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netsec-sig - RE: [Security-WG] fast track for DDoS recommendations to Internet2, and a bit more...

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Subject: Internet2 Network Security SIG

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RE: [Security-WG] fast track for DDoS recommendations to Internet2, and a bit more...

Chronological Thread 
  • From: "Schopis, Paul" <>
  • To: "Dale W. Carder" <>, "Taylor, Scott J." <>
  • Cc: "Spurling, Shannon" <>, "D'Angelo, Cas (Samuel)" <>, Steven Wallace <>, "" <>, Rob Vietzke <>, George Loftus <>, John Moore <>, Caroline Weilhamer <>
  • Subject: RE: [Security-WG] fast track for DDoS recommendations to Internet2, and a bit more...
  • Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2015 16:08:47 +0000
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That is is impressive. I'd go so far to say in the street vernacular it
"kicks ass".


on behalf of Dale W. Carder
Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2015 11:24 AM
To: Taylor, Scott J.
Cc: Spurling, Shannon; D'Angelo, Cas (Samuel); Steven Wallace;;
Rob Vietzke; George Loftus; John Moore; Caroline Weilhamer
Subject: Re: [Security-WG] fast track for DDoS recommendations to Internet2,
and a bit more...

Thus spake Taylor, Scott J.
on Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 02:36:46AM +0000:
> I’m starting to believe that the IU guys that are doing SCI-Flow (?) have
> the right model for DDoS mitigation as well as expressing elephant flows.
> Why can’t when we detect these attacks, we program a controller to drop.
> I’m also very curious to spend some more time with vendors on the
> BGP-Flowspec capabilities and maybe using something like that to drop
> traffic at our edge. Based on what we’ve seen in CT I have to believe we
> could easily knock out the less sophisticated attacks.

One of our campuses is using fastnetmon monitoring a UDP-only feed
from a mirror port on our router. With detection in a few seconds,
it then uses exabgp to inject a flowspec rule into our network to
block the traffic across our AS. As far as free goes, this is pretty
much just off the shelf.


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