perfsonar-dev - Re: [pS-dev] [Fwd: Global LS deployment until we have dLS]
Subject: perfsonar development work
List archive
- From: Nicolas Simar <>
- To: Nina Jeliazkova <>
- Cc: Michael Bischoff <>, "Jeff W. Boote" <>, Maciej Glowiak <>, "" <>
- Subject: Re: [pS-dev] [Fwd: Global LS deployment until we have dLS]
- Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 16:17:40 +0100
Nina Jeliazkova wrote:
see comments inline.
Jeff :
I will indeed will prefer to follow some API specification and a transparent one for global LS/dLS is a very good solution.
I completely agree - perhaps it make sense to wait couple of weeks to get the API specification ready and then refactor your code to fit the API.
Best regards,
Michael Bischoff написа:
hi all,
Using the code I submitted a couple of weeks ago to Nina it should be trivial to implement
with that api, since it returns generic services which can be LS's themselves, and the lookup
method also takes a generic service. you can simply traverse down the tree by calling lookup
again as soon as you encounter a LS.
Michael Bischoff
It is important to point out that while it will of course be possible for pS-UI
to make both queries - the intent was to create a resolver style library that abstracts this
into an API. That way the move to dLS would be transparent to clients. (If you have read the
dLS document at all - this is discovery phase, then query phase. Most common uses of the LS
should not need to explicitly do both.)
We intend to have a straw-man specification of the API sent out to the list for
comment in the next week or two. (We had our member meeting last week, so this week is the
first chance we have had to work on it.) It will be as language independent as we can make it
- but we will likely be creating a specific perl
version and working with Maciej for the Java implementation.
Nicolas Simar wrote:
Hi Nina,
at the end of the Zagreb meeting, the idea was launched to have a global LS (awaiting for
the dLS). Several groups of users have been complaining that there isn't any discovery of
MAs and they'd like to skip the pSUI
selection step.
As a side note: the user can have all MA selected , psUI will find the correct ones anyway.
It is quite time consuming. People have been put off from pSUI because of that feature inter-acting with either too slow MAs or no MA. It was taking 4 minutes in some case.
The idea shown on the slide would be that the current LS would be
transformed to register to a global LS their URL and the list of domains they are
responsible for.
The general idea would be that a client would go first to the global LS.
The request would contain the domain name (or AS or list of domain name
or AS) for which the information is seeked. The gLS would then send back the URL of the LS
which has registered that information.
The client can then contact the LSes to get the URL of the web-service
for which they wish to have the data.
We would wish for the June Berlin workshop to have the global LS working
along with perfSONAR-UI.
In order to investigate for its feasibility, I'd like
- to have your comments on the idea
The idea seems fine as a workaround.
- to have your thoughts on how perfsonarUI would use the gLS to go from
a traceroute IP address and find out the web-services that contains the data
The steps are more or less clear:
- get domain name of the IP
That's my main point of interrogation. How can it be done?
Whois to get the domain or AS name?
In that case, it is important that the deployer of the LS register the same name as the one used in the reference methodology to map IP addresses to domain name/AS name.
- send it to gLS
- receive URL of LS
-query LS for the IP
-get MA URL
-query MA as usual
Potential Drawback: in the case of the Hades MA, which data spans across
multiple domain, it wouldn't work (IMHO?) as the search would be done based on domain names.
But that's not an issue as we got only one Hades MA.
Best regards,
Thanks a lot,
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Global LS deployment until we have dLS
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2008 12:50:14 +0200 (CEST)
From: Maciej Glowiak
, CC:
According to discussion on Thursday and our talk with Martin I am
sending the slide depicting the idea of global LS deployment until the time when we have dLS
implemented and deployed.
The idea is to have one common global-LS that would keep summarized
information from other Lookup Services.
The summary will be send as LSRegistration Request and will contain:
1) domain name of services stored in local LS
or (next step?) 2) first level of summary (all IPs, geografical info and evnetTypes)
(to be discussed)
For instance on the picture there is PSNC MA that register to LS1. LS1 will
register its summarized information to global LS (well known address).
Client application that wants to get information about PSNC services
will ask for LS address for (query 1) 1) specific domain
or 2) IP, geografical location, eventType (if used 1st level summary)
Then the client will be responded with LS1 URL and will perform just
xquery to obtain (query 2) further data.
There might be also replication from gLS to another gLS (backup) - just
full database copy.
Best regards
Nicolas Simar
Network Engineer
Tel - BE: +32 (0) 4 366 93 49
Tel - UK: +44 (0)1223 371 300
Mobile: +44 (0) 7740 176 883
City House, 126-130 Hills Road
Cambridge CB2 1PQ
- [Fwd: Global LS deployment until we have dLS], Nicolas Simar, 04/29/2008
- Re: [pS-dev] [Fwd: Global LS deployment until we have dLS], Jeff W. Boote, 04/29/2008
- Re: [pS-dev] [Fwd: Global LS deployment until we have dLS], Michael Bischoff, 04/29/2008
- Re: [pS-dev] [Fwd: Global LS deployment until we have dLS], Nina Jeliazkova, 04/30/2008
- Re: [pS-dev] [Fwd: Global LS deployment until we have dLS], Maciej Glowiak, 04/30/2008
- Re: [pS-dev] [Fwd: Global LS deployment until we have dLS], Nicolas Simar, 04/30/2008
- Re: [pS-dev] [Fwd: Global LS deployment until we have dLS], Nina Jeliazkova, 04/30/2008
- Re: [pS-dev] [Fwd: Global LS deployment until we have dLS], Michael Bischoff, 04/30/2008
- Re: [pS-dev] [Fwd: Global LS deployment until we have dLS], Jeff W. Boote, 04/30/2008
- Re: [pS-dev] [Fwd: Global LS deployment until we have dLS], Nina Jeliazkova, 04/30/2008
- Re: [pS-dev] [Fwd: Global LS deployment until we have dLS], Michael Bischoff, 04/29/2008
- Re: [pS-dev] [Fwd: Global LS deployment until we have dLS], Jeff W. Boote, 04/29/2008
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