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perfsonar-dev - perfSONAR MDM 3.0 Bundle specifications

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perfSONAR MDM 3.0 Bundle specifications

Chronological Thread 
  • From: "Luis Marta" <>
  • To: <>, "'GN-JRA1-list'" <>
  • Subject: perfSONAR MDM 3.0 Bundle specifications
  • Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2007 16:10:37 -0000
  • Organization: FCCN

Hi all.
Please find attached the perfSONAR MDM 3.0 Bundle specifications document. 
We decided to distribute this to the list now, so that the developers that are developing services to 3.0 get to know the common major features that are expected on this release, the particular features on each service, the innovations on installing and updating them, and also the new ways of configuration of the installed components.
The document is still being editedwith new versions being created, and this is not the final version for this release. Because of that, we chose to leave the comments in the document.
Because it is the first time we are writing a specifications document, we should treat it as something that would evolve during the release process.
We need to work mainly with the developers of Perl services for the text on their sections (BWCTL MP, E2EMON MP and HADES MA) as those are the main missing bits.
Please read through, give us comments and suggestions for improvements.
Best regards,
Luís Marta
Av. do Brasil, n.º 101 - Lisboa
Telef. +351 218440100  Fax +351 218472167
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Attachment: perfSONAR-MDM-bundle-3 0-specification-v0 9.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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