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ntacpeering - case for adding a TR-CPS node in Dallas

Subject: NTAC Peering Working Group

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case for adding a TR-CPS node in Dallas

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Steven Wallace <>
  • To: , Rob Vietzke <>, Darrell Newcomb <>, David Reese <>, Linda Roos <>, ,
  • Subject: case for adding a TR-CPS node in Dallas
  • Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2010 08:03:30 -0400

The following are bullets points to accompany today's Dallas peering
point agenda item.

- During the original TR CPS consolidation discussions, oh so many moons
ago, it was envisioned that Dallas would be the logical next peering node

- With the current topology, there are no southern peering points. With
a peering node along the southern path, TR-CPS will be more resilient to
failures of the more congested northern path.

- Adding a node in Dallas will provide local drainage for LONI and
LEARN, as well as offer an additional short path for GPN, MCNC, FLR/SOX,

- A Dallas node will allow some of the most congested TR-CPS links to
load shed to lesser used links (e.g., KANS-CHIC traffic can move to

- Dallas will become a core node (based on BTOP award)

- While there is a budget impact (expenses range from $230K-$325K/yr
including depreciation), TR-CPS will benefit from a significant capital
savings due to BTOP's funding of TR-CPS routers, and staff & CENIC
believe that the cost of the Dallas node will fit within the current budget.

- LEARN has offered to provide TR-CPS will LEARN-member-priced metro
capacity, ensuing flexible and cost-effective metro transport

  • case for adding a TR-CPS node in Dallas, Steven Wallace, 08/17/2010

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