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perfsonar-dev - Re: Encryption in eXist Sevlet

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Re: Encryption in eXist Sevlet

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Loukik Kudarimoti <>
  • To: Michael Michalis <>
  • Cc: "" <>
  • Subject: Re: Encryption in eXist Sevlet
  • Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 09:44:44 +0000

Michael Michalis wrote:
Hash: SHA1
Hi Loukik,

I'm puzzled about security in the eXist admin servlet(and for any
servlet to be exact). As you have seen there is log in page in the
servlet where the user places a user name and password that has admin
permissions to exist. This credentials are then passed to the servlet
where they are checked against exist users to see if they are true. If
so, a session is created with the user credentials and the user can
continue using the servlet until he has unlogged which in this case
the session is destroyed.

So there are some security issues here:

1)The user name and password for the user to be verified are sent
through an html password field which is not encrypted. This can surely
cause security problems. In order to encrypt these fields you will
need to add some scripting in the page, or use https or ssl. The last
two may require some changes to the server(Tomcat) which can
complicate things for the service user. The first may require the user
to enable scripting in his browser. We could also use tomcats
authentication, like in the properties servlet, but the interface will
change(Maybe this is the simpler and best solution). Weird enough,
the eXist administration servlet that comes along with exist, does
not use any kind of encryption, in fact it uses a GET method for
sending the password!(So there could be a security hole in our
services there...)

2)For both kinds of servlets we are creating users and changing
properties that are crucial for the security of our services, like the
password for the exist user. These information are still send without
any encryption to the servlet. In this case the use of scripting or
ssl are mandatory.(Remarkably enough the native exist web admin does
not encrypt anything and again uses GET )

So how important are these security issues? Do we need to handle them
right now or they could be left in the future. And if they need to be
addressed right away what do you thing the correct solution would
be?(scripting, SSL or something else?)
Hi Michalis,

You have done a thorough investigation and come up with very good points. Good work. I wouldn't worry about them right now because of all the resource constraints. Can you file it in bugzilla (Other category) and we work on it after this release.

Best Regards,

Michalis Michael
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L o u k i k K u d a r i m o t i

* * Network Engineer
* * City House, 126 - 130, Hills Road
* Cambridge CB2 1PQ, United Kingdom
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  • Re: Encryption in eXist Sevlet, Loukik Kudarimoti, 11/19/2007

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