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perfsonar-dev - Re: [I2G2-Proto] [pS-dev] Operational support for Discovery

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Re: [I2G2-Proto] [pS-dev] Operational support for Discovery

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Herbert Souza <>
  • To: Nicolas Simar <>, "Eric L. Boyd" <>
  • Cc: Prototype-JRA1 <>,
  • Subject: Re: [I2G2-Proto] [pS-dev] Operational support for Discovery
  • Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2006 13:56:37 -0300 (ART)
  • Domainkey-signature: a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws; s=s1024;; h=Message-ID:Received:Date:From:Subject:To:Cc:In-Reply-To:MIME-Version:Content-Type:Content-Transfer-Encoding; b=cvKOl11Vxgc1S9gHDFYHcDx6P0mj7TQ/fjKOt5knoZM2l64SFHrLBX7ftmLImf07tGgFWmXnR9NEwRzDHdtDyz4a6+E6tnBEIR2C8kgRQGK2Sxe2z3NJup0hyctaS8j9tjCCubutAIm2mjHoUXafDnV6YAAMOMjkDZGlgf+49Yw= ;

Hi all,
I did not participate of the confCall() of active form (because of microphone problems) but I heard all.
In relation to this email it follows below my replies.
>2. Maybe (II)-RNP could be combined with (I)-I2/ESNET? But RNP has
>already had its own LS. So, it depends on them.

Yes it does not have problem in combine with the (I)-I2/ESNET. But for an active participation we would like to participate with a LS deployed in RNP.

Thanks and best regards!

Nicolas Simar <> escreveu:
Hi all,

We had a little brainstorm with Maciej and Vedrin on the Lookup server
as input for Thursday discussion.

Those are the main points which came out of it:

1) Because of the multi-LS is distributed, we would be better off
starting with several LSes rather than a single one. The transition
later on would be easier.
2) Because we don't know yet the capabilities of a LS in term of
handeling information, it would be best to have several LSes with a
different amount of information store on them (variation of number of
interfaces and number of services registered at it, this would give us
some clues about their capabilities). Vedrin mention that with the
current tests he has been doing, he don't expects the LS to be able to
support more than few hundreds of interfaces.
3) In ordre to get more feedback on deployed instance of the LS (find
bugs, etc) , it would be best to have several NRENs deploying the LS.
Three more that currently would be ideal.

The suggestion would be to have 5 LS deployed with all the services
registering at them. Maciej wrote a quite sensible proposal on how
ideally they could group together, allowing us to observe the behavior
(see below). Basically, the suggestion would be that all the NRENs
within a groups would register their service to a single LS (one of them
volunteering to deploy it).

My proposal is to install several LSes for:
(institutions, number of interfaces, country/area)

(I) North America (2 MAs, 498 interfaces)
- ESNET 415 US
- Internet2 83 US [*]

(II) South America (1MA, 63 interfaces)
- RNP 63 Brazil [*]

(III) Central Europe (3MA, 24 interfaces)
- PIONIER-RRD 23 Poland [*]
- PIONIER-SQL 1 Poland
- CESNET - Czech Rep.

(IV) Western Europe (2MAs, 317 interfaces)
- SWITCH 272 Switzerland [*]

(V) South-East Europe (6MAs, 201 interfaces)
- GRNET 24 Greece
- CARNET 8 Croatia
- ISTF-J 80 Bulgaria [*]
- ISTF-P 80 Bulgaria
- MREN 2 Serbia and Montenegro
- SEEREN 7 South-East Europe

(VI) Nothern Europe (Scandinavia) (1MA, 969 interfaces)
- UNINETT 969 Norway [*]


1. [*] are potential places where LSes should/could be deployed

2. Maybe (II)-RNP could be combined with (I)-I2/ESNET? But RNP has
already had its own LS. So, it depends on them.

3. PSNC has really small amount of data, and it could be combined with
other group, but I it's already been installed and I'd like to have
other deployment as well. Moreover, the PSNC LS might be the newest one
(I assume it's already been the newest one supporting Result Codes)

4. In the future we can move some interfaces to PSNC from other Lookup
Services it the number of interfaces will be growing up in other areas.

Maciej and Vedrin mentioned that it would be of value if at least two
NRENs could deploy the latest LS as it contains error code. It has also
the advantage that developpers of visualisation services can test that

It is proposed to:
(I), (II) and probably (VI) be perfSONAR 1.0 LS
(III), (V) and maybe (IV) be perfsonar 1.0a (snapshot on wiki)

So an NREN would have the choice between deploying
1. the released LS:
- pros: it has been tested and work with the released MA, it is easy to
install (installation scripts)
- cons: the troubleshooting is more difficult as no errors codes
2. the latest version of the LS (Maciej to indicate which version so
that a single one is used and not four different latest versions)
- pros: it contains erros codes which helps the troubleshooting in case
of problem.


Eric L. Boyd wrote:
> Greetings,
> I'd like to propose a meeting for next week to discover operational
> support for perfSONAR discovery requests.
> In effect, we should discuss deploying the centralized lookup server
> (v1.0) supported operationally by the project in the short term until we
> have working, deployed instances of the Multi-LS.
> I'd like to propose Thursday, July 27, at 10 AM ET.
> I'd like to ensure sufficient critical mass to have this discussion, so
> please let me know if you can make it. Otherwise
> --Eric


Nicolas Simar
Network Engineer


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City House, 126-130 Hills Road
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Herbert Monteiro Souza
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