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perfsonar-dev - Re: [pS-dev] RC5 of Java RRD MA 2.0

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Re: [pS-dev] RC5 of Java RRD MA 2.0

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Roman Lapacz <>
  • To: Tsompanidis Ilias <>
  • Cc: Roman Lapacz <>,
  • Subject: Re: [pS-dev] RC5 of Java RRD MA 2.0
  • Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2007 15:00:34 +0100

Looks like everything went good (I assume the test responses contain correct data). Thanks for your work Ilias.


Tsompanidis Ilias wrote:
And of course I should attach that log...

Tsompanidis Ilias wrote:
Hi Roman,
I just installed the RC5 (successfully after 5 tries). At try #4, when i executed "ant test" i came upon this in the responses:
<nmwgr:datum xmlns:nmwgr="";>RRDStorageManager.rrdFetch: Cannot connect with rrdjtool native library: no jrrd in java.library.path</nmwgr:datum>

Which most probably means that the installer wasn't able to either compile or include the rrdjtool library when it started tomcat. But the installer never informed me of something going wrong. Maybe you should take a look at it ;)
I attached the installation log that led to this situation (gentoo linux) with rrdtool 1.2.6 .Ok, I admit, it's not the latest one.

I installed again, using a different rrdtool installation directory (manually installed and not with emerge, version 1.2.16, which worked like a charm...


Roman Lapacz wrote:


new RC5 of Java RRD MA with improved Installation Guide is available here:

After our last discussion about version numbers I've changed it from 1.1 into 2.0. Numbering of RC is the same.



jra ant # ant -q pre-install
[echo] Preparing the installation of RRD MA...

[echo] Answer to all questions. If you go wrong, cancel (ctrl-c) and
start again.

[input] Enter the name of the service [perfSONAR-RRD-MA-2.0-RC5]:

[input] Enter the path where you want to install the service

[input] Do you want me to download and install the application server
Tomcat (apache-tomcat-6.0.7) for you? (y,n)
[input] Enter the path for the Tomcat installation:

[input] Enter a URL of the Tomcat download (mirrors can be found on

[echo] Installing the Tomcat (please be patient, this can take some
time) ...
[input] Enter the address (ip or hostname) of your application server
Tomcat [localhost]:

[input] Enter the port which will be used by your application server
Tomcat [8080]:

[echo] Make sure that your application server Tomcat has the same port
[echo] for the http communication. If not then configure the Tomcat in
[echo] to use this port number.

[input] Please do it now and press Enter when finished

[input] Do you want me to compile rrdjtool library for you (if not you
will have to do it manually in
/opt/perfSONAR-RRD-MA-2.0-RC5/perfsonar/contrib/rrdjtool after pre-install
step)? (y,n)
[input] Enter operating system type:
[input] Enter the directory path where header file of the rrdtool (rrd.h) can be found [/usr/local/rrdtool/include]:
[input] Enter the directory path where library files of the rrdtool (librrd*) can be found [/usr/local/rrdtool/lib]:
[input] Enter the home directory where the Java is installed (I need the
home directory and not the directory where the executable binary is present)
[javac] Note:
uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
[javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
warning: creating a DT_TEXTREL in object.

[input] Usage of eXist xml database is recommended for the service.
Installing/configuring this database as a web application in your Tomcat is
also suggested. Do you want me to do this for you? (y,n)
[input] Do you want me to download eXist web application package (if not
you have to do it manually)? (y,n)
[input] Enter a URL of eXist web application package (exist-1.0.1.war)
[input] Enter the path of directory where eXist war file will be located

[echo] Downloading eXist war file (please be patient, this can take some
time) ...
[echo] Please, insert now the following xml tag 'Context'
[echo] into Tomcat configuration file server.xml
[echo] inside existing xml tag 'Host':

[echo] <Context path='/exist'
[echo] docBase='/opt/perfSONAR-RRD-MA-2.0-RC5/exist-1.0.1.war'>
[echo] </Context>

[input] Please do it now and press Enter when finished

[input] Enter the eXist user name:
[input] Enter the pasword for eXist user name rrdmaservice:
[input] Enter the password for admin eXist user []:

Total time: 3 minutes 49 seconds
jra ant # ant -q configure
[echo] Configuring...
[input] RRD metadata configuration file is required. More information
about this is available in the installation guide. It is suggested that you
use the TEST metadata configuration file for now and you can change it later
on with your own file. Enter the path of rrd metadata configuration file

[input] Do you want the service to accept messages with measurement data
and store them? (y,n)
[input] Enter location of new RRD files created when measurement data is
sent to the service [/opt/perfSONAR-RRD-MA-2.0-RC5/webapps]?

[input] Turn on service registration to Lookup Service? (y,n)

Total time: 2 minutes 14 seconds
jra ant # ant -q deploy
[echo] Deploying the service...
[input] Do you want me to start the application server Tomcat for you?
[echo] Please, insert now the following xml tag 'Context'
[echo] into Tomcat configuration file server.xml
[echo] inside existing xml tag 'Host':

[echo] <Context path='/perfSONAR-RRD-MA-2.0-RC5'
[echo] </Context>

[input] Please do it now and press Enter when finished

[echo] Please, make sure that Tomcat is running.
[echo] You can do it using your web browser and connect the address
[echo] or looking at Tomcat's log file (catalina.out).
[input] Press Enter when finished

[input] Do you want me to add new user rrdmaservice (provided in the
pre-install step) and initiate the xml database eXist (If your eXist is
already configured and initialized for RRD MA answer 'n'. But probably it's
your first run of this installation script so you have not added this user
and initialized the database yet.) ? (y,n)

[echo] The directory with all required service files has been created.
[echo] The next step in deploy action is installing the service in
[echo] (If you are an expert in Axis and want to install the service
other way
[echo] than default one use ctrl+c to stop the script in this moment)

[input] Press Enter

Total time: 6 minutes 35 seconds
jra ant # ant test
Buildfile: build.xml

[echo] The test will send a set of example messages.
[echo] Please, analyze the responses to make sure the service has been
installed correctly.

[java] End point:
[java] Request file:
[java] Response file:
[java] time taken :1.854 secs
[java] Client exiting

[java] End point:
[java] Request file:
[java] Response file:
[java] time taken :2.069 secs
[java] Client exiting

[java] End point:
[java] Request file:
[java] Response file:
[java] time taken :0.717 secs
[java] Client exiting

[java] End point:
[java] Request file:
[java] Response file:
[java] time taken :0.67 secs
[java] Client exiting

[java] End point:
[java] Request file:
[java] Response file:
[java] time taken :0.846 secs
[java] Client exiting

[java] End point:
[java] Request file:
[java] Response file:
[java] time taken :0.575 secs
[java] Client exiting

[java] End point:
[java] Request file:
[java] Response file:
[java] time taken :0.902 secs
[java] Client exiting

[java] End point:
[java] Request file:
[java] Response file:
[java] time taken :0.856 secs
[java] Client exiting

Total time: 1 minute 5 seconds

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