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perfsonar-dev - Re: [Fwd: Re: JRA1 demo]

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Re: [Fwd: Re: JRA1 demo]

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Roman Lapacz <>
  • To: Nicolas Simar <>
  • Cc: Roman Lapacz <>, "'Stijn Melis'" <>, Maciej Glowiak <>, Danijel Matek <>, Stijn Verstichel <>, "" <>
  • Subject: Re: [Fwd: Re: JRA1 demo]
  • Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2007 12:30:02 +0100

Nicolas Simar wrote:
Hi Roman, Maciej, Danijel and Stijn,

could you please confirm the answer provided by Danijel to two questions below (and liaise with Danijel for further information/questions):

- validate answer to point 1)

example metadata with hostname element:

<nmwg:metadata id="meta1">
<netutil:subject id="subj1">
<nmwgt:ifAddress type="ipv4"></nmwgt:ifAddress>
<nmwgt:ifDescription>test descripyion</nmwgt:ifDescription>

- read point 2 and validate that "nmwgt:hostName" corresponds to URL property in the SSH/Telent MP (ask Stijn for an example if necessary)

I think Stijn is the right person to answer. I'm not familiar with his service configuration.


- validate answer to point 2)
- read point 1 and validate that "nmwgt:hostName" corresponds to URL property in the SSH/Telent MP (ask Roman for an example if necessary)
- validate that the LS can be asked the URL of the SSH/Telnet MP to contact for a given hostName.

- validate that the LS can be asked the URL of the SSH/Telnet MP to contact for a given hostName.

If your answer is positive for those different questions with the current version of service released, we will be able to make massive jump ahead in term of functionalities offered to the users.

Thanks a lot in advance.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: JRA1 demo
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2007 13:25:35 +0100
From: Danijel Matek
To: Nicolas Simar
CC: Nina Jeliazkova <>, "" <>
References: <> <> <> <>

Nicolas Simar wrote:
Hi Danijel,

this is much better :-)

1) Reading you, do I understand that the RRD MA already provides the "nmwgt:hostName" when you request the data about the utilisation?

Yes it does as you can see from the part of MA configuration
specification document I've sent you.

I've seen querying the different MAes that everybody filled the
"hostName" in their configuration files. Try clicking on "show on map"
link or on router icon in VisualPerfSONAR after you started the survey
and you'll see the host name info.

As I sad before the problem is that the hostname field in configuration
specification is optional when it suould be mandatory. To make it
mandatory there is a need for slight modification in NMWG schema so that
when you try to validate the configuration file it informs you that you
have to fill the hostname filed. We also need to extend the description
of the field so that IP address can be entered also if the host name of
the loopback isn't available. This is all explained in this demo

2) Forgive my ignorance, but what is "URL property in the SSH/Telent MP"? Does it has the same value as "nmwgt:hostName"?

The URL property is in fact the loopback address of the device(router).
There is a great possibility that they'll match. The only case when they
will not match is if in MA configuration hostname property is the name
of the host loopback and URL property IP address of the loopback. But
this can be easily solved querying the DNS. So this is no problem at all.

3) If I read you properly, there are no modification required on the web-service code. We only need (i) some information ("nmwgt:hostName" and URL property from the Telnet/SSH MP to be configured with the same entries by the web-services deployers and (ii) all those services registering to the same LS. Have I understood you properly?
If this is the case, I am terribly thrilled by what you said!

You are absolutely write. But before we start the dance of joy it is
better to ask the service developers for confirmation.

4) To test the feature, you would need one network having fulfilled 3

Yes. If Stijn has deploy RRD MA where he's collecting data from the
router he has in his SSH/Telnet MP we can do this NOW.

IMPORTANT: By applying these simple rules:
1. hostname to be mandatory instead of optional in RRD MA
2. in hostname field you should be able to enter IP address also (this
is just a change in description)
3. change this in all services dealing with loopback info.
This will greatly improve correlation abilities between different
services for no cost at all.

Thanks a lot.


Danijel Matek wrote:

Ok, here it goes....

Running Show Commands On Routers Along The Traceroute Path

We want to initiate a set of requests based on traceroute output to get the link utilization, interface drops and interface errors for all the hops along the traceroute path. Further more we want to be able to identify the routers hosting the interfaces so that we can run some show commands through the SSH/Telenet MP on the identified routers.

So, how do we do this???

We want to map "nmwgt:hostName" from the RRD MA with the URL property in the SSH/Telent MP.

Let's take a look at RRD MA service configuration specification.
This is the part of the "Metadata_Configuration_specification.doc" for the RRD MA:

"Element-Name: nmwgt:hostName
Mandatory: NO
Description: Network element (router, switch) hostname. Should be a loopback interface host name."

This shows that we already have a means to get the router loopback hostname.

Problem 1: nmwgt:hostName is not Mandatory
Suggestion: make it mandatory

Problem 2: some routers don't have loopback interface host name, but only IP address of the lo interface
Suggestion: the description should say: "Network element (router, switch) hostname or IP. Should be a loopback interface host name or IP.".

At this point we can assume that when we get the info form the RRD MA about the traceroute output given interface we'll get the hostname of the router. (You can actually see this in VisualPerfSonar when you click on a router icon in a google map or "show on map" link)

In order for this demo to work we need to be sure that the "nmwgt:hostName" is exactly the same as the URL property in the SSH/Telent MP.

This is the part of the "Service.Properties Configuration Files For SSH/Telnet 1.0.doc":
"URL property
<device> is the symbolic name specified in the device property.
Mandatory: Mandatory
Description: Represents the IP or Hostname of the device to be contacted"

Suggestion( IMPORTANT !!! ): We have to make a rule that if there is a hostname we'll use hostname in nmwgt:hostName and in URL property and if we only have an IP address of a loopback interface will use the IP address. This rule should be extended to all services that has loopback hostname or IP address mentioned in its configuration. Why??? If we do this well be able to correlate more services together in a very clear, intuitive and simple way. By adding this simple rule we will automatically extend perfsonar functionality.

Note: This should not be for demo and testing purposes only!!!

Client action:

1. Client will take the addresses from the traceroute output and try to contact the lookup service to ask for the RRD MA services that holds the information about the addresses involved.

2. Connect to the given MA service get the bandwidth utilization data, interface errors, interface drops and get the nmwgt:hostName.

3. Ask LS about SSH/Telnet MP for a given nmwgt:hostName.(See note)

4. Query the SSH/Telenet MP and run some show commands

5. Show the data in client

Note: RRD MA is registering it's configuration to the LS and there for the hostname element name. And even if it's not registering the hostname, when the client is getting the info about the given interface it gets the hostname. Based on the wiki SSH/Telnet MP is still not registering to the LS so we can't ask LS for the location of SSH/Telnet MP. For this case we can use some service discovery methods we were using before the LS was created.

Assumption: If Stajn has deployed SSH/Telnet MP with a router that has its interfaces configured in Stajns RRD MA there is a great possibility that we'll be able to run this demo right now.

Please send me a note if you need me to elaborate something in more detail or if something is not clear. And If you like this you can buy me a beer on the next meeting. :-)


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