perfsonar-dev - Re: [pS-dev] Request for Translation Help
Subject: perfsonar development work
List archive
- From: Jason Zurawski <>
- To: Leobino Sampaio <>
- Cc: perfsonar-user <>, "" <>, "" <>, José Augusto Suruagy Monteiro <>
- Subject: Re: [pS-dev] Request for Translation Help
- Date: Fri, 09 Apr 2010 10:05:41 -0400
- Organization: Internet2
Hi Leobino;
Thanks to you and Suruagy for being willing to help on this. I am attaching the US example if you or any of your colleagues want to use this as a start.
Hi Jason,10gbps = 10 Gbps 10 Gigabit Ethernet/OC-192 subnet
We, from RNP side, can collaborate with this effort through the
Portuguese translation. Just let me know what is needed.
On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 6:14 PM, Jason Zurawski
Hi All;
The NDT project ( recently
received a generous contribution from Jon Hellen at Uninett to add
localization support (e.g. translations of status and error
messages) to the NDT Java applet. I am writing to see if there are
any individuals in the perfSONAR and NDT communities who would be
interested in contributing translations into other languages. As an
example of what we are asking, here is the US package:
And here is the translation into Norwegian:
If anyone feels they could contribute, please respond and denote
what language or country you would be able to add support for.
Thanks in advance;
10mbps = 10 Mbps Ethernet subnet
10mins = 10 mins
12hours = 12 hours
1day = 1 day
1gbps = 1.0 Gbps Gigabit Ethernet subnet
1min = 1 min
2.4gbps = 2.4 Gbps OC-48 subnet
2hours = 2 hours
30mins = 30 mins
45mbps = 45 Mbps T3/DS3 subnet
5mins = 5 mins
622mbps = a 622 Mbps OC-12 subnet
and = and
architecture = Architecture
bytes = Bytes
c2s = C2S
c2sPacketQueuingDetected = [C2S]: Packet queueing detected
c2sThroughput = C2S throughput
c2sThroughputFailed = C2S throughput test FAILED!
cabledsl = Cable/DSL modem
cablesNok = Warning: excessive network errors, check network cable(s)
cablesOk = Good network cable(s) found
checkingFirewalls = Checking for firewalls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .
checkingMiddleboxes = Checking for Middleboxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . .
clickStart = Click START to start the test
clickStart2 = Click START to re-test
client = Client
client2 = Client
clientAcksReport = Client Acks report link is
clientDataReports = Client Data reports link is
clientInfo = Client System Details
clientIpModified = Information: Network Address Translation (NAT) box is
modifying the Client's IP address
clientIpNotFound = Client IP address not found. For IE users, modify the
Java parameters\n click Tools - Internet Options - Security - Custom Level,
scroll down to\n Microsoft VM - Java permissions and click Custom, click Java
Custom Settings\n Edit Permissions - Access to all Network Addresses, click
Eanble and save changes
clientIpPreserved = Server IP addresses are preserved End-to-End
clientSays = but Client says
close = Close
comments = Comments
congestNo = No network congestion discovered.
congestYes = Information: throughput is limited by other network traffic.
connIdle = The connection was idle
connStalled = The connection stalled
connected = Connected to:
connectedTo = is connected to a
copy = Copy
defaultTests = Default tests
delayBetweenTests = Delay between tests
detailedStats = Detailed Statistics
dialup = Dial-up Modem
dialup2 = Dial-up
done = Done.
done2 = Tcpbw100 done
dupAcksIn = duplicate acks received
duplexFullHalf = Alarm: Duplex Mismatch condition detected Switch=Full and
duplexHalfFull = Alarm: Duplex Mismatch condition detected Switch=half and
duplexNok = Warning: Old Duplex mismatch condition detected:
duplexOk = Normal duplex operation found.
endOfEmail = End Of Email Message
excLoss = Excessive packet loss is impacting your performance, check the
auto-negotiate function on your local PC and network switch
excessiveErrors = Alarm: Excessive errors, check network cable(s).
firewallNo = is not behind a firewall. [Connection to the ephemeral port was
firewallYes = is probably behind a firewall. [Connection to the ephemeral
port failed]
flowControlLimits = The network based flow control limits the throughput to
found100mbps = 100 Mbps FastEthernet link found.
found10gbps = 10 Gbps 10 GigEthernet/OC-192 link found.
found10mbps = 10 Mbps Ethernet link found.
found1gbps = 1 Gbps GigabitEthernet link found.
found2.4gbps = 2.4 Gbps OC-48 link found.
found45mbps = 45 Mbps T3/DS3 link found.
found622mbps = 622 Mbps OC-12 link found.
foundDialup = Dial-up modem link found.
foundDsl = Cable modem/DSL/T1 link found.
fullDuplex = Full duplex Fast Ethernet subnet
general = General
generatingReport = Generating Trouble Report: This report will be emailed to
the person you specify
getWeb100Var = Get WEB100 Variables
halfDuplex = Half duplex Fast Ethernet subnet
id = TCP/Web100 Network Diagnostic Tool
immediate = immediate
inboundTest = Tcpbw100 inbound test...
inboundWrongMessage = C2S throughput test: Received wrong type of the message
incompatibleVersion = Incompatible version number
incrRxBuf = Increasing the the client's receive buffer
incrTxBuf = Increasing the NDT server's send buffer
information = Information
initialization = Initialization...
insufficient = Insufficent data collected to determine link type.
invokingMailtoFunction = Tcpbw100 Invoking Mailto function
ipProtocol = IP protocol
ipcFail = Interprocess communications failed, unknown link type.
usingIpv4 = -- Using IPv4 address
usingIpv6 = -- Using IPv6 address
javaData = Java data
kbyteBufferLimits = KByte buffer which limits the throughput to
limitNet = network limited
limitRx = receiver limited
limitTx = sender limited
linkFullDpx = Link set to Full Duplex mode
linkHalfDpx = Link set to Half Duplex mode
loggingWrongMessage = Logging to server: Received wrong type of the message
lookupError = Unable to obtain remote IP address
mboxWrongMessage = Middlebox test: Received wrong type of the message
middlebox = Middlebox
middleboxFail = Server Failed while middlebox testing
middleboxFail2 = Middlebox test FAILED!
middleboxModifyingMss = Information: Network Middlebox is modifying MSS
middleboxTest = Tcpbw100 Middlebox test...
moreDetails = More Details...
name = Name
ndtServerHas = The NDT server has a
noPktLoss1 = No packet loss
noPktLoss2 = No packet loss was observed
numberOfTests = Number of tests
of = of
off = OFF
ok = OK
oldDuplexMismatch = "Warning: Old Duplex mismatch condition detected: "
on = ON
ooOrder = but packets arrived out-of-order
options = Options
osData = OS data:
otherClient = Another client is currently being served, your test will begin
otherTraffic = Information: Other network traffic is congesting the link
outboundTest = Tcpbw100 outbound test...
outboundWrongMessage = C2S throughput test: Received wrong type of the message
packetQueuing = Packet queuing
packetQueuingInfo = TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) reliably transfers
data between two\n Internet hosts. It automatically detects and recovers
from errors and\n losses. TCP uses buffers to provide this reliability. In
addition,\n switches and routers use buffers to handle cases where multiple
input\n links send packets to a single output link or link speeds change\n
(FastEthernet to DSL modem).\n\n The NDT server generates and sends 10
seconds of data to the client. In\n some cases the server can generate data
faster than it can send packets\n into the network (e.g., a 2 GHz CPU sending
to a DSL connected client).\n When this happens, some packets may remain in
the server output queue\n when the 10 second timer expires. TCP will
automatically continue to\n send these queued packets and the client will
continue to accept and\n process these incoming packets. This will result in
the client test\n running longer than expected.\n\n This condition has
occurred during this test. No action is required to\n resolve this issue.
packetSizePreserved = Packet size is preserved End-to-End
packetsize = the Packet size
pc = PC
pctOfTime = % of the time
performedTests = Performed tests
pktsRetrans = packets retransmitted
possibleDuplexFullHalf = Alarm: Possible Duplex Mismatch condition detected
Switch=Full and Host=half
possibleDuplexHalfFull = Alarm: Possible Duplex Mismatch condition detected
Switch=half and Host=full
possibleDuplexHalfFullWarning = Warning: Possible Duplex Mismatch condition
detected Switch=half and Host=full
preferIPv6 = prefer IPv6
printDetailedStats = Print Detailed Statistics
protocolError = Protocol error! Expected 'prepare', got: 0x
qSeen = throughput test: Packet queuing detected
ready = Tcpbw100 ready
receiveBufferShouldBe = Information: The receive buffer should be
receiving = Receiving results...
reportProblem = Report problem
resultsParseError = Error parsing test results!
resultsTimeout = Warning! Client time-out while reading data, possible duplex
mismatch exists
resultsWrongMessage = Tests results: Received wrong type of the message
rtt = RTT
rttFail = Link detection algorithm failed due to excessive Round Trip Times.
runningInboundTest = running 10s inbound test (server-to-client [S2C]) . . .
. . .
runningOutboundTest = running 10s outbound test (client-to-server [C2S]) . .
. . .
s2c = S2C
s2cPacketQueuingDetected = [S2C]: Packet queueing detected
s2cThroughput = S2C throughput
s2cThroughputFailed = S2C throughput test FAILED!
sackReceived = SACK blocks received
scalingFactors = Scaling Factors
seconds = seconds
server = Server
serverAcksReport = Server Acks report link is
serverBusy = Server Busy: Too many clients waiting in server queue. Please
try again later
serverBusy15s = Server Busy: Please wait 15 seconds for previous test to
serverBusy30s = Server busy: Please wait 30 seconds for previous test to
serverBusy60s = Server Busy: Please wait 60 seconds for previous test to
serverDataReports = Server Data reports link is
serverFail = Server failed while receiving data
serverIpModified = Information: Network Address Translation (NAT) box is
modifying the Client's IP address
serverIpPreserved = Server IP addresses are preserved End-to-End
serverNotRunning = Server process not running: start web100srv process on
remote server
serverSays = Server says
sfwFail = Simple firewall test FAILED!
sfwSocketFail = Simple firewall test: Cannot create listen socket
sfwTest = Simple firewall test...
sfwWrongMessage = Simple firewall test: Received wrong type of the message
showOptions = Show options
simpleFirewall = Simple firewall
sleep10m = Sleeping for 10 mins...
sleep1m = Sleeping for 1 min...
sleep30m = Sleeping for 30 mins...
sleep5m = Sleeping for 5 mins...
sleep12h = Sleeping for 12 hours...
sleep1d = Sleeping for 1 day...
sleep2h = Sleeping for 2 hours...
start = START
startingTest = Starting test
statistics = Statistics
stop = STOP
stopped = The tests were stopped!
stopping = Stopping...
systemFault = System Fault
test = Test
testsuiteWrongMessage = Negotiating test suite: Received wrong type of the
theSlowestLink = The slowest link in the end-to-end path is a
theoreticalLimit = The theoretical network limit is
thisConnIs = This connection is
timesPktLoss = times due to packet loss
toMaximizeThroughput = kbytes to maximize throughput
troubleReportFrom = Trouble Report from NDT on
unableToDetectBottleneck = Server unable to determine bottleneck link type.
unableToObtainIP = Unable to obtain local IP address
unknownID = Unknown test ID
unknownServer = Unknown server
unsupportedClient = Information: The server does not support this command
line client
vendor = Vendor
version = Version
versionWrongMessage = Negotiating NDT version: Received wrong type of the
web100Details = Web100 Detailed Analysis
web100KernelVar = WEB100 Kernel Variables
web100Stats = WEB100 Enabled Statistics
web100Var = Web100 Variables
web100rtt = Web100 reports the Round trip time
web100tcpOpts = Web100 reports TCP negotiated the optional Performance
Settings to:
willImprove = will improve performance
workstation = Workstation
your = Your
yourPcHas = Your PC/Workstation has a
connectingTo = Connecting to
toRunTest = to run test
- Re: [perfsonar-user] Request for Translation Help, (continued)
- Re: [perfsonar-user] Request for Translation Help, Maxim Grigoriev, 04/08/2010
- Re: Request for Translation Help, Daniel Romero, 04/09/2010
- Re: Request for Translation Help, Jason Zurawski, 04/09/2010
- Re: Request for Translation Help, Aris Adamantiadis, 04/09/2010
- Re: Request for Translation Help, Aris Adamantiadis, 04/09/2010
- Re: [perfsonar-user] Re: Request for Translation Help, Freek Dijkstra, 04/09/2010
- Re: [perfsonar-user] Re: Request for Translation Help, Jason Zurawski, 04/09/2010
- Re: Request for Translation Help, Jason Zurawski, 04/09/2010
- Re: Request for Translation Help, Aris Adamantiadis, 04/12/2010
- Re: [perfsonar-user] Re: Request for Translation Help, Freek Dijkstra, 04/09/2010
- Re: [pS-dev] Request for Translation Help, Leobino Sampaio, 04/09/2010
- Re: [pS-dev] Request for Translation Help, Jason Zurawski, 04/09/2010
- Re: [pS-dev] Request for Translation Help, Merlijn Hofstra, 04/09/2010
- Re: [pS-dev] Request for Translation Help, Jason Zurawski, 04/09/2010
- Re: [pS-dev] Request for Translation Help, Merlijn Hofstra, 04/09/2010
- Re: [perfsonar-user] Re: [pS-dev] Request for Translation Help, Victor Saez, 04/12/2010
- Re: [perfsonar-user] Re: [pS-dev] Request for Translation Help, Jason Zurawski, 04/12/2010
- Re: [pS-dev] Request for Translation Help, Jason Zurawski, 04/12/2010
- Re: [perfsonar-user] Re: [pS-dev] Request for Translation Help, Victor Saez, 04/12/2010
- Re: [pS-dev] Request for Translation Help, Merlijn Hofstra, 04/09/2010
- Re: [pS-dev] Request for Translation Help, Jason Zurawski, 04/09/2010
- Re: [pS-dev] Request for Translation Help, Merlijn Hofstra, 04/09/2010
- Re: [pS-dev] Request for Translation Help, Jason Zurawski, 04/09/2010
- Re: [perfsonar-user] Request for Translation Help, Victor Saez, 04/09/2010
- Re: [perfsonar-user] Request for Translation Help, Rich Carlson, 04/09/2010
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