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ndt-users - Re: Protocol error - missed text message!

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Re: Protocol error - missed text message!

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Jason Zurawski <>
  • To:
  • Cc: "" <>
  • Subject: Re: Protocol error - missed text message!
  • Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2011 14:35:57 +0100
  • Organization: Internet2

Hi Matt;

I see one thing that is immediately sticking out as being strange:

New connection received from 0xe12ce0 [1192.168.1.153 ] sockfd=7.

Can you verify that the address of the client machine is not '1192.168.1.153'? I am not sure if this is the problem or not, but its worth checking.



On 2/10/11 1:37 PM,

Server side :
# web100srv -4 -s -l /var/log/ndt/web100srv.log -dddddd
ANL/Internet2 NDT ver 3.6.4
Variables file = /usr/local/ndt/web100_variables
log file = /var/log/ndt/web100srv.log
Syslog facility = default (128)
Debug level set to 6

Send buffer initialized to 16384, Receive buffer initialized to 87380
server ready on port 3001
web100_init() read 69 variables from file
NDT server (v3.6.4) proces [24691] started at Feb 10 20:24:00
Generated iflist with device=eth0 and if_speed=7
nothing in queue
Timer not running, waiting for new connection
New connection received, waiting for accept() to complete
Select() found 1 clients ready, highest fd=3
New connection received from 0xe12ce0 [1192.168.1.153 ] sockfd=7.
Parent process spawned child = 24694
Parent thinks pipe() returned fd0=8, fd1=9
Child thinks pipe() returned fd0=8, fd1=9 for pid=0creating new child -
semaphore locked

Free'd ndtq semaphore lock - 1
initialize_tests returned old/new client = 1, test_suite = 1 8 2 4
Incrementing waiting variable now = 1
Line just before ChldRdy: label, did't get here via the goto statement!
___-------______ client process is ready for testing!
Telling client 24694 testing will begin now
sending 'GO' signal to client msg='go 31 1 8 2 4'
Queue pointer=24694, testing=1, waiting=1, mclients=0, zombie_check=0
Waiting for new connection, timer running
Child 24694 received 'go 31 1 8 2 4' from parent
Got 'go' signal from parent, ready to start testing 24694
extracting test_suite ' 1 8 2 4' and t_opts '1f' from buff 'go 31 1 8 2 4'
Timer expired while waiting for a new connection
Queue pointer=24694, testing=1, waiting=1, mclients=0, zombie_check=0
Waiting for new connection, timer running
setting master alarm() to 120 seconds, tests must start (complete?) before
this timer expires
Valid test sequence requested, run test for client=24694
Child process 24694 started
run_test() routine, asking for test_suite = 1 8 2 4
Starting test suite:
> Middlebox test
> Simple firewall test
> C2S throughput test
> S2C throughput test
Starting middlebox test
<-- 24694 - Middlebox test -->
Timer expired while waiting for a new connection
Queue pointer=24694, testing=1, waiting=1, mclients=0, zombie_check=0
Waiting for new connection, timer running
Timer expired while waiting for a new connection
Queue pointer=24694, testing=1, waiting=1, mclients=0, zombie_check=0
Waiting for new connection, timer running

Send buffer initialized to 16384, Receive buffer initialized to 87380
-- port: 3003
Looking for Web100 data on socketid 8
Server: matt_server;3003 Timer expired while waiting for a new connection
Queue pointer=24694, testing=1, waiting=1, mclients=0, zombie_check=0
Waiting for new connection, timer running
Timer expired while waiting for a new connection
Queue pointer=24694, testing=1, waiting=1, mclients=0, zombie_check=0
Waiting for new connection, timer running
Client: 1192.168.1.153 ;60143 1444;7;7;
Sending 1444 Byte packets over the network
Setting Cwnd Limit to 2888 octets
Signal 17 received by process 24694
Timer expired while waiting for a new connection
Queue pointer=24694, testing=1, waiting=1, mclients=0, zombie_check=0
Waiting for new connection, timer running
Timer expired while waiting for a new connection
Queue pointer=24694, testing=1, waiting=1, mclients=0, zombie_check=0
Waiting for new connection, timer running
Finished with web100_middlebox() routine snap-0xe12af0, sndbuff=e16c200x
CWND limited throughput = 32038 kbps (32038)
<--------- 24694 ----------->
Starting simple firewall test
<-- 24694 - Simple firewall test -->
Timer expired while waiting for a new connection
Queue pointer=24694, testing=1, waiting=1, mclients=0, zombie_check=0
Waiting for new connection, timer running
Timer expired while waiting for a new connection
Queue pointer=24694, testing=1, waiting=1, mclients=0, zombie_check=0
Waiting for new connection, timer running
Timer expired while waiting for a new connection
Queue pointer=24694, testing=1, waiting=1, mclients=0, zombie_check=0
Waiting for new connection, timer running

Send buffer initialized to 16384, Receive buffer initialized to 87380
-- port: 55408
-- SFW time: 1
Timer expired while waiting for a new connection
Queue pointer=24694, testing=1, waiting=1, mclients=0, zombie_check=0
Waiting for new connection, timer running
Timer expired while waiting for a new connection
Queue pointer=24694, testing=1, waiting=1, mclients=0, zombie_check=0
Waiting for new connection, timer running
Timer expired while waiting for a new connection
Queue pointer=24694, testing=1, waiting=1, mclients=0, zombie_check=0
Waiting for new connection, timer running
-- oport: 56213

Send buffer initialized to 16384, Receive buffer initialized to 87380
Timer expired while waiting for a new connection
Queue pointer=24694, testing=1, waiting=1, mclients=0, zombie_check=0
Waiting for new connection, timer running
SFW - SIGALRM was caught
SFW - SIGALRM was caught
Unable to create connect socket.
Starting c2s throughput test
<-- 24694 - C2S throughput test -->
Timer expired while waiting for a new connection
Queue pointer=24694, testing=1, waiting=1, mclients=0, zombie_check=0
Waiting for new connection, timer running
Timer expired while waiting for a new connection
Queue pointer=24694, testing=1, waiting=1, mclients=0, zombie_check=0
Waiting for new connection, timer running

Send buffer initialized to 16384, Receive buffer initialized to 87380
-- port: 3002
listening for Inet connection on testOptions->c2ssockfd, fd=3
Sending 'GO' signal, to tell client 24694 to head for the next test
child 24694 - sent c2s prepare to client
accept() for 24694 completed
child 24694 - c2s ready for test with fd=9
C2S test Child 24694 thinks pipe() returned fd0=10, fd1=11
Timer expired while waiting for a new connection
Queue pointer=24694, testing=1, waiting=1, mclients=0, zombie_check=0
Waiting for new connection, timer running
Timer expired while waiting for a new connection
Queue pointer=24694, testing=1, waiting=1, mclients=0, zombie_check=0
Waiting for new connection, timer running
Unknown address family=17 found
IPv4 interface found address=[NDT_IP]
IPv4 address match, setting device to 'eth0'
Opening network interface 'eth0' for packet-pair timing
pcap_open_live() returned pointer 0xe188f0
installing pkt filter for 'host 1192.168.1.153 and port 38273'
Initial pkt src data = 628f64
C2S test Parent thinks pipe() returned fd0=10, fd1=11
Timer expired while waiting for a new connection
Queue pointer=24694, testing=1, waiting=1, mclients=0, zombie_check=0
Waiting for new connection, timer running
Timer expired while waiting for a new connection
Queue pointer=24694, testing=1, waiting=1, mclients=0, zombie_check=0
Waiting for new connection, timer running
New IPv4 packet trace started -- initializing counters
Timer expired while waiting for a new connection
Queue pointer=24694, testing=1, waiting=1, mclients=0, zombie_check=0
Waiting for new connection, timer running
Timer expired while waiting for a new connection
Queue pointer=24694, testing=1, waiting=1, mclients=0, zombie_check=0
Waiting for new connection, timer running
Timer expired while waiting for a new connection
Queue pointer=24694, testing=1, waiting=1, mclients=0, zombie_check=0
Waiting for new connection, timer running
Timer expired while waiting for a new connection
Queue pointer=24694, testing=1, waiting=1, mclients=0, zombie_check=0
Fault: Something in queue, but child 24694 (fd=7) has exceeded wait time
pid=24694, client='1192.168.1.153 ', stime=1297340663, qtime=1297340663
pipe-fd=9, running=1, ctlsockfd=7, client-type=1, tests='1 8 2 4'
writen() Error! write(7) failed with err='Bad file descriptor(9) pic=24691'
Processing SIGCHLD signal for active web100srv process [-1], sig17=0
Stuck child at head of queue, set pid=24694 and remove it from queue
checking for pktpair timing children, skip them
Looking for 24694, curent queue Child 24694, host: 1192.168.1.153
[1192.168.1.153 ], next=0x0
Main test process 24694 terminated, remove from queue
Attempting to clean up child 24694, head pid = 24694
Child 24694, host: 1192.168.1.153 [1192.168.1.153 ], next=0x0
Child process 24694 causing head pointer modification, semaphore locked
modifying queue tmp1=0xe13170, head_ptr=0xe13170
free tmp1=0xe13170
Removing Child from head, decremented waiting/mclients 0/0
Free'd ndtq semaphore lock - 3
Processing SIGCHLD signal for active web100srv process [24694], sig17=0
wait4() returned 32653 for PID=0
wtermsig = 13
child_sig() routine, wait4() non-zero status (32653) returned
nothing in queue
Timer not running, waiting for new connection
Signal 15 received by process 24694
Signal 17 received by process 24691
Signal 17 (SIGCHLD) received - completed tests = 1
Signal 14 received by process 24697
Received SIGALRM signal [C2S throughput test] pid=24697

Client side :
# sudo web100clt -4 -l -n [NDT_Server]:7123 -dddddd
Testing network path for configuration and performance problems --
Send buffer initialized to 16384, Receive buffer initialized to 87380
Using IPv4 address
Requesting test suite:
> Middlebox test
> Simple firewall test
> C2S throughput test
> S2C throughput test
> New Client, impliments queuing feedback
Server version: 3.6.4
Received tests sequence: ' 1 8 2 4'
<-- Middlebox test -->
-- port: 3003
connecting to [NDT_Server]:3003

Send buffer initialized to 16384, Receive buffer initialized to 87380
Checking for Middleboxes ****************************** CWND limited speed =
32037.52 kbps
<-- Simple firewall test -->
checking for firewalls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-- port: 55408
-- time: 1

Send buffer initialized to 16384, Receive buffer initialized to 87380
-- oport: 56213

Send buffer initialized to 16384, Receive buffer initialized to 87380
Simple firewall test: no connection for 1 seconds
SIGALRM was caught
<-- C2S throughput test -->
-- port: 3002

Send buffer initialized to 16384, Receive buffer initialized to 87380
running 10s outbound test (client to server) . . . . . Protocol error -
missed text message!
C2S throughput test FAILED!
<-- S2C throughput test -->
Protocol error - missed prepare message!
S2C throughput test FAILED!
Protocol error - expected results! got ' 1', msgtype=2

Any help greatly appreciated.


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