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perfsonar-dev - TOPS: SQL to XML transformation

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TOPS: SQL to XML transformation

Chronological Thread 
  • From: ulisses <>
  • To: Jason Zurawski <>
  • Cc:
  • Subject: TOPS: SQL to XML transformation
  • Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2006 13:10:40 +0200

Hi Jason

finally, here is the SQL to XML conversion I propised to send:

The corrently exported information from the topology service is:

- nodes
- interfaces
- networks that relate to previous infterfaces

The source SQL file is CNM's schema, which I beautified and attached

The format of this file is:

the information being exported, currently: node, interface and network, in
three sections and within each section:

- a subsection for the source information -- the SQL schema (marked as @SQL)
- a subsection for the target format -- the XML schema (marked as @XML)

Some comments between David (CNM) and I are included, I think they can help
understanding some conversions done.

@@@ node


CREATE TABLE network_node_base (
ip_management_address text, # Doesn't has an equivalent
network_node_type_id integer, # Doesn't has an equivalent, this field
# CREATE TABLE product_type (
# id serial NOT NULL,
# vendor_name text,
# type_name text,
# description text
# );
location_id integer, # Dooesn't has a real equivalent, this
field implies a lot of
# fields (see below) and it should match
a single
# a nmwgtopo3:location { xsd:string }
# CREATE TABLE "location" (
# id serial NOT NULL,
# description text, @ converted to
nmwgtopo3:location + "," + nmwgtopo3:city
# utm text,
# in_domain_id text,
# domain_id integer
# );
# CREATE TABLE "domain" (
# domain_id serial NOT NULL,
# domain_name text, @ converted to
# domain_description text,
# domain_external_id text,
# domain_networks_name text,
# country_iso3166_code text @
converted to element nmwgtopo3:country
# );
dns_name1 text, # @ converted to Hostname
dns_name2 text, # @ Doesn't has an equivalent
usage_type information_schema.cardinal_number, # converted to attribute
type of nmwgtopo3:name
name text # @ converted to element nmwgtopo3:name

@ XML: nmtopo_ver3.rnc

Node =
element nmwgtopo3:node { NodeContent }

NodeContent =
Identifier? &
BaseNodeIdRef? &
BaseRole? &
element nmwgtopo3:name {
attribute type { xsd:string }? &
}? &
element nmwgtopo3:type { xsd:string }? &
element nmwgtopo3:hostName { xsd:string }? &
element nmwgtopo3:description { xsd:string }? &
element nmwgtopo3:cpu { xsd:string }? &
element nmwgtopo3:operSys { xsd:string }? &
element nmwgtopo3:location { xsd:string }? &
element nmwgtopo3:country { xsd:string }? &
element nmwgtopo3:city { xsd:string }? &
element nmwgtopo3:latitude { xsd:string }? &
element nmwgtopo3:longitude { xsd:string }? &
element nmwgtopo3:institution { xsd:string }? &
BaseInterface |
L2Interface |

@@@ interface

(11:29:00) David Schmitz (CNM): yes, L3Interface (nmwg) ==

@ SQL:

CREATE TABLE network_interface_base (
if_highspeed bigint, # @ converted to
if_mtu text, # Doesn't has an equivalent
if_type information_schema.cardinal_number, # @ converted to nmtl3:type
if_index integer, # @ converted to
parent_interface_object_id integer, # Doesn't has an equivalent
layer integer, # Doesn't has an equivalent
default_ip_interface_address text, # @ converted to
nmtl3:ifAddress which is of type L3Address
# L3Address =
# (
# attribute
value { xsd:string } |
# text
# ) &
default_ip_network_subnet_prefix text, # @ converted to
if_alias text, # Doesn't has an equivalent
and we don't want to convert it to name
if_description text, # @ converted to
if_speed bigint, # @ converted to
ospf_link_type text, # Doesn't has an equivalent
speed bigint # @ converted to

Some words about speed, if_highspeed, and if_speed:

# (09:52:51) David Schmitz (CNM): so, the easiest way at the moment would be
to map only this one with our attribute speed
# (09:53:11) Ulisses: so, if I have to choose between speed, if_speed and
if_high_speed, I will do speed > if_high_speed > if_speed, where '>' means
higher preference
# (09:53:55) David Schmitz (CNM): yes, in fact if_high_speed is only
meaningfull if if_speed has all its 32 bits set to 1 (=4GB)
# (09:54:07) David Schmitz (CNM): this is SNMP specific from MIB2 and its

@ XML:

L3Interface =
element nmtl3:interface { L3InterfaceContent }

# We want to have an L2InterfaceIdRef
# but the current tooling doesnt support
# having two attributes of the same name
# (even in different namespaces)
L3InterfaceContent =
Identifier? &
L3InterfaceIdRef? &
element nmtl3:ipAddress { L3Address }? &
element nmtl3:netmask { xsd:string }? &
element nmtl3:ifName { xsd:string }? &
element nmtl3:ifDescription { xsd:string }? &
element nmtl3:ifAddress { L3Address }? &
element nmtl3:ifHostName { xsd:string }? &
element nmtl3:ifIndex { xsd:string }? &
element nmtl3:type { xsd:string }? &
element nmtl3:capacity { xsd:string }?

L3Address =
attribute value { xsd:string } |
) &
attribute type { xsd:string }

# Comments on how to find all network_interfaces of a node
# (10:26:20) David Schmitz (CNM): look at network_interface_key
# (10:27:21) David Schmitz (CNM): the primary key (from
network_interface_key_base) consists of
# (10:27:27) David Schmitz (CNM): object_id_of_network_node + object_id
# (10:27:35) Ulisses: ok
# (10:27:37) Ulisses: object_id_of_network_node
# (10:27:50) David Schmitz (CNM): it this is also reflected by its external
# (10:28:19) David Schmitz (CNM): which is (for interfaces)
# (10:29:06) David Schmitz (CNM): of course unqiue always mean in the given
level of this hierarchy of concatenated strings
# (10:29:34) David Schmitz (CNM): so unique_node_name is unique within the
given domain_id
# (10:29:56) David Schmitz (CNM): and unique_interface_id is unique for the
given unique_node_id + domain_id

# (10:33:54) David Schmitz (CNM): yes, this is a bit inconsistent what I said
# (10:34:07) David Schmitz (CNM): primary keys aren't inherited
# (10:34:35) David Schmitz (CNM): the truth is, that the object_id is the
primary key
# (10:34:44) David Schmitz (CNM): in network_interface_key
# (10:36:18) David Schmitz (CNM): so, network_interface_key relates
(internal) object_id to object_id_of_network_node + in_domain_id (of the
interface unqiue within the node)
# (10:36:36) Ulisses: now, I can relate nodes and network_interface_key and
nodes, but how to relate and network_interface_key and network_interface?
# (10:36:52) David Schmitz (CNM): by the object_id
# (10:36:58) Ulisses: ???
# (10:37:12) David Schmitz (CNM): (only one integer key interal to the db for
# (10:37:34) Ulisses: the object id of network_interface_key is the same id
as in network_interface?
# (10:37:41) David Schmitz (CNM): keys
# (10:37:42) David Schmitz (CNM): yes
# (10:37:46) Ulisses: ok!

@@@ network


CREATE TABLE network_base (
network_type text, # @ converted to nmtl3:type
bandwidth bigint, # Doesn't has an equivalent
description text, # @ converted to attribute of nmtl3:name
network_name text, # @ converted to nmtl3:name
ospf_network_type text # Doesn't has an equivalent

@ XML: L3Link (best for me):

# [day 1]
# (11:32:39) Ulisses: and network (cnm) seems to be L3Link (nmwg) and not
L3Network (nmwg)
# (11:41:15) Ulisses: l3 network has ip addressing
# (11:41:27) Ulisses: while l3 link doesn't
# [day 2]
# (12:21:59) Ulisses: l3network seems more like ip_subnetwork because it
implies l3 addresses
# (12:22:03) Ulisses: while l3link
# (12:22:26) Ulisses: has no need for having l3 or l2 addresses, but it can
# [...]
# (12:31:04) Ulisses: for me l3network is = ip_subnetwork, whre the l3
network can be composed on > 2 l3/l2 interfaces and l3/l2 links, but always
only one prefix
# (12:31:08) David Schmitz (CNM): of course such a (more complex) (IP)
network consists of multiple of subnetworks which are realized each on a
physical l2 network in our sense
# (12:32:07) Ulisses: in anycase, my point was in the first place that
network_base is l3link
# (12:32:49) David Schmitz (CNM): this seems so
# (12:32:51) David Schmitz (CNM): yes

L3Link =
element nmtl3:link { L3LinkContent }

# We want to have an L2LinkIdRef
# but the current tooling doesnt support
# having two attributes of the same name
# (even in different namespaces)
L3LinkContent =
Identifier? &
L3LinkIdRef? &
element nmtl3:index { xsd:string }? &
element nmtl3:type { xsd:string }? &
element nmtl3:name {
attribute type { xsd:string }? &
}? &
element nmtl3:globalName {
attribute type { xsd:string }? &
}? &
element nmtl3:authRealm {
}? &
L3Interface |
)* &
L3Link |
)* &

@@@ network to interface

@ SQL:

CREATE TABLE network_to_interface (
network_object_id integer,
network_interface_object_id integer,
interface_order integer
INHERITS (object_with_historyinfo);

network_to_interface_network_interface_object_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY
(network_interface_object_id) REFERENCES network_interface_key(object_id) ON

network_to_interface_network_object_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (network_object_id)

@ XML:

The way to relate network to elements with the XML schema is to use l3links
for the
networks because it contains l3 interfaces.

-- PostgreSQL database dump

SET client_encoding = 'SQL_ASCII';
SET check_function_bodies = false;
SET client_min_messages = warning;

-- Name: SCHEMA public; Type: COMMENT; Schema: -; Owner: postgres

COMMENT ON SCHEMA public IS 'Standard public schema';

SET search_path = public, pg_catalog;

-- Name: myrowtype; Type: TYPE; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al

CREATE TYPE myrowtype AS (
f1 integer,
f2 text,
f3 numeric

ALTER TYPE public.myrowtype OWNER TO a2824al;

SET default_tablespace = '';

SET default_with_oids = true;

-- Name: object_with_historyinfo; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner:
a2824al; Tablespace:

CREATE TABLE object_with_historyinfo (
valid_from timestamp without time zone,
valid_to timestamp without time zone

ALTER TABLE public.object_with_historyinfo OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: generic_versioned_object; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner:
a2824al; Tablespace:

CREATE TABLE generic_versioned_object (
object_id integer NOT NULL,
object_version integer NOT NULL
INHERITS (object_with_historyinfo);

ALTER TABLE public.generic_versioned_object OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: snmp_access_for_monitoring_object; Type: TABLE; Schema: public;
Owner: a2824al; Tablespace:

CREATE TABLE snmp_access_for_monitoring_object (
snmp_community text,
snmp_status_aggregation boolean,
snmp_access boolean
INHERITS (generic_versioned_object);

ALTER TABLE public.snmp_access_for_monitoring_object OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: cdp_info_for_monitoring_object; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner:
a2824al; Tablespace:

CREATE TABLE cdp_info_for_monitoring_object (
cdp_discovered boolean,
cdp_valid boolean,
cdp_first_discovery timestamp without time zone,
cdp_last_discovery timestamp without time zone
INHERITS (snmp_access_for_monitoring_object);

ALTER TABLE public.cdp_info_for_monitoring_object OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: current_cdp_info_for_monitoring_object; Type: VIEW; Schema: public;
Owner: a2824al

CREATE VIEW current_cdp_info_for_monitoring_object AS
SELECT m.valid_from, m.valid_to, m.object_id, m.object_version,
m.snmp_community, m.snmp_status_aggregation, m.snmp_access, m.cdp_discovered,
m.cdp_valid, m.cdp_first_discovery, m.cdp_last_discovery FROM
cdp_info_for_monitoring_object m WHERE (((m.valid_from IS NULL) OR
(m.valid_from < ('now'::text)::timestamp(6) with time zone)) AND ((m.valid_to
IS NULL) OR (m.valid_to > ('now'::text)::timestamp(6) with time zone)));

ALTER TABLE public.current_cdp_info_for_monitoring_object OWNER TO a2824al;

SET default_with_oids = false;

-- Name: ip_subnetwork_base; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al;

CREATE TABLE ip_subnetwork_base (
ip_prefix text,
description text,
object_id_of_used_network integer

ALTER TABLE public.ip_subnetwork_base OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: monitoring_object_base; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al;

CREATE TABLE monitoring_object_base (
display_count smallint

ALTER TABLE public.monitoring_object_base OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: COLUMN monitoring_object_base.display_count; Type: COMMENT; Schema:
public; Owner: a2824al

COMMENT ON COLUMN monitoring_object_base.display_count IS 'counts appearance
of this object
in the maps
to know wheter it can be deleted

could also be handeled
by referential integrity';

SET default_with_oids = true;

-- Name: monitoring_object; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al;

CREATE TABLE monitoring_object (
"valid" boolean
INHERITS (generic_versioned_object, monitoring_object_base);

ALTER TABLE public.monitoring_object OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: ip_subnetwork; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al;

CREATE TABLE ip_subnetwork (
INHERITS (monitoring_object, ip_subnetwork_base);

ALTER TABLE public.ip_subnetwork OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: current_ip_network; Type: VIEW; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al

CREATE VIEW current_ip_network AS
SELECT m.valid_from, m.valid_to, m.object_id, m.object_version,
m.display_count, m."valid", m.ip_prefix, m.description,
m.object_id_of_used_network FROM ip_subnetwork m WHERE (((m.valid_from IS
NULL) OR (m.valid_from < ('now'::text)::timestamp(6) with time zone)) AND
((m.valid_to IS NULL) OR (m.valid_to > ('now'::text)::timestamp(6) with time

ALTER TABLE public.current_ip_network OWNER TO a2824al;

SET default_with_oids = false;

-- Name: ip_subnetwork_interface_base; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner:
a2824al; Tablespace:

CREATE TABLE ip_subnetwork_interface_base (
ip_address text,
description text,
object_id_of_used_network_interface integer

ALTER TABLE public.ip_subnetwork_interface_base OWNER TO a2824al;

SET default_with_oids = true;

-- Name: ip_subnetwork_interface; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner:
a2824al; Tablespace:

CREATE TABLE ip_subnetwork_interface (
INHERITS (monitoring_object, ip_subnetwork_interface_base);

ALTER TABLE public.ip_subnetwork_interface OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: current_ip_network_interface; Type: VIEW; Schema: public; Owner:

CREATE VIEW current_ip_network_interface AS
SELECT m.valid_from, m.valid_to, m.object_id, m.object_version,
m.display_count, m."valid", m.ip_address, m.description,
m.object_id_of_used_network_interface FROM ip_subnetwork_interface m WHERE
(((m.valid_from IS NULL) OR (m.valid_from < ('now'::text)::timestamp(6) with
time zone)) AND ((m.valid_to IS NULL) OR (m.valid_to >
('now'::text)::timestamp(6) with time zone)));

ALTER TABLE public.current_ip_network_interface OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: current_monitoring_object; Type: VIEW; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al

CREATE VIEW current_monitoring_object AS
SELECT m.valid_from, m.valid_to, m.object_id, m.object_version,
m.display_count, m."valid" FROM monitoring_object m WHERE (((m.valid_from IS
NULL) OR (m.valid_from < ('now'::text)::timestamp(6) with time zone)) AND
((m.valid_to IS NULL) OR (m.valid_to > ('now'::text)::timestamp(6) with time

ALTER TABLE public.current_monitoring_object OWNER TO a2824al;

SET default_with_oids = false;

-- Name: network_base; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al;

CREATE TABLE network_base (
network_type text,
bandwidth bigint,
description text,
network_name text,
ospf_network_type text

ALTER TABLE public.network_base OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: COLUMN network_base.network_type; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public;
Owner: a2824al

COMMENT ON COLUMN network_base.network_type IS 'to distinguish between
like MPLS, VLAN, ...

of course relates to ifType of
associated interfaces in some way';

-- Name: COLUMN network_base.bandwidth; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner:

COMMENT ON COLUMN network_base.bandwidth IS 'bandwidth of the link (in kbit/s)

should relate to ifSpeed/ifHighSpeed
of associated interfaces';

SET default_with_oids = true;

-- Name: network; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al; Tablespace:

CREATE TABLE network (
INHERITS (network_base, monitoring_object);


-- Name: current_network; Type: VIEW; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al

CREATE VIEW current_network AS
SELECT m.valid_from, m.valid_to, m.object_id, m.object_version,
m.network_type, m.bandwidth, m.display_count, m."valid", m.description,
m.network_name, m.ospf_network_type FROM network m WHERE (((m.valid_from IS
NULL) OR (m.valid_from < ('now'::text)::timestamp(6) with time zone)) AND
((m.valid_to IS NULL) OR (m.valid_to > ('now'::text)::timestamp(6) with time

ALTER TABLE public.current_network OWNER TO a2824al;

SET default_with_oids = false;

-- Name: network_interface_base; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al;

CREATE TABLE network_interface_base (
if_highspeed bigint,
if_mtu text,
if_type information_schema.cardinal_number,
if_index integer,
parent_interface_object_id integer,
layer integer,
default_ip_interface_address text,
default_ip_network_subnet_prefix text,
if_alias text,
if_description text,
if_speed bigint,
ospf_link_type text,
speed bigint

ALTER TABLE public.network_interface_base OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: COLUMN network_interface_base.if_type; Type: COMMENT; Schema:
public; Owner: a2824al

COMMENT ON COLUMN network_interface_base.if_type IS 'ifType of MIB2';

-- Name: COLUMN network_interface_base.if_index; Type: COMMENT; Schema:
public; Owner: a2824al

COMMENT ON COLUMN network_interface_base.if_index IS 'ifIndex of MIB2';

-- Name: COLUMN network_interface_base.layer; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public;
Owner: a2824al

COMMENT ON COLUMN network_interface_base.layer IS '1/2 or 3';

-- Name: COLUMN network_interface_base.default_ip_network_subnet_prefix;
Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al

COMMENT ON COLUMN network_interface_base.default_ip_network_subnet_prefix IS
'should match default_ip_interface_address,

for simplicity at the moment:

later different layers of
interfaces (1/2 or 3 ...)
will have separate tables';

-- Name: COLUMN network_interface_base.if_alias; Type: COMMENT; Schema:
public; Owner: a2824al

COMMENT ON COLUMN network_interface_base.if_alias IS 'ifAlias from MIB2';

-- Name: COLUMN network_interface_base.if_description; Type: COMMENT; Schema:
public; Owner: a2824al

COMMENT ON COLUMN network_interface_base.if_description IS 'ifDescription of

-- Name: COLUMN network_interface_base.if_speed; Type: COMMENT; Schema:
public; Owner: a2824al

COMMENT ON COLUMN network_interface_base.if_speed IS 'if_speed of MIB2';

SET default_with_oids = true;

-- Name: network_interface; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al;

CREATE TABLE network_interface (
INHERITS (monitoring_object, network_interface_base);

ALTER TABLE public.network_interface OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: current_network_interface; Type: VIEW; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al

CREATE VIEW current_network_interface AS
SELECT m.valid_from, m.valid_to, m.object_id, m.object_version,
m.if_highspeed, m.if_mtu, m.if_type, m.if_index,
m.parent_interface_object_id, m.layer, m.default_ip_interface_address,
m.default_ip_network_subnet_prefix, m.if_alias, m.if_description,
m.display_count, m."valid", m.if_speed FROM network_interface m WHERE
(((m.valid_from IS NULL) OR (m.valid_from < ('now'::text)::timestamp(6) with
time zone)) AND ((m.valid_to IS NULL) OR (m.valid_to >
('now'::text)::timestamp(6) with time zone)));

ALTER TABLE public.current_network_interface OWNER TO a2824al;

SET default_with_oids = false;

-- Name: network_node_base; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al;

CREATE TABLE network_node_base (
ip_management_address text,
network_node_type_id integer,
location_id integer,
dns_name1 text,
dns_name2 text,
usage_type information_schema.cardinal_number,
name text

ALTER TABLE public.network_node_base OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: COLUMN network_node_base.usage_type; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public;
Owner: a2824al

COMMENT ON COLUMN network_node_base.usage_type IS 'from CNM GWIN:
core router
access router
other router';

SET default_with_oids = true;

-- Name: network_node; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al;

CREATE TABLE network_node (
INHERITS (monitoring_object, network_node_base);

ALTER TABLE public.network_node OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: current_network_node; Type: VIEW; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al

CREATE VIEW current_network_node AS
SELECT m.valid_from, m.valid_to, m.object_id, m.object_version,
m.ip_management_address, m.network_node_type_id, m.location_id, m.dns_name1,
m.dns_name2, m.usage_type, m.display_count, m."valid", FROM
network_node m WHERE (((m.valid_from IS NULL) OR (m.valid_from <
('now'::text)::timestamp(6) with time zone)) AND ((m.valid_to IS NULL) OR
(m.valid_to > ('now'::text)::timestamp(6) with time zone)));

ALTER TABLE public.current_network_node OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: network_to_interface; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al;

CREATE TABLE network_to_interface (
network_object_id integer,
network_interface_object_id integer,
interface_order integer
INHERITS (object_with_historyinfo);

ALTER TABLE public.network_to_interface OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: COLUMN network_to_interface.interface_order; Type: COMMENT; Schema:
public; Owner: a2824al

COMMENT ON COLUMN network_to_interface.interface_order IS 'necessary for the
main type of networks wich are p2p links,
to distinguish between
to and from interface
(necessary for metrics which
distinguish both corresponding directions)';

-- Name: current_network_to_interface; Type: VIEW; Schema: public; Owner:

CREATE VIEW current_network_to_interface AS
SELECT m.valid_from, m.valid_to, m.network_object_id,
m.network_interface_object_id, m.interface_order FROM network_to_interface m
WHERE (((m.valid_from IS NULL) OR (m.valid_from < ('now'::text)::timestamp(6)
with time zone)) AND ((m.valid_to IS NULL) OR (m.valid_to >
('now'::text)::timestamp(6) with time zone)));

ALTER TABLE public.current_network_to_interface OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: perfsonar_access_for_monitoring_object; Type: TABLE; Schema: public;
Owner: a2824al; Tablespace:

CREATE TABLE perfsonar_access_for_monitoring_object (
measurement_archive_access boolean,
measurement_archive_address text,
metric_name information_schema.cardinal_number
INHERITS (generic_versioned_object);

ALTER TABLE public.perfsonar_access_for_monitoring_object OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: COLUMN perfsonar_access_for_monitoring_object.metric_name; Type:
COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al

COMMENT ON COLUMN perfsonar_access_for_monitoring_object.metric_name IS
'later this should be in a extra associated table to support multiple metrics
per monitoring object

for now, we only have ''utilization''';

-- Name: current_perfsonar_access_for_monitoring_object; Type: VIEW; Schema:
public; Owner: a2824al

CREATE VIEW current_perfsonar_access_for_monitoring_object AS
SELECT m.valid_from, m.valid_to, m.object_id, m.object_version,
m.measurement_archive_access, m.measurement_archive_address, m.metric_name
FROM perfsonar_access_for_monitoring_object m WHERE (((m.valid_from IS NULL)
OR (m.valid_from < ('now'::text)::timestamp(6) with time zone)) AND
((m.valid_to IS NULL) OR (m.valid_to > ('now'::text)::timestamp(6) with time

ALTER TABLE public.current_perfsonar_access_for_monitoring_object OWNER TO

-- Name: domain; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al; Tablespace:

CREATE TABLE "domain" (
domain_id serial NOT NULL,
domain_name text,
domain_description text,
domain_external_id text,
domain_networks_name text,
country_iso3166_code text

ALTER TABLE public."domain" OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: COLUMN "domain".domain_name; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner:

COMMENT ON COLUMN "domain".domain_name IS 'name in english,
could be used as a label in
applications, human-readable';

-- Name: COLUMN "domain".domain_external_id; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public;
Owner: a2824al

COMMENT ON COLUMN "domain".domain_external_id IS 'domain key name,
globally valid,
not only in this db,
not in any case good human-readable';

-- Name: domain_domain_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner:

SELECT pg_catalog.setval(pg_catalog.pg_get_serial_sequence('"domain"',
'domain_id'), 13, true);

-- Name: domain_named_object; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al;

CREATE TABLE domain_named_object (
domain_id integer,
in_domain_id text

ALTER TABLE public.domain_named_object OWNER TO a2824al;

SET default_with_oids = false;

-- Name: generic_versioned_object_key; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner:
a2824al; Tablespace:

CREATE TABLE generic_versioned_object_key (
object_id serial NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE public.generic_versioned_object_key OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: generic_versioned_object_key_object_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET;
Schema: public; Owner: a2824al

'object_id'), 61096, true);

SET default_with_oids = true;

-- Name: product_type; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al;

CREATE TABLE product_type (
id serial NOT NULL,
vendor_name text,
type_name text,
description text

ALTER TABLE public.product_type OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: COLUMN; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al

COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'db internal id';

-- Name: hardware_type; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al;

CREATE TABLE hardware_type (
INHERITS (product_type);

ALTER TABLE public.hardware_type OWNER TO a2824al;

SET default_with_oids = false;

-- Name: ip_subnetwork_interface_key_base; Type: TABLE; Schema: public;
Owner: a2824al; Tablespace:

CREATE TABLE ip_subnetwork_interface_key_base (
domain_id integer NOT NULL,
in_domain_id text NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE public.ip_subnetwork_interface_key_base OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: TABLE ip_subnetwork_interface_key_base; Type: COMMENT; Schema:
public; Owner: a2824al

COMMENT ON TABLE ip_subnetwork_interface_key_base IS 'in contrast to a
the id of an ip_network_interface is not bound
to a specific router
and has its own in_domain_id bound only to domainid

the association to the router and
physical (snmp mib-2 view) interface
can vary over time

ip address and prefix may also vary
but might also be used as a key

the name of a connected customer might also
be used as a key';

-- Name: monitoring_object_key_base; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner:
a2824al; Tablespace:

CREATE TABLE monitoring_object_key_base (

ALTER TABLE public.monitoring_object_key_base OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: monitoring_object_key; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al;

CREATE TABLE monitoring_object_key (
INHERITS (generic_versioned_object_key, monitoring_object_key_base);

ALTER TABLE public.monitoring_object_key OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: ip_subnetwork_interface_key; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner:
a2824al; Tablespace:

CREATE TABLE ip_subnetwork_interface_key (
INHERITS (monitoring_object_key, ip_subnetwork_interface_key_base);

ALTER TABLE public.ip_subnetwork_interface_key OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: ip_subnetwork_key_base; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al;

CREATE TABLE ip_subnetwork_key_base (
domain_id integer NOT NULL,
in_domain_id text NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE public.ip_subnetwork_key_base OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: ip_subnetwork_key; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al;

CREATE TABLE ip_subnetwork_key (
INHERITS (monitoring_object_key, ip_subnetwork_key_base);

ALTER TABLE public.ip_subnetwork_key OWNER TO a2824al;

SET default_with_oids = true;

-- Name: location; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al; Tablespace:

CREATE TABLE "location" (
id serial NOT NULL,
description text,
utm text,
in_domain_id text,
domain_id integer

ALTER TABLE public."location" OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: COLUMN "location".in_domain_id; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public;
Owner: a2824al

COMMENT ON COLUMN "location".in_domain_id IS 'globally valid
also external to the db';

-- Name: location_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al

SELECT pg_catalog.setval(pg_catalog.pg_get_serial_sequence('"location"',
'id'), 2257, true);

SET default_with_oids = false;

-- Name: network_interface_key_base; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner:
a2824al; Tablespace:

CREATE TABLE network_interface_key_base (
object_id_of_network_node integer NOT NULL,
in_domain_id text

ALTER TABLE public.network_interface_key_base OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: network_interface_key; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al;

CREATE TABLE network_interface_key (
INHERITS (network_interface_key_base, monitoring_object_key);

ALTER TABLE public.network_interface_key OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: network_node_key_base; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al;

CREATE TABLE network_node_key_base (
domain_id integer,
in_domain_id text
INHERITS (monitoring_object_key_base);

ALTER TABLE public.network_node_key_base OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: network_node_key; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al;

CREATE TABLE network_node_key (
INHERITS (monitoring_object_key, network_node_key_base);

ALTER TABLE public.network_node_key OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: network_interface_joined_key; Type: VIEW; Schema: public; Owner:

CREATE VIEW network_interface_joined_key AS
SELECT k.object_id, k.object_id_of_network_node, k.in_domain_id,
r.domain_id, r.in_domain_id AS in_domain_id_of_network_node FROM
(network_interface_key k JOIN network_node_key r ON ((r.object_id =

ALTER TABLE public.network_interface_joined_key OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: network_interface_joined; Type: VIEW; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al

CREATE VIEW network_interface_joined AS
SELECT k.object_id, k.object_id_of_network_node, k.in_domain_id,
k.domain_id, k.in_domain_id_of_network_node, i.valid_from, i.valid_to,
i.object_version, i.if_highspeed, i.if_mtu, i.if_type, i.if_index,
i.parent_interface_object_id, i.layer, i.default_ip_interface_address,
i.default_ip_network_subnet_prefix, i.if_alias, i.if_description,
i.display_count, i."valid", i.if_speed, i.ospf_link_type FROM
(network_interface_joined_key k JOIN network_interface i USING (object_id));

ALTER TABLE public.network_interface_joined OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: network_key_base; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al;

CREATE TABLE network_key_base (
domain_id integer,
in_domain_id text

ALTER TABLE public.network_key_base OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: COLUMN network_key_base.domain_id; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public;
Owner: a2824al

COMMENT ON COLUMN network_key_base.domain_id IS 'there might be possibly
domain defined in the domain
table for organizational transits
e.g. "geant-<->-gwin"';

-- Name: COLUMN network_key_base.in_domain_id; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public;
Owner: a2824al

COMMENT ON COLUMN network_key_base.in_domain_id IS 'external, globally (not
only in this db) valid (together with domainid)

-- Name: network_key; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al;

CREATE TABLE network_key (
INHERITS (network_key_base, monitoring_object_key);

ALTER TABLE public.network_key OWNER TO a2824al;

SET default_with_oids = true;

-- Name: network_node_type; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al;

CREATE TABLE network_node_type (
INHERITS (hardware_type);

ALTER TABLE public.network_node_type OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: pga_forms; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al; Tablespace:

CREATE TABLE pga_forms (
formname character varying(64),
formsource text

ALTER TABLE public.pga_forms OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: pga_layout; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al; Tablespace:

CREATE TABLE pga_layout (
tablename character varying(64),
nrcols smallint,
colnames text,
colwidth text

ALTER TABLE public.pga_layout OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: pga_queries; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al;

CREATE TABLE pga_queries (
queryname character varying(64),
querytype character(1),
querycommand text,
querytables text,
querylinks text,
queryresults text,
querycomments text

ALTER TABLE public.pga_queries OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: pga_reports; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al;

CREATE TABLE pga_reports (
reportname character varying(64),
reportsource text,
reportbody text,
reportprocs text,
reportoptions text

ALTER TABLE public.pga_reports OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: pga_schema; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al; Tablespace:

CREATE TABLE pga_schema (
schemaname character varying(64),
schematables text,
schemalinks text

ALTER TABLE public.pga_schema OWNER TO a2824al;

-- Name: pga_scripts; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: a2824al;

CREATE TABLE pga_scripts (
scriptname character varying(64),
scriptsource text

ALTER TABLE public.pga_scripts OWNER TO a2824al;

  • TOPS: SQL to XML transformation, ulisses, 09/21/2006

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