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perfsonar-dev - Re: [GN2-JRA1] perfSONAR developers meeting

Subject: perfsonar development work

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Re: [GN2-JRA1] perfSONAR developers meeting

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Sven Ubik <>
  • To: Jerome Durand <>
  • Cc: <>, GN-JRA1-list <>, Elisabeth Deponthieu <>
  • Subject: Re: [GN2-JRA1] perfSONAR developers meeting
  • Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2006 12:31:45 +0200 (CEST)

Hi Jerome,

I plan to come to the last day of the developer's meeting (Wednesday). I
think that some people could be confused because you originally called the
first meeting "PerfSONAR workshop" and the second meeting "JRA1 workshop".

I thought that the first was meant as a public event to inform about
perfSONAR and the second to be a regular JRA1 meeting (similarly to how
it was on the last GN2 meeting).



On Thu, 28 Sep 2006, Jerome Durand wrote:

> Hi !
> Looks like many of you subscribed for the perfSONAR developers meeting.
> It is usually attended by 10 to 12 people and this time there are
> already 22 people who subscribed already!
> Could you please all make sure that you subscribed to the appropriate
> meeting? It is for us very important in terms of logistic as we already
> have to order the lunchs... Please let us know if you do not attend all
> days of a meeting. Feel free to send an email to Elisabeth (cc-ed) who
> is organizing the event and myself.
> Thanks!
> Jerome

  • Re: [GN2-JRA1] perfSONAR developers meeting, Sven Ubik, 10/01/2006

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