perfsonar-dev - Re: Functional Testing Docs
Subject: perfsonar development work
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- From: Loukik Kudarimoti <>
- To: Prodromos Gerakios <>
- Cc: Ilias Tsompanidis <>, Michael Michalis <>, "" <>, Athanassios Liakopoulos <>, Luis Marta <>, Roman Lapcz <>
- Subject: Re: Functional Testing Docs
- Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2007 09:37:41 +0000
I think this is an important point. I am really not sure if its something we need to worry about *at the moment* but its good to get the developers involved. Hence, opening this thread to the dev mailing list.
Roman, what are your thoughts on this?
Prodromos Gerakios wrote:
Ilias Tsompanidis wrote:
Michael Michalis wrote:Hi all,
<snip>By reading again Prodromos mail, I thought of another possible scenario.
So, there should be no concurrency issue when the lying application
is thread safe. Which means that sql databases should have no
problem, but rrd might as librrd is not thread-safe (but i can't
seem to find a possible write concurrency, since lockfiles are used
by rrdtool, and... deletes are not supported) - This goes as far as
my knowledge about the MAs allows.
IliasSo to sum up and add to this point: The only services that can accept
data are the MAs and the LS and thus these are the only services that
concurrency problems may emerge. The concurrency issues for these
services actually concern the underlying databases or files used for
adding new data. In the case of the databases, these issues should
have been addressed by the database developers(SQL,eXist). That leaves
the case of the rrd files used in the RRD MA. A concurrency problem
could emerge if two or more people tried to update the rrd file for
the same time value. Remember that rrdtool stores data in distinct
time slots and the time interval between these slots is defined by the
user. So if two or more people tried to update the same time slot then
we would have a possible problem. But in the case of the RRD MA Store
request, the service does not update the time slots based on the time
the request has arrived but it uses the time stamp that comes with the
data(a pair of data and time stamps). So it really doesn't matter if
two or more requests arrived simultaneously, what matters is which
times slots these requests are trying to update and thats something
that the service is not meant to handle.
Best Regards,
"it is possible that multiple threads of control
may attempt to access your object's methods at the same time."
This might mean the same object (connector to DB) used by the service, might be used concurrently by two threads (even SELECT requests), and eventually create corrupted data:
Thread1 : Select A (A in BUFFER)
Thread2 : Select B (B in BUFFER)
Thread2 : read BUFFER (B in BUFFER)
Thread1 : Select A (B in BUFFER) - thread1 wanted to read A
(sigh). The joy of multi-threaded programming...
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I think Ilias is correct. That is, there may exist multiple "static" objects or worse, shared objects which are accessible by different threads of control. Consider the case of a linked list which is accessible via a "global" variable (i.e. in Java terms a static class field). We don't want the threads to modify the linked list concurrently. However it is impossible to test all possible interleavings, as it would require considerable man-hours, and therefore we should at least test concurrent request scenarios.
Kind regards,
L o u k i k K u d a r i m o t i
* * Network Engineer
* * City House, 126 - 130, Hills Road
* Cambridge CB2 1PQ, United Kingdom
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- Re: Functional Testing Docs, Loukik Kudarimoti, 11/14/2007
- Namespaces and LS installation, Prodromos Gerakios, 11/15/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Namespaces and LS installation, Michael Michalis, 11/16/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Namespaces and LS installation, Jochen Reinwand, 11/16/2007
- Re: Namespaces and LS installation, Prodromos Gerakios, 11/21/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Namespaces and LS installation, Michael Michalis, 11/16/2007
- Namespaces and LS installation, Prodromos Gerakios, 11/15/2007
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