
+ 2>/root/select.txt
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --yesno "\n Proceed with this selection?" 7 60
+ choice=$?
+select=$(cat /root/select.txt)
+dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle "perfSONAR MDM
3.3 on Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Installation in progress ... \n\n
It may take several minutes." 7 60
+touch $LOGFILE
+exec 6>&1
+exec >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+echo ">>> Performing prerequisite operations <<<"
+echo ">>> Adding/Configuring perfSONAR repositories <<<"
+cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d
+wget -v
+wget -v
+apt-key add perfsonar.asc
+apt-get clean
+apt-get update
+echo ">>> Configuring Lynx browser <<<"
+/root/perfSONAR/scripts/server/lynxconfig $select
+echo ">>> Installing tomcat5.5 <<<"
+apt-get -y install tomcat5.5
+echo ">>> Changing Tomcat security to NO <<<"
+sed -e 's/#TOMCAT5_SECURITY=yes/TOMCAT5_SECURITY=no/' /etc/default/tomcat5.5
> /root/tomcat5.5
+mv /root/tomcat5.5 /etc/default/tomcat5.5
+if [[ $select == *1* ]]; then
+ exec 1>&6 6>&-
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Installing Lookup Service ..." 5 60
+ exec 6>&1
+ exec >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+ echo ">>> Installing LS <<<"
+ echo
+ apt-get -y install perfsonar-java-xml-ls
+ echo
+ echo ">>> Restarting Tomcat <<<"
+ /etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 stop
+ /etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 start
+ echo
+if [[ $select == *2* ]]; then
+ exec 1>&6 6>&-
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Installing Authentication Service ..."
5 60
+ exec 6>&1
+ exec >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+ echo ">>> Installing perfSONAR AS <<<"
+ apt-get -y install perfsonar-java-as
+ echo
+if [[ $select == *3* ]]; then
+ exec 1>&6 6>&-
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Installing RRD MA ..." 5 60
+ exec 6>&1
+ exec >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+ echo ">>> Installing perfSONAR RRD MA <<<"
+ apt-get -y install perfsonar-java-rrd-ma
+ echo
+if [[ $select == *4* ]]; then
+ exec 1>&6 6>&-
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Installing SQL MA ..." 5 60
+ exec 6>&1
+ exec >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+ echo ">>> Installing perfSONAR SQL MA <<<"
+ apt-get -y install perfsonar-java-sql-ma
+if [[ $select == *5* ]]; then
+ exec 1>&6 6>&-
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Installing BWCTL MP ..." 5 60
+ exec 6>&1
+ exec >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+ echo ">>> Installing perfSONAR BWCTL MP <<<"
+if [[ $select == *6* ]]; then
+ exec 1>&6 6>&-
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Installing Telnet/SSH MP ..." 5 60
+ exec 6>&1
+ exec >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+ echo ">>> Installing perfSONAR Telnet/SSH MP <<<"
+ apt-get -y install perfsonar-java-sshtelnet-mp
+ echo
+if [[ $select == *7* ]]; then
+ exec 1>&6 6>&-
+ dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Installing E2EMon MP ..." 5 60
+ exec 6>&1
+ exec >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+ echo ">>> Installing perfSONAR E2EMon MP <<<"
+ apt-get -y install perfsonar-perl-e2emon-mp
+ echo
+rm -f /etc/rc2.d/S98postinstall0
+echo "Press [ENTER] to continue..."
+# read
\ No newline at end of file

Added: trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/server/postinstall1
--- trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/server/postinstall1
(rev 0)
+++ trunk/perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/server/postinstall1 2010-05-10
10:44:02 UTC (rev 5619)
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+select=$(cat /root/select.txt)
+OPTIONS="\n This will change the password for the root system \n
+if [[ $select == *4* ]]; then
+OPTIONS="\nThis will change the passwords for the root system user \nand the
root and perfsonar_ma MySQL users."
+if [[ $select == *5* ]]; then
+OPTIONS="\nThis will change the passwords for the root system user \nand the
bwctl http user."
+if [[ $select == *4* ]] && [[ $select == *5* ]]; then
+OPTIONS="\nThis will change the passwords for the root system user, \nthe
root and perfsonar_ma MySQL users and the bwctl http user."
+dialog --title "Passwords configuration" --backtitle "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on
Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --msgbox "$OPTIONS" 8 60
+until [ -n "$PASSWD" ] && [ -n "$PASSWD2" ] && [ "$PASSWD" == "$PASSWD2" ];
+ dialog --title "Passwords configuration" --backtitle "perfSONAR MDM
3.3 on Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --inputbox "\nPlease, enter the password:" 9 35
+ PASSWD=$(cat /root/pass1.txt)
+ dialog --title "Passwords configuration" --backtitle "perfSONAR MDM
3.3 on Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --inputbox "\nEnter the password again:" 9 35 2>/root/pass2.txt
+ PASSWD2=$(cat /root/pass2.txt)
+ if [ -n "$PASSWD" ] && [ -n "$PASSWD2" ]; then
+ if [ "$PASSWD" != "$PASSWD2" ]; then
+ dialog --title "Passwords configuration" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Passwords don't match !" 5 35
+ sleep 2
+ fi
+ else
+ dialog --title "Passwords configuration" --backtitle
"perfSONAR MDM 3.3 on Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Incorrect password !" 5 35
+ sleep 2
+ fi
+ rm /root/pass*
+dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle "perfSONAR MDM
3.3 on Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Configuration in progress ... \n\n
It may take several minutes." 7 60
+exec 6>&1
+exec >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+echo ">>> SETTING PASSWORDS <<<"
+echo ">>> Setting password for root <<<"
+/root/perfSONAR/scripts/server/chrootpass $PASSWD
+if [[ $select == *4* ]]; then
+echo ">>> Setting passwords for MySQL <<<"
+/root/perfSONAR/scripts/desktop/chmysqlpass $PASSWD
+if [[ $select == *5* ]]; then
+echo ">>> Setting password for bwctl http user <<<"
+/root/perfSONAR/scripts/desktop/chbwctlpass $PASSWD
+rm -f /etc/rc2.d/S99postinstall1
+echo "Passwords have been modified."
+echo "Press [ENTER] to continue..."
+# read
+exec 1>&6 6>&-
+dialog --title "perfSONAR MDM 3.3 Installation" --backtitle "perfSONAR MDM
3.3 on Debian 5.0 Installation" \
+ --infobox "\n Launching operating system ..." 5 60
+rm /root/select.txt
+find /root -name TRANS.TBL -exec rm {} \;

  • [GEANT/SA2/ps-java-services] r5619 - in trunk: . perfsonar-install-dvd perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4 perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/desktop perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/isolinux perfsonar-install-dvd/CentOS-5.4/server perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0 perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/desktop perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/isolinux perfsonar-install-dvd/Debian-5.0/server, svn-noreply, 05/10/2010

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