perfsonar-dev - jar-repository and release process
Subject: perfsonar development work
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- From: Roman Lapacz <>
- To: "Jeff W. Boote" <>, Loukik Kudarimoti <>, Luís Marta <>, "" <>
- Subject: jar-repository and release process
- Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2006 11:26:41 +0100
we haven't thought about jar-repository in the release process. I wouldn't see the problem if we used only public repository with libraries maintained by other project groups. But unfortunately we created new two directories in our repository (axis and rrdjtool, the rest are copied from the public repository) and I think now we should tie them somehow with service releases. For example, if I want to create branch STABLE for RRD MA should I include also our all jar-repository or just those two directories created by us? What do you think?
- jar-repository and release process, Roman Lapacz, 12/07/2006
- Re: [pS-dev] jar-repository and release process, Roman Lapacz, 12/07/2006
- Re: jar-repository and release process, Loukik Kudarimoti, 12/07/2006
- Re: jar-repository and release process, Roman Lapacz, 12/07/2006
- Re: jar-repository and release process, Jeff W. Boote, 12/07/2006
- Re: jar-repository and release process, Roman Lapacz, 12/07/2006
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