perfsonar-dev - Re: [pS-dev] Problem with SQL-MA!!
Subject: perfsonar development work
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- From: Loukik Kudarimoti <>
- To: maxim <>
- Cc: "'Asif, Mohammad'" <>, 'Maciej Glowiak' <>, 'Roman Lapacz' <>, , "'Li, Yee-Ting'" <>, 'Nicolas Simar' <>
- Subject: Re: [pS-dev] Problem with SQL-MA!!
- Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2007 10:31:28 +0000
maxim wrote:
There was no anyumm..we are missing an uninstallation / upgrade section in our documentation. We will work on it. Thanks for your input.
in installation guide that rrdma.jar file must be removed before the
installation of sqlma.jar.
Hopefully from next release onwarrds this situation will be easy to handle because uninstallation of a service will be as easy as deleting a folder (or removing a line of configuration in your tomcat).
-----Original Message-----
From: Loukik Kudarimoti [mailto:] Sent: Monday, January 15, 2007 5:37 AM
To: maxim
Cc: 'Asif, Mohammad'; 'Maciej Glowiak'; 'Roman Lapacz'; ; 'Li, Yee-Ting'; Nicolas Simar
Subject: Re: [pS-dev] Problem with SQL-MA!!
maxim wrote:
Hi Asif,installation guide.
I dont know if you solved your problem. I was having the same one today and it was solved by removing the perfSONAR-rrdma.jar from tomcat lib directory. For some unexplained reason the cant live together.
That's what perfSONAR developers should stress in the
Thanks,Hi Maxim,
So, is your SQL MA up and running ok now? Are you able to provide access to lightpath status data using this service?
It is indeed true that *in the current SQL MA and RRD MA* distribution that you both are using, one tomcat can only have one service installed. Hence, perfSONAR-rrdma.jar and perfSONAR-sqlma.jar can't live together.
I am curious as to how the perfSONAR-rrdma.jar file appeared in the tomcat/lib directory? Until rrdma-1.1-beta, all the jars files from the service were required to be in tomcat/webapps/axis/WEB-INF/lib directory. Did you copy the jar file manually into the tomcat/lib directory?
You are right that the documentation needs to be improved.
are right-----Original Message-----
From: Asif, Mohammad
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2006 1:01 PM
To: Loukik Kudarimoti
Cc: Nicolas Simar; Maciej Glowiak; Roman Lapacz; ; Li, Yee-Ting
Subject: RE: [pS-dev] Problem with SQL-MA!!
Hello Loukik!!
The required properties files are attached with this mail. I am going to deploy a separate clean SQL-MA. I think youtime on thisbecause I deployed rrdMA and lookservice at the the sameundelpoy rrdmatomcat, infact it was giving this same problem. Then Ito installand lookservice and deployed a cleaned installation of SQL-MA.
best regards..
-----Original Message-----
From: Loukik Kudarimoti
Sent: Fri 12/15/2006 3:55 AM
To: Asif, Mohammad
Cc: Nicolas Simar; Maciej Glowiak; Roman Lapacz; ; Li, Yee-Ting
Subject: Re: [pS-dev] Problem with SQL-MA!!
I am a bit surprised with the jars present in your axis/lib directory.
The version of SQL MA that you are installing requires youjars in youronly one perfSONAR service in one tomcat. Looking at theservice *might*axis/lib directory, I think more than one perfSONARcan findhave been installed in the same tomcat. I say this because the following jars are not expected.
perfSONAR-rrdma.jar, perfSONAR-xmlls.jar and nmwg.jar.
Can you please mail us your file - youwill need tothis in your tomcat (tomcat/conf directory)
After we have a look at your catalina.properites file, Iyou are usinglook at more configuration files (
specifically) But this is only after I look at your file.
Please note: Installation of the version of SQL-MA thattomcat. Ifrequires that you to install *only one service* inside onelatest snapshotyou have tried to install some other service in the same tomcat before, I suggest to:
* remove the axis directory in tomcat/webapps.
* install axis inside tomcat again.
* In, remove all entries starting with and (You might find duplicates
- remove them all)
* Download fresh copy of sql ma and install it.
Note: FYI, Very soon, users will be able to install more than one service in their tomcat. Its already possible for thefor the FAQof rrdma
Asif, Mohammad wrote:
jars in my axis/lib directory are given below. There aresome additional jar files like nmwg.jar but I don't think it will make any problem. Rest all the jars that Nicolas mentioned are available with the same exact version.
I restarted the tomcat and tested again and it give thesame logs and error.
activation-1.0.2.jar nmwg.jar
axis-ant.jar perfSONAR-generic.jar
axis.jar perfSONAR-rrdma.jar
commons-beanutils-1.7.0.jar perfSONAR-sqlma.jar
commons-collections-3.2.jar perfSONAR-xmlls.jar
commons-digester-1.7.jar postgresql-8.1-407.jdbc3.jar
commons-discovery-0.2.jar resolver.jar
commons-logging-1.0.4.jar rrdjtool.jar
commons-pool-1.1.jar saaj.jar
exist-db-1.0rc.jar wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar
exist-xmldb-1.0rc.jar xalan-2.7.0.jar
exist-xmlrpc-1.0rc.jar xercesImpl-2.6.2.jar
ibatis-common- xercesSamples.jar
ibatis-sqlmap- xml-apis-1.3.02.jar
jaxrpc.jar xmlParserAPIs-2.6.2.jar
jdom-1.0b8.jar xmlParserAPIs.jar
log4j-1.2.8.jar xmldb.jar
mail-1.3.2.jar xmlrpc-1.2-patched.jar
mysql-connector-java-5.0.3.jar xmlsec.jar
best regards..
Mohammad Asif
-----Original Message-----
From: Loukik Kudarimoti
Sent: Wed 12/13/2006 7:29 AM
To: Nicolas Simar
Cc: Maciej Glowiak; Roman Lapacz; Asif, Mohammad; ; Li, Yee-Ting
Subject: Re: [pS-dev] Problem with SQL-MA!!
Nicolas Simar wrote:
Excellent suggestion! I am suggesting below a wordingreceived awiki or on the(please check it, I have listed few questions in [...])
(I don't know if it has to go on the perfsonar, on the
steps of thewiki page for the tool) Suggestions?
Q: When installing a service and going through all the
installation guide, when testing, I get the following error:
Error in Perfsonar.log:
2006-12-12 15:36:55,683 INFO - RequestHandler: Serviceto retrieveparser torequest
2006-12-12 15:36:55,700 DEBUG - RequestHandler: Calling on
parse the request
2006-12-12 15:36:56,117 DEBUG - RequestHandler: Tryingterminate atMessage object from HandlerThe above lines are no errors, they are normal logs. They appear everytime the service recieves a request. If the logs
2006-12-12 15:36:56,117 INFO - RequestHandler: Message object constructed from request. Request is of type: MetadataKeyRequest
2006-12-12 15:36:56,120 DEBUG - MessageHandlerFactory: classname asked for is org.perfsonar.commons.messages.MetadataKeyReques
[Is it the proper piece of text to have to describe the error?]
very easy tojust this (and don't end with something like "Servicereplied to the request"
or "Service sent a response", something has gone wrong.
The problem that Asif Mohammad has encountered is nota look anddiagnose. From the SQL MA instance that I have installed, the following list contains info on the jars that are present in the tomcat/webapps/axis/WEB-INF/lib directory. Can Asif haveTomcat afterlet us know if his list contains all these jars? If yes, try to restart tomcat and test again.
The list:
activation-1.0.2.jar jdom-1.0b8.jar
commons-digester-1.7.jar perfSONAR-generic.jar
commons-logging-1.0.4.jar postgresql-8.1-407.jdbc3.jar
commons-pool-1.1.jar saaj.jar
exist-db-1.0rc.jar wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar
exist-xmldb-1.0rc.jar xalan-2.7.0.jar
exist-xmlrpc-1.0rc.jar xercesImpl-2.6.2.jar
A: This error message appears
(i) when some jars (or maybe just one) are missing ininstalling theof jars intothe deploy operation. (the deploy operation copies a set
be foundTomcat). The list Jar names you should see in [WHERE?] can
does "see copyin the following ANT files:
- For SQL MA: axis-deploy-targets.xml and sqlma-axis-deploy-targets.xml (see copy targets) [what
appears once a month.targets" means]
(ii) or you have all jars but Tomcat wasn't restarted.
Maciej Glowiak wrote:
It's very common problem for new users. It usually
Why don't we put it on ?
Roman Lapacz wrote:
Nicolas Simar wrote:
Roman Lapacz wrote:
Asif, Mohammad wrote:
I have gone through all the required steps forhttp://localhost:8080/axis/services/MeasurementArchiveService, mentioned at
gives an errore_Installation_Guide
The problem arrise, when I start testing it. It
maybe justfor which I don't have any idea what is happened wrong.This error message appears usually when some jars (or
have all jarsone) are missing in Tomcat after deploy operation (deploy operation copies a set of jars into Tomcat). Or you
verification?but didn't restart Tomcat.Hi Roman,
do you have a list of jars which should be there? For
sqlma-axis-deploy-targets.xml (see copyJar names can be found in Ant files. For SQL MA: axis-deploy-targets.xml and
ant -f build-sqlma.xml run-sqlma-client-key-util
Buildfile: build-sqlma.xml
[java] End point:
org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.endElement(Unknown/opt/perfSONAR-SQL_MA-src-snapshot-20060907/perfsonar/schema/exa[java] Request file:
[java] Response file:
[java] SOAPClient.makeRequest: General exception encountered by client
[java] AxisFault
[java] faultCode:
org.apache.axis.message.SOAPFaultBuilder.createFault(SOAPFaultBu[java] faultSubcode:
[java] faultString: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
[java] faultActor:
[java] faultNode:
[java] faultDetail:
[java] {}hostname:aegir
[java] java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
[java] at
[java] at
[java] at
[java] at
[java] at
[java] at
[java] at
org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown Source)nt(Unknown
[java] at
org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown Source)[java] at
org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.parse(Unknown Source)[java] at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XMLParser.parse(Unknown Source)
[java] at
org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializationContext.parse(Deserializ[java] at javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser.parse(
[java] at
[java] at
org.apache.axis.client.AxisClient.invoke([java] at org.apache.axis.Message.getSOAPEnvelope(
[java] at
[java] at
org.perfsonar.client.testHarness.SOAPClient.makeRequest(Unknown[java] at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invokeEngine(
[java] at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
[java] at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
[java] at
org.perfsonar.client.testHarness.SOAPClient.main(Unknown Source)Source)
[java] at
file name as: /opt/perfSONAR-SQL_MA-src-snapshot-20060907/perfsonar/conf/compo[java] Client exiting
Total time: 5 seconds
Error in catalina.out:
uxiliaryComponentManager.initManager: Read config
AUX ComponentManager create [config] =
ComponentManager createies.PropertiesConfigurationComponent
AUX ComponentManager: init [config] AUX
org.perfsonar.commons.auxiliary.components.logger.log4j.Log4jLog[logger] =
ComponentManager creategerComponent
AUX ComponentManager: init [logger] AUX
org.perfsonar.service.measurementArchive.eventTypeConfig.EventTy[eventType_config] =
Service receivedpeConfigurationComponent
AUX ComponentManager: init [eventType_config]
Error in Perfsonar.log:
2006-12-12 15:36:55,683 INFO - RequestHandler:
Message objecta request
2006-12-12 15:36:55,700 DEBUG - RequestHandler: Calling on parser to parse the request
2006-12-12 15:36:56,117 DEBUG - RequestHandler: Trying to retrieve Message object from Handler
2006-12-12 15:36:56,117 INFO - RequestHandler:
MetadataKeyRequestconstructed from request. Request is of type:
MessageHandlerFactory: classname2006-12-12 15:36:56,120 DEBUG -
org.perfsonar.commons.messages.MetadataKeyRequestasked for is
- RE: [pS-dev] Problem with SQL-MA!!, maxim, 01/12/2007
- RE: [pS-dev] Problem with SQL-MA!!, Asif, Mohammad, 01/12/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Problem with SQL-MA!!, Loukik Kudarimoti, 01/15/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Problem with SQL-MA!!, Roman Lapacz, 01/15/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Problem with SQL-MA!!, Loukik Kudarimoti, 01/15/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Problem with SQL-MA!!, Loukik Kudarimoti, 01/15/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Problem with SQL-MA!!, Roman Lapacz, 01/15/2007
- RE: [pS-dev] Problem with SQL-MA!!, maxim, 01/16/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Problem with SQL-MA!!, Loukik Kudarimoti, 01/17/2007
- RE: [pS-dev] Problem with SQL-MA!! Support for ISO timestamp format ?, maxim, 01/16/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Problem with SQL-MA!! Support for ISO timestamp format ?, Roman Lapacz, 01/17/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Problem with SQL-MA!! Support for ISO timestamp format ?, Jeff W. Boote, 01/17/2007
- Problem with SQL-MA ( more problems ...), maxim, 01/18/2007
- Re: Problem with SQL-MA ( more problems ...), Roman Lapacz, 01/19/2007
- RE: Problem with SQL-MA ( more problems ...), maxim, 01/22/2007
- Re: Problem with SQL-MA ( more problems ...), Roman Lapacz, 01/23/2007
- RE: Problem with SQL-MA ( more problems ...), maxim, 01/23/2007
- Re: Problem with SQL-MA ( more problems ...), Roman Lapacz, 01/23/2007
- Re: Problem with SQL-MA ( more problems ...), Roman Lapacz, 01/19/2007
- Problem with SQL-MA ( more problems ...), maxim, 01/18/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Problem with SQL-MA!! Support for ISO timestamp format ?, Jeff W. Boote, 01/17/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Problem with SQL-MA!! Support for ISO timestamp format ?, Roman Lapacz, 01/17/2007
- RE: [pS-dev] Problem with SQL-MA!!, Asif, Mohammad, 01/12/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Problem with SQL-MA!! Support for ISO timestamp format ?, Loukik Kudarimoti, 01/17/2007
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