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perfsonar-dev - Re: [pS-dev] Re: Adding new eventType to RRD MA 2.0

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Re: [pS-dev] Re: Adding new eventType to RRD MA 2.0

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Fausto Vetter <>
  • To: Roman Lapacz <>
  • Cc: "" <>, Guilherme Fernandes <>
  • Subject: Re: [pS-dev] Re: Adding new eventType to RRD MA 2.0
  • Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2007 10:11:33 -0300


I guess I am gonna use for now this tip you sent me, and later I guess we will work on defining a better metadata definition.


Roman Lapacz wrote:

Some time ago Guilherme introduced owamp eventType and did this the way I described.


Roman Lapacz wrote:

Fausto Vetter wrote:

Hi Roman,

I installed the new version of MA RRD to make create new event types to our CLMP service, once we are considering save the results in RRD files. How do I add a new event type to RRD MA? Is it possible with the version 2 of perfsonar? should I have the src code to do this or is it just a matter of mapping stuff in conf files?

If metadata elements in your metadata configuration file will use interface elements (as it is for the utilization metric) then you can add this:


to eventType-map.xml file. Then redeploy the service.

But if metadata elements will be different then you will have to implement new class responseGenerator and probably storeRequestProcess. The former generates relevant xquery statement used to search in the metadata configuration file, the latter is used to generate message response. Follow the classes for utilization metric as examples.


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