perfsonar-dev - Internet2 Office Network Maintenance
Subject: perfsonar development work
List archive
- From: Jason Zurawski <>
- To: "" <>
- Subject: Internet2 Office Network Maintenance
- Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 07:47:50 -0500
- Openpgp: id=B94D59A6; url=
- Organization: Internet2
There will be some upgrades to the Ann Arbor Office over the holiday
week that will cause some unavailability to the various perfSONAR
services (bugzilla, subversion, website):
Monday 24 Dec 2007 from 10:00am - 4:00pm US/Eastern ( 15:00-21:00 UTC )
[mostly unobtrusive, but there he potential for short ( generally less
than 1min ) partial network outages]
Monday 24 Dec 2007 from 3:00pm- 3:15pm US/Eastern (20:00-20:15 UTC)
[Site switch OS upgrade, outage should take approximately 5 minutes]
Sunday 30 Dec 2007 from 10:00am - 10:00pm US/Eastern (15:00 UTC 30 Dec
- 03:00 UTC 31 Dec) [All 3 servers will be down for up to 3 hours during
this window as wiring is upgraded and machines are moved]
If this will cause any hardships please let myself, Jeff or Eric know
ASAP and we can try to work out a contingency plan.
- Internet2 Office Network Maintenance, Jason Zurawski, 12/21/2007
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