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perfsonar-dev - Re: [pS-dev] Re: Release Management Conf call

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Re: [pS-dev] Re: Release Management Conf call

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Loukik Kudarimoti <>
  • To: Michael Michalis <>
  • Cc: , 'Ilias Tsompanidis' <>, 'Prodromos Gerakios' <>, 'Perfsonar-Dev' <>, 'Guilherme Fernandes' <>
  • Subject: Re: [pS-dev] Re: Release Management Conf call
  • Date: Thu, 08 Nov 2007 12:30:29 +0000

Hi Guys,

I can't make it tomorrow as I am off and I would like these calls to be kick-started this week. I suggest to continue with the timing as planned but instead of skype or h.323, we do this via phone (PSTN).

We can all call the hungarnet mcu using the phone number:
+36 1 450 3099 then type the number 0036100309901

We are assuming that nobody would have problems calling the telephone number and that all the expected participants will join. If not, please let us know in advance.


Michael Michalis wrote:
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Luis Marta wrote:
Hi Ilias,

I would have no problem in rescheduling for tomorrow same time, but
i don't know about the others.

Cheers, Luís Marta.
I don't have any problem with the day, but we must push back the time
for me to make it to the conf call. Can we do it at 1330 EET, 1130 Uk
time, 1230 CET ?

-----Original Message----- From: Ilias Tsompanidis
Sent: quinta-feira, 8 de Novembro de
2007 11:57 To: Michael Michalis Cc: Loukik Kudarimoti; Luis
Marta; Prodromos Gerakios; Perfsonar-Dev; Guilherme Fernandes
Subject: [pS-dev] Re: Release Management Conf call

Hello all, GRnet is experiencing problems with the connection to
Geant (several fibers where cut). Where are rerouted via Israel
but the link is heavily congested. I'm afraid I will not be able
to make it to the call, unless the problem is resolved (estimated
resolve time: sometime during the day). I suppose the call could
happen with the rest of the participants and I could comment on
the minutes, or reschedule for let's say tomorrow same time.

Sorry for the inconvenience, Ilias

Michael Michalis wrote:
Hi everybody,

We have scheduled a conf call about Release Management of
3.0. The conf call is scheduled to take place on Thursday the 8th
of November, at 15:00 CET,16:00 EET, 14:00 UK time. The agenda is
. If some one can't make it , please let us know. I would suggest
to have the conf call via H.323 because we are having a lot of
problems when using skype on conf calls with a large number of

PS1. Luis, the wiki page included in you are last email was empty
so I've created a new one. Can you please check if the agenda
is as you wish?
PS2.Please let me know if I haven't notified any one that
should be in
the conf call.

Best Regards,

Michalis Michael

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