perfsonar-dev - r1781 - in branches/romradz-ant4rel-20061017/ant: . rrdma
Subject: perfsonar development work
List archive
- From:
- To:
- Subject: r1781 - in branches/romradz-ant4rel-20061017/ant: . rrdma
- Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2006 10:44:14 -0500
Author: roman
Date: 2006-11-28 10:44:13 -0500 (Tue, 28 Nov 2006)
New Revision: 1781
changes improving the installation procedure for the next release
Modified: branches/romradz-ant4rel-20061017/ant/configure-targets.xml
--- branches/romradz-ant4rel-20061017/ant/configure-targets.xml 2006-11-28
11:39:01 UTC (rev 1780)
+++ branches/romradz-ant4rel-20061017/ant/configure-targets.xml 2006-11-28
15:44:13 UTC (rev 1781)
@@ -18,76 +18,6 @@
<property file="ant/" />
- <!-- getting the server address -->
- <target name="get-server-address">
- <input message="Enter the address of server (perfSONAR service)
- addproperty="server.address"
- defaultvalue="localhost"
- />
- </target>
- <!-- getting the server port -->
- <target name="get-server-port">
- <input message="Enter the port of server [8080]:"
- addproperty="server.port"
- defaultvalue="8080"
- />
- <echo>Make sure that your application server Tomcat has the same
- <echo>for the http communication. If not then configure the Tomcat
in order</echo>
- <echo>to use this port number.</echo>
- <echo></echo>
- <echo>Please, do it now. I will wait for you.</echo>
- <input message="Press Return key ..."/>
- </target>
- <!-- getting the tomcat directory -->
- <target name="__get-tomcat-directory">
- <property file="ant/" />
- <condition property="tomcat.home.present" value="true">
- <isset property="tomcat.home"/>
- </condition>
- </target>
- <target name="_get-tomcat-directory_1" depends="__get-tomcat-directory"
- <input message="Enter the path for the Tomcat installation:
- addproperty="tomcat.install.location"
- defaultvalue="${tomcat.home}" />
- </target>
- <target name="_get-tomcat-directory_2" depends="__get-tomcat-directory"
- <input message="Enter the path for the Tomcat installation:
- addproperty="tomcat.install.location"
- defaultvalue="/usr/local/tomcat" />
- </target>
- <target name="get-tomcat-directory"
- depends="_get-tomcat-directory_1, _get-tomcat-directory_2">
- </target>
<!-- creating file -->
@@ -207,118 +137,9 @@
- <!-- configuring xml database eXist-->
- <target name="exist-use-question">
- <input message="Do you want to use the xml database eXist as a
metadata configuration storage? "
- addproperty="_exist.use.decision"
- validargs="y,n"
- defaultvalue="n" />
- <condition property="exist.use.decision">
- <equals arg1="y" arg2="${_exist.use.decision}"/>
- </condition>
- </target>
- <target name="exist-location-question">
- <input message="Enter the path of eXist [/usr/local/eXist] ? "
- addproperty="_exist.home"
- defaultvalue="/usr/local/eXist" />
- <propertyfile file="ant/"
- comment="This file was created by the Ant configuration script.">
- <entry key="exist.home" value="${_exist.home}"/>
- </propertyfile>
- </target>
- <target name="exist-use"
- depends="exist-use-question"
- if="exist.use.decision">
- <propertyfile file="conf/"
- comment="This file was created by the Ant configuration script.">
- <entry key="" value="on"/>
- <entry key="" value="xmlrpc"/>
- </propertyfile>
- </target>
- <target name="exist-adduser">
- <property file="ant/" />
- <echo>Add new user in your xml database eXist.</echo>
- <echo>You can do it using client application which can be
- <echo>in eXist installation (${exist.home}/bin/</echo>
- <echo></echo>
- <echo>Example use:</echo>
- <echo> -s
- <echo> exist:/db>adduser pSservice</echo>
- <echo> password: </echo>
- <echo> re-enter password:</echo>
- <echo> home collection [none]:</echo>
- <echo> enter groups: dba</echo>
- <echo></echo>
- <echo>(user name, hostname and port number 8585 are only
- <echo></echo>
- <echo>Please, do it now and make sure the xml database is running. I
will wait for you.</echo>
- <input message="Press Return key ..."/>
- </target>
- <target name="exist-datails-question">
- <input message="Enter the host name of xml database eXist
- addproperty="_exist.hostname"
- defaultvalue="localhost" />
- <input message="Enter the port number of xml database eXist [8080]:"
- addproperty="_exist.port"
- defaultvalue="8080" />
- <input message="Enter the eXist user name []:"
- addproperty="_exist.username"/>
- <input message="Enter the pasword for eXist user name
${_exist.username} []:"
- addproperty="_exist.password"/>
- <propertyfile file="ant/"
- comment="This file was created by the Ant configuration script.">
- <entry key="exist.hostname" value="${_exist.hostname}"/>
- <entry key="exist.port" value="${_exist.port}"/>
- </propertyfile>
- <propertyfile file="conf/"
- comment="This file was created by the Ant configuration script.">
- <entry key=""
- <entry key=""
- </propertyfile>
- </target>
Modified: branches/romradz-ant4rel-20061017/ant/pre-install-targets.xml
--- branches/romradz-ant4rel-20061017/ant/pre-install-targets.xml
2006-11-28 11:39:01 UTC (rev 1780)
+++ branches/romradz-ant4rel-20061017/ant/pre-install-targets.xml
2006-11-28 15:44:13 UTC (rev 1781)
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
- <target name="webservice-container-download"
+ <target name="_webservice-container-download"
@@ -156,114 +156,104 @@
- <!-- downloading eXist war (web application) -->
+ <target name="webservice-container-download"
+ depends="_webservice-container-download"
+ unless="tomcat.install.decision">
+ <antcall target="get-tomcat-directory"/>
+ </target>
- <target name="exist-war-question">
- <input message="Usage of eXist xml database is recommended for the
service. Installing this database as a web application in your Tomcat is also
suggested. Do you want me to do this for you? "
- addproperty="_exist.war.install.decision"
- validargs="y,n"
- defaultvalue="n" />
+ <!-- getting the tomcat directory -->
- <condition property="exist.war.install.decision">
- <equals arg1="y" arg2="${_exist.war.install.decision}"/>
+ <target name="__get-tomcat-directory">
+ <property file="ant/" />
+ <condition property="tomcat.home.present" value="true">
+ <isset property="tomcat.home"/>
- </target>
+ </target>
- <target name="exist-war-download"
- depends="exist-war-question"
- if="exist.war.install.decision">
+ <target name="_get-tomcat-directory_1" depends="__get-tomcat-directory"
- <echo>Go to to</echo>
- <echo>and download eXist war file. Suggested is
- <echo></echo>
+ <input message="Enter the path for the Tomcat installation:
+ addproperty="tomcat.install.location"
+ defaultvalue="${tomcat.home}" />
- <echo>Please, do it now. I will wait for you.</echo>
- <input message="Press Return key ..."/>
+ </target>
- <input message="Enter the name of downloaded eXist war file
- addproperty="__exist.war.file"
- defaultvalue="${exist.war.file}" />
- <property name="_exist.war.file" value="${__exist.war.file}" />
- <propertyfile file="ant/"
- comment="This file was created by the Ant configuration script.">
- <entry key="exist.war.file" value="${_exist.war.file}"/>
- </propertyfile>
+ <target name="_get-tomcat-directory_2" depends="__get-tomcat-directory"
+ <input message="Enter the path for the Tomcat installation:
+ addproperty="tomcat.install.location"
+ defaultvalue="/usr/local/tomcat" />
- <dirname property="_exist.war.install.location" file="${basedir}"/>
+ </target>
- <input message="Enter the path of directory where downloaded eXist
war file is located [${_exist.war.install.location}]:"
- addproperty="exist.war.install.location"
- defaultvalue="${_exist.war.install.location}" />
+ <target name="get-tomcat-directory"
+ depends="_get-tomcat-directory_1, _get-tomcat-directory_2">
<propertyfile file="ant/"
comment="This file was created by the Ant configuration script.">
- <entry key="exist.home" value="${exist.war.install.location}"/>
+ <entry key="tomcat.home" value="${tomcat.install.location}"/>
- <!-- downloading eXist jar (stand-alone application) -->
+ <!-- getting the server address -->
- <target name="exist-install-question">
+ <target name="get-server-address">
- <input message="Usage of eXist xml database is recommended for the
service. If you don't want to have it as a web application in your Tomcat
then do you want to install eXist as a stand-alone application? "
- addproperty="_exist.install.decision"
- validargs="y,n"
- defaultvalue="n" />
+ <input message="Enter the address of your application server Tomcat
+ addproperty="server.address"
+ defaultvalue="localhost"
+ />
- <condition property="exist.install.decision">
- <equals arg1="y" arg2="${_exist.install.decision}"/>
- </condition>
+ <propertyfile file="ant/"
+ comment="This file was created by the Ant configuration script.">
+ <entry key="target.server" value="${server.address}"/>
+ </propertyfile>
- <target name="exist-install"
- depends="exist-install-question"
- if="exist.install.decision">
+ <!-- getting the server port -->
- <echo>Visit the download page</echo>
- <echo>and download the file eXist-1.0.jar. </echo>
+ <target name="get-server-port">
+ <input message="Enter the port which will be used by your
application server Tomcat [8080]:"
+ addproperty="server.port"
+ defaultvalue="8080"
+ />
+ <echo>Make sure that your application server Tomcat has the same
+ <echo>for the http communication. If not then configure the Tomcat
in order</echo>
+ <echo>to use this port number.</echo>
- <echo>Install the application executing the following command:</echo>
- <echo></echo>
- <echo> java -jar eXist-1.0.jar</echo>
- <echo></echo>
- <echo>By dafault eXist is available on the port 8080.</echo>
- <echo>To change this number open the file bin/</echo>
- <echo>and replace the line:</echo>
- <echo></echo>
- <echo> OPTIONS="-Dexist.home=$EXIST_HOME"</echo>
- <echo></echo>
- <echo>with the line:</echo>
- <echo></echo>
- <echo> OPTIONS="-Dexist.home=$EXIST_HOME -Djetty.port=8585"</echo>
- <echo></echo>
- <echo>(port number 8585 is only an example).</echo>
- <echo></echo>
- <echo>When installed run the application executing</echo>
- <echo>the script .</echo>
- <echo></echo>
<echo>Please, do it now. I will wait for you.</echo>
<input message="Press Return key ..."/>
- </target>
+ <propertyfile file="ant/"
+ comment="This file was created by the Ant configuration script.">
+ <entry key="target.port" value="${server.port}"/>
- <target name="exist"
- depends="exist-war-download"
- unless="exist.war.install.decision">
+ </propertyfile>
- <antcall target="exist-install"/>
--- branches/romradz-ant4rel-20061017/ant/rrdma/rrdma-configure-targets.xml
2006-11-28 11:39:01 UTC (rev 1780)
+++ branches/romradz-ant4rel-20061017/ant/rrdma/rrdma-configure-targets.xml
2006-11-28 15:44:13 UTC (rev 1781)
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
<target name="__get-rrd-config-file">
- <input message="Enter the path of rrd metadata configuration file
+ <input message="RRD metadata configuration file is required. More
information about this is available in the installation guide. It is
suggested that you use the TEST metadata configuration file for now and you
can change it later on with your own file. Enter the path of rrd metadata
configuration file [${basedir}/conf/rrd-database_TEST.xml]:"
@@ -59,19 +59,13 @@
<!-- creating file -->
- <target name="set-const-properties-for-rrdma"
- depends="get-server-address,
- get-server-port,
- get-tomcat-directory">
+ <target name="set-const-properties-for-rrdma">
<propertyfile file="ant/"
comment="This file was created by the Ant
configuration script.">
<entry key="" value="${}"/>
<entry key="deploy.root" value="${deploy.root}"/>
- <entry key="tomcat.home" value="${tomcat.install.location}"/>
- <entry key="target.server" value="${server.address}"/>
- <entry key="target.port" value="${server.port}"/>
<entry key="" value="MeasurementArchiveService"/>
<entry key="build" value="build"/>
<entry key="package.root" value="org/perfsonar"/>
@@ -116,13 +110,6 @@
<entry key=""
<entry key=""
- <entry key="" value="off"/>
- <entry key="" value="xmlrpc"/>
- <entry key="" value=""/>
- <entry key="" value=""/>
- <entry key=""
- <entry key=""
<entry key="" value="off"/>
<entry key=""
@@ -223,6 +210,29 @@
+ <!-- initializing xml database eXist -->
+ <target name="_exist-init">
+ <property file="conf/" />
+ <condition property=""
+ <isset property=""/>
+ </condition>
+ </target>
+ <target name="exist-init"
+ depends="_exist-init"
+ if="">
+ <antcall target="xmldb-init-rrdma"/>
+ </target>
<!-- the main target -->
@@ -235,7 +245,7 @@
<antcall target="set-service-properties-for-rrdma"/>
<antcall target="set-log4j-properties"/>
<antcall target="create-testrrdconfig-for-rrdma"/>
- <antcall target="exist-rrdma"/>
+ <antcall target="exist-init"/>
<antcall target="store-fuctionality-for-rrdma"/>
<antcall target="register-fuctionality-for-rrdma"/>
--- branches/romradz-ant4rel-20061017/ant/rrdma/rrdma-exist-xmldb-targets.xml
2006-11-28 11:39:01 UTC (rev 1780)
+++ branches/romradz-ant4rel-20061017/ant/rrdma/rrdma-exist-xmldb-targets.xml
2006-11-28 15:44:13 UTC (rev 1781)
@@ -191,105 +191,6 @@
- <target name="exist-use-rrdma">
- <antcall target="exist-adduser"/>
- <antcall target="exist-datails-question"/>
- <property file="ant/" />
- <propertyfile file="conf/"
- comment="This file was created by the Ant configuration script.">
- <entry key=""
- <entry key=""
- </propertyfile>
- <antcall target="xmldb-init-rrdma"/>
- </target>
- <target name="__exist-rrdma"
- depends="exist-use"
- if="exist.use.decision">
- <input message="Do you want to use the xml database eXist installed
eithter in your Tomcat (A) or as a stand-alone application (B)? "
- addproperty="_exist.type.decision"
- validargs="A,B"
- defaultvalue="A" />
- <condition property="exist.type.B.decision">
- <equals arg1="B" arg2="${_exist.type.decision}"/>
- </condition>
- <condition property="exist.type.A.decision">
- <equals arg1="A" arg2="${_exist.type.decision}"/>
- </condition>
- </target>
- <target name="_exist-rrdma"
- depends="__exist-rrdma"
- if="exist.type.B.decision">
- <antcall target="exist-location-question"/>
- <antcall target="exist-use-rrdma"/>
- </target>
- <target name="exist-rrdma"
- depends="_exist-rrdma"
- if="exist.type.A.decision">
- <echo>Make sure that you have downloaded war file of eXist in the
pre-install step.</echo>
- <input message="Press Return key ..."/>
- <echo>Please, insert now the following xml tag 'Context'</echo>
- <echo>into Tomcat configuration file server.xml</echo>
- <echo>(${tomcat.home}/conf/server.xml)</echo>
- <echo>inside existing xml tag 'Host':</echo>
- <echo></echo>
- <echo message=" <Context path='/exist'"/>
- <echo message="
- <echo message=" </Context>"/>
- <echo></echo>
- <echo>Please, do it now. I will wait for you.</echo>
- <input message="Press Return key ..."/>
- <propertyfile file="conf/"
- comment="This file was created by the Ant configuration script.">
- <entry key=""
- <entry key=""
- </propertyfile>
- <input message="Enter the eXist user name []:"
- addproperty="_exist.username"/>
- <input message="Enter the pasword for eXist user name
${_exist.username} []:"
- addproperty="_exist.password"/>
- <input message="Enter the password for admin eXist user []:"
- addproperty="_exist.adminpassword"
- defaultvalue=""/>
- <propertyfile file="conf/"
- comment="This file was created by the Ant configuration script.">
- <entry key=""
- <entry key=""
- <entry key=""
- </propertyfile>
- </target>
<target name="xmldb-check-status">
<condition property="exist.check.status">
@@ -303,7 +204,7 @@
- <input message="Do you want me to add new user
${} (provided in the configure step) and
initiate the xml database eXist (if your eXist is already configured and
initialized for RRD MA answer 'n')? "
+ <input message="Do you want me to add new user
${} (provided in the pre-install step) and
initiate the xml database eXist (if your eXist is already configured and
initialized for RRD MA answer 'n')? "
defaultvalue="y" />
--- branches/romradz-ant4rel-20061017/ant/rrdma/rrdma-pre-install-targets.xml
2006-11-28 11:39:01 UTC (rev 1780)
+++ branches/romradz-ant4rel-20061017/ant/rrdma/rrdma-pre-install-targets.xml
2006-11-28 15:44:13 UTC (rev 1781)
@@ -17,7 +17,11 @@
<project name="rrdma-pre-install-targets">
+ <property name="exist.war.file" value="exist-1.0.1.war" />
+ <property file="ant/" />
<!-- getting the path of RRDTool application -->
@@ -124,6 +128,307 @@
+ <!-- using xml database eXist -->
+ <target name="exist-clean-properties">
+ <propertyfile file="conf/"
+ comment="This file was created by the Ant configuration script.">
+ <entry key="" value="off"/>
+ <entry key="" value="xmlrpc"/>
+ <entry key="" value=""/>
+ <entry key="" value=""/>
+ <entry key=""
+ <entry key=""
+ </propertyfile>
+ </target>
+ <target name="exist-use">
+ <property file="ant/" />
+ <propertyfile file="conf/"
+ comment="This file was created by the Ant configuration script.">
+ <entry key="" value="on"/>
+ <entry key="" value="xmlrpc"/>
+ </propertyfile>
+ </target>
+ <!-- downloading eXist war (web application) -->
+ <target name="exist-war-question">
+ <input message="Usage of eXist xml database is recommended for the
service. Installing this database as a web application in your Tomcat is also
suggested. Do you want me to do this for you? "
+ addproperty="_exist.war.install.decision"
+ validargs="y,n"
+ defaultvalue="n" />
+ <condition property="exist.war.install.decision">
+ <equals arg1="y" arg2="${_exist.war.install.decision}"/>
+ </condition>
+ </target>
+ <target name="exist-war-download"
+ depends="exist-war-question"
+ if="exist.war.install.decision">
+ <echo>Go to to</echo>
+ <echo>and download eXist war file. Suggested is
+ <echo></echo>
+ <echo>Please, do it now. I will wait for you.</echo>
+ <input message="Press Return key ..."/>
+ <input message="Enter the name of downloaded eXist war file
+ addproperty="__exist.war.file"
+ defaultvalue="${exist.war.file}" />
+ <property name="_exist.war.file" value="${__exist.war.file}" />
+ <propertyfile file="ant/"
+ comment="This file was created by the Ant configuration script.">
+ <entry key="exist.war.file" value="${_exist.war.file}"/>
+ </propertyfile>
+ <dirname property="_exist.war.install.location" file="${basedir}"/>
+ <input message="Enter the path of directory where downloaded eXist
war file is located [${_exist.war.install.location}]:"
+ addproperty="exist.war.install.location"
+ defaultvalue="${_exist.war.install.location}" />
+ <propertyfile file="ant/"
+ comment="This file was created by the Ant configuration script.">
+ <entry key="exist.home" value="${exist.war.install.location}"/>
+ </propertyfile>
+ </target>
+ <target name="exist-war-rrdma" depends="exist-use">
+ <echo>Please, insert now the following xml tag 'Context'</echo>
+ <echo>into Tomcat configuration file server.xml</echo>
+ <echo>(${tomcat.home}/conf/server.xml)</echo>
+ <echo>inside existing xml tag 'Host':</echo>
+ <echo></echo>
+ <echo message=" <Context path='/exist'"/>
+ <echo message="
+ <echo message=" </Context>"/>
+ <echo></echo>
+ <echo>Please, do it now. I will wait for you.</echo>
+ <input message="Press Return key ..."/>
+ <propertyfile file="conf/"
+ comment="This file was created by the Ant configuration script.">
+ <entry key=""
+ <entry key=""
+ </propertyfile>
+ <input message="Enter the eXist user name []:"
+ addproperty="_exist.username"/>
+ <input message="Enter the pasword for eXist user name
${_exist.username} []:"
+ addproperty="_exist.password"/>
+ <input message="Enter the password for admin eXist user []:"
+ addproperty="_exist.adminpassword"
+ defaultvalue=""/>
+ <propertyfile file="conf/"
+ comment="This file was created by the Ant configuration script.">
+ <entry key=""
+ <entry key=""
+ <entry key=""
+ </propertyfile>
+ </target>
+ <target name="exist-war-install"
+ depends="exist-war-download"
+ if="exist.war.install.decision">
+ <antcall target="exist-war-rrdma"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- downloading eXist jar (stand-alone application) -->
+ <target name="exist-install-question">
+ <input message="Usage of eXist xml database is recommended for the
service. If you don't want to have it as a web application in your Tomcat
then do you want to install eXist as a stand-alone application? "
+ addproperty="_exist.install.decision"
+ validargs="y,n"
+ defaultvalue="n" />
+ <condition property="exist.install.decision">
+ <equals arg1="y" arg2="${_exist.install.decision}"/>
+ </condition>
+ </target>
+ <target name="exist-install"
+ depends="exist-install-question"
+ if="exist.install.decision">
+ <echo>Visit the download page</echo>
+ <echo>and download the file eXist-1.0.jar. </echo>
+ <echo></echo>
+ <echo>Install the application executing the following command:</echo>
+ <echo></echo>
+ <echo> java -jar eXist-1.0.jar</echo>
+ <echo></echo>
+ <echo>By dafault eXist is available on the port 8080.</echo>
+ <echo>To change this number open the file bin/</echo>
+ <echo>and replace the line:</echo>
+ <echo></echo>
+ <echo> OPTIONS="-Dexist.home=$EXIST_HOME"</echo>
+ <echo></echo>
+ <echo>with the line:</echo>
+ <echo></echo>
+ <echo> OPTIONS="-Dexist.home=$EXIST_HOME -Djetty.port=8585"</echo>
+ <echo></echo>
+ <echo>(port number 8585 is only an example).</echo>
+ <echo></echo>
+ <echo>When installed run the application executing</echo>
+ <echo>the script .</echo>
+ <echo></echo>
+ <echo>Please, do it now. I will wait for you.</echo>
+ <input message="Press Return key ..."/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="exist-location-question">
+ <input message="Enter the path of eXist [/usr/local/eXist] ? "
+ addproperty="_exist.home"
+ defaultvalue="/usr/local/eXist" />
+ <propertyfile file="ant/"
+ comment="This file was created by the Ant configuration script.">
+ <entry key="exist.home" value="${_exist.home}"/>
+ </propertyfile>
+ </target>
+ <target name="exist-adduser">
+ <property file="ant/" />
+ <echo>Add new user in your xml database eXist.</echo>
+ <echo>You can do it using client application which can be
+ <echo>in eXist installation (${exist.home}/bin/</echo>
+ <echo></echo>
+ <echo>Example use:</echo>
+ <echo> -s
+ <echo> exist:/db>adduser pSservice</echo>
+ <echo> password: </echo>
+ <echo> re-enter password:</echo>
+ <echo> home collection [none]:</echo>
+ <echo> enter groups: dba</echo>
+ <echo></echo>
+ <echo>(user name, hostname and port number 8585 are only
+ <echo></echo>
+ <echo>Please, do it now and make sure the xml database is running. I
will wait for you.</echo>
+ <input message="Press Return key ..."/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="exist-datails-question">
+ <echo></echo>
+ <echo>Now, provide some information which will be used to initialize
the xml database eXist.</echo>
+ <echo></echo>
+ <input message="Enter the host name of xml database eXist
+ addproperty="_exist.hostname"
+ defaultvalue="localhost" />
+ <input message="Enter the port number of xml database eXist [8080]:"
+ addproperty="_exist.port"
+ defaultvalue="8080" />
+ <input message="Enter the eXist user name []:"
+ addproperty="_exist.username"/>
+ <input message="Enter the pasword for eXist user name
${_exist.username} []:"
+ addproperty="_exist.password"/>
+ <propertyfile file="ant/"
+ comment="This file was created by the Ant configuration script.">
+ <entry key="exist.hostname" value="${_exist.hostname}"/>
+ <entry key="exist.port" value="${_exist.port}"/>
+ </propertyfile>
+ <propertyfile file="conf/"
+ comment="This file was created by the Ant configuration script.">
+ <entry key=""
+ <entry key=""
+ </propertyfile>
+ </target>
+ <target name="exist-use-rrdma">
+ <antcall target="exist-use"/>
+ <antcall target="exist-adduser"/>
+ <antcall target="exist-datails-question"/>
+ <property file="ant/" />
+ <propertyfile file="conf/"
+ comment="This file was created by the Ant configuration script.">
+ <entry key=""
+ <entry key=""
+ </propertyfile>
+ </target>
+ <target name="exist"
+ depends="exist-clean-properties, exist-war-install"
+ unless="exist.war.install.decision">
+ <antcall target="exist-install"/>
+ <antcall target="exist-location-question"/>
+ <antcall target="exist-use-rrdma"/>
+ </target>
<!-- the main target -->
@@ -138,6 +443,8 @@
<antcall target="get-service-home"/>
<antcall target="webservice-container-download"/>
+ <antcall target="get-server-address"/>
+ <antcall target="get-server-port"/>
<echo>${line.separator}Building the rrdjtool library...</echo>
<antcall target="rrdjtool"/>
- r1781 - in branches/romradz-ant4rel-20061017/ant: . rrdma, svnlog, 11/28/2006
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