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ndt-dev - [ndt-dev] [ndt] r504 committed - Documented MID, SFW and META tests, added documentation for some more ...

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[ndt-dev] [ndt] r504 committed - Documented MID, SFW and META tests, added documentation for some more ...

Chronological Thread 
  • From:
  • To:
  • Subject: [ndt-dev] [ndt] r504 committed - Documented MID, SFW and META tests, added documentation for some more ...
  • Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2011 02:51:47 +0000

Revision: 504

Date: Wed Aug 17 19:50:47 2011
Log: Documented MID, SFW and META tests, added documentation for some more areas


--- /branches/kkumar_code_organize/Applet/ Fri Aug 12 09:47:53 2011
+++ /branches/kkumar_code_organize/Applet/ Wed Aug 17 19:50:47 2011
@@ -52,6 +52,26 @@
public static String TARGET1 = "U";
public static String TARGET2 = "H";

+ //NDT pre-fixed port ID
+ public static final int CONTROL_PORT_DEFAULT = 3001;
+ //SRV-QUEUE message status constants
+ public static final int SRV_QUEUE_TEST_STARTS_NOW = 0;
+ public static final int SRV_QUEUE_SERVER_FAULT = 9977;
+ public static final int SRV_QUEUE_SERVER_BUSY = 9988;
+ public static final int SRV_QUEUE_HEARTBEAT = 9990 ;
+ public static final int SRV_QUEUE_SERVER_BUSY_60s = 9999;
+ //Middlebox test related constants
+ public static final int MIDDLEBOX_PREDEFINED_MSS = 8192;
+ /*
+ * "9977" Server Fault: test session will be terminated for unknown reason. Client MUST drop the connection after receiving this message.
+"9988" If this is a first message from the Server, then it means that the Server is busy. In other cases it means the Server Fault. the Client MUST drop the connection after receiving this message.
+"9990" This is a check from the Server to verify if the queued Client is alive. Available from v3.5.5. The Client MUST respond to this message by sending an empty 'MSG_WAITING' message. The Server will only send these messages to the queued Clients that requested TEST_STATUS test.
+ * */
/*Method to initialise a few constants */
private static ResourceBundle _rscBundleMessages;
public static String TCPBW100_MSGS = "Tcpbw100_msgs";
--- /branches/kkumar_code_organize/Applet/ Fri Aug 12 09:47:53 2011
+++ /branches/kkumar_code_organize/Applet/ Wed Aug 17 19:50:47 2011
@@ -24,6 +24,10 @@
this._localTcpAppObj = _localParam;

+ /* Method to make current thread sleep for 1000 ms
+ * @param none
+ * @return none
+ * */
public void finalize()
while (!_iFinalized) {
--- /branches/kkumar_code_organize/Applet/ Fri Aug 12 09:47:53 2011
+++ /branches/kkumar_code_organize/Applet/ Wed Aug 17 19:50:47 2011
@@ -12,30 +12,55 @@
public class Protocol {
private InputStream _ctlin;
private OutputStream _ctlout;
+ /* Class Constructor
+ * @param Socket: socket used to send the protocol messages over
+ */
public Protocol(Socket ctlSocketParam) throws IOException
_ctlin = ctlSocketParam.getInputStream();
_ctlout = ctlSocketParam.getOutputStream();

+ /* Method to send msg. Overloaded
+ * @param bParamType: Ctrl Message Type
+ * @param bParamToSend: Data value to send
+ * @return none
+ *
+ * */
public void send_msg(byte bParamType, byte bParamToSend) throws IOException
byte[] tab = new byte[] { bParamToSend };
send_msg(bParamType, tab);

+ /* Method to send msg. Overloaded
+ * @param bParamType: Ctrl Message Type
+ * @param bParamToSend[]: Data value to send
+ * @return none
+ *
+ * */
public void send_msg(byte bParamType, byte[] baParamTab) throws IOException
byte[] header = new byte[3];
header[0] = bParamType;
- header[1] = (byte) (baParamTab.length >> 8);
+ //2 bytes are used to hold data length. Thus, max(data
length) = 65535
+ header[1] = (byte) (baParamTab.length >> 8);
header[2] = (byte) baParamTab.length;

+ //Write data to outputStream

+ /* Populate Message byte array with specific number of bytes of data
+ * from socket input stream
+ * @param msgParam: Message object to be populated
+ * @param iParamAmount: specified number of bytes to be read
+ * @return int: Actual number of bytes populated
+ */
public int readn(Message msgParam, int iParamAmount) throws
int read = 0;
@@ -53,6 +78,19 @@
return read;

+ /* Receive message at end point of socket
+ * @param Message object
+ * @return : integer with values:
+ * a) Success:
+ * value=0 : successfully read expected number of bytes
+ * b) Error:
+ * value= 1 : Error reading ctrl-message length and data type itself, since
+ * NDTP-control packet has to be at
+ * the least 3 octets long
+ * value= 3 : Error, mismatch between "length" field of
ctrl-message and
+ * actual data read
+ *
+ * */
public int recv_msg(Message msgParam) throws IOException
int length;
@@ -66,14 +104,20 @@
byte [] yaMsgBody = msgParam.getBody();
+ //Get data length
length = ((int) yaMsgBody[1] & 0xFF) << 8;
length += (int) yaMsgBody[2] & 0xFF;
if (readn(msgParam, length) != length) {
return 3;
return 0;

+ /* Method to clsoe open Streams
+ * @param none
+ * @return none*/
public void close()
try {
--- /branches/kkumar_code_organize/Applet/ Fri Aug 12 09:47:53 2011
+++ /branches/kkumar_code_organize/Applet/ Wed Aug 17 19:50:47 2011
@@ -189,7 +189,8 @@

//These variables are accessed by the setter/getter methods. While they do not follow naming convention,
// are left this way
- // TODO :What is the difference between pub_c2sspd and _dC2sspd above?
+ // pub_c2sspd is assigned the value of _dC2sspd (declared above). the pub_xxx version seems to be used
+ //for making public to javascript. No other details known
private double pub_c2sspd = 0.0;
private double pub_s2cspd = 0.0;
private int pub_CurRwinRcvd = 0; // source variable does not exist
@@ -506,17 +507,21 @@
double order, rwintime, sendtime, cwndtime, rwin, swin, cwin;
double aspd;

- boolean isApplication = false;
- boolean testInProgress = false;
+ boolean _bIsApplication = false;
+ boolean _bTestInProgress = false;
String host = null;
- String tmpstr, tmpstr2;
- byte tests = NDTConstants.TEST_MID | NDTConstants.TEST_C2S | NDTConstants.TEST_S2C |
+ String _sTestResults, _sMidBoxTestResult;
+ byte _yTests = NDTConstants.TEST_MID | NDTConstants.TEST_C2S | NDTConstants.TEST_S2C |
NDTConstants.TEST_SFW | NDTConstants.TEST_STATUS | NDTConstants.TEST_META;
int c2sResult = NDTConstants.SFW_NOTTESTED;
int s2cResult = NDTConstants.SFW_NOTTESTED;

- /* Method to initialize the base NDT window */
+ /* Method to initialize the base NDT window
+ * The init() method
+ * @param none
+ * @return none
+ */
public void init() {
if (getParameter("country") != null) country =
if (getParameter("language") != null) lang =
@@ -615,61 +620,89 @@

/* Method that initializes the "main" window
+ * The main window is composed of
+ * 1. The results pane, which describes the process and displays their results
+ * 2. The buttons pane, which houses all the buttons for various
* @param none
- * @returns void*/
+ * @return none */
private void createMainWindow () {
+ //set content manager
getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
+ //start with status set to "Ready" to perform tests
+ //initialize
_bFailed = false ;
- _bRandomize = false; //what is this used for?
+ _bRandomize = false; //what is this used for? Seems unused in
_bCanCopy = false;
+ //Results panel
_resultsTxtPane = new ResultsTextPane();
_resultsTxtPane.append("TCP/Web100 Network Diagnostic Tool v" + NDTConstants.VERSION + "\n");
getContentPane().add(new JScrollPane(_resultsTxtPane));
_resultsTxtPane.append(_resBundleMessages.getString("clickStart") + "\n");
- Panel mPanel = new Panel();
+ //Panel too add all buttons
+ Panel buttonsPanel = new Panel();
+ //Add "start" button
_buttonStartTest = new
- mPanel.add(_buttonStartTest);
+ buttonsPanel.add(_buttonStartTest);
+ //Add "statistics" button
_buttonStatistics = new JButton(_resBundleMessages.getString("statistics"));
if (getParameter("disableStatistics") == null) {
- mPanel.add(_buttonStatistics);
+ buttonsPanel.add(_buttonStatistics);
+ //Add "Details" button
_buttonDetails = new JButton(_resBundleMessages.getString("moreDetails"));
if (getParameter("disableDetails") == null) {
- mPanel.add(_buttonDetails);
+ buttonsPanel.add(_buttonDetails);
+ //Add "Report problem" button
_buttonMailTo = new JButton(_resBundleMessages.getString("reportProblem"));
if (getParameter("disableMailto") == null) {
- mPanel.add(_buttonMailTo);
+ buttonsPanel.add(_buttonMailTo);
+ //Add "Options" button
_buttonOptions = new JButton(_resBundleMessages.getString("options") + "...");
_buttonOptions.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
+ //call the Options-window create code
+ //If disableOptions is not set, then add button
if (getParameter("disableOptions") == null) {
- mPanel.add(_buttonOptions);
- }
- getContentPane().add(BorderLayout.SOUTH, mPanel);
+ buttonsPanel.add(_buttonOptions);
+ }
+ //add buttons panel to the main window
+ getContentPane().add(BorderLayout.SOUTH, buttonsPanel);
+ //"Options" panel components
+ //1. Is IPv6 preferred?
_chkboxPreferIPv6 = new JCheckBox(_resBundleMessages.getString("preferIPv6"));
+ //2. Conduct default tests?
_chkboxDefaultTest = new JCheckBox(_resBundleMessages.getString("defaultTests"));
+ //3. configure number of tests
SpinnerNumberModel model = new SpinnerNumberModel();
model.setMinimum(new Integer(0));
model.setValue(new Integer(1));
@@ -681,9 +714,12 @@


+ /* Method that creates the "More details" window
+ * @param none
+ * @return none */
public void createDiagnoseWindow() {

@@ -712,7 +748,9 @@
} // diagnose()

+ /* Method that creates the "Statistics" window
+ * @param none
+ * @return none */
public void createStatsWindow() {


@@ -740,7 +778,14 @@
} // statistics()

+ /* Method that creates the "Options" window
+ * The options displayed to the user are:
+ * 1. Perform default tests?
+ * 2. Prefer IPV6?
+ * 3. Select the number of times the test-suite is to be run
+ * @param none
+ * @return none */
public void createOptionsWindow() {

@@ -748,19 +793,26 @@
_frameOptions = new NewFrame();


+ //main panel
JPanel optionsPanel = new JPanel();
optionsPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(optionsPanel,

+ //Panel for displaying the "default tests" option
JPanel testsPanel = new JPanel();

+ //Panel for displaying the IPV6 option
JPanel protocolPanel = new JPanel();

+ /*
+ * If user has enabled multiple tests, then build the
panel, and add it
+ * to the parent( options ) panel
+ */
if (getParameter("enableMultipleTests") != null) {
JPanel generalPanel = new JPanel();
BoxLayout(generalPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
@@ -777,9 +829,12 @@

- _frameOptions.getContentPane().add(optionsPanel);
- Panel buttons = new Panel();
- _frameOptions.getContentPane().add("South", buttons);
+ //Add options to the parent frame
+ _frameOptions.getContentPane().add(optionsPanel);
+ //create and add panel containing buttons
+ Panel buttonsPanel = new Panel();
+ _frameOptions.getContentPane().add("South",

JButton okButton= new
okButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
@@ -791,7 +846,7 @@


- buttons.add("West", okButton);
+ buttonsPanel.add("West", okButton);

@@ -799,8 +854,6 @@


/*Method to run the Thread that calls the "dottcp" method to run tests
* This method is called by the Applet's init method if user selected
@@ -811,13 +864,18 @@
new Thread(new TestWorker()).start();

+ /*Class that starts the tests in a thread
+ * Starts by disabling all buttons
+ * Calls the dottcp() method
+ * This thread is stopped when the number of tests that was configured to be
+ * run have all completed, or if the user stops it by interrupting from the GUI
+ * Once the tests have been run, the buttons are enabled*/
class TestWorker implements Runnable {
public void run() {
- if (!testInProgress) {
+ if (!_bTestInProgress) {
int testNo = 1;
int testsNum =
- testInProgress = true;
+ _bTestInProgress = true;
@@ -830,6 +888,11 @@
//StatusPanel sPanel = new
//re-arch. Replaced above by the line below
String sTempEnable =
+ /*create status panel based on whether
multiple tests are enabled
+ If not, then the progress bar displays just the specifi test (middlebox, C2S, firewall etc)
+ If yes, then the progress bar also shows the progress on the number of tests
+ */
StatusPanel sPanel = new
StatusPanel(testsNum, sTempEnable);
@@ -847,21 +910,29 @@
_resultsTxtPane.append("\n** " + _resBundleMessages.getString("startingTest") + " " + testNo + " " + _resBundleMessages.getString("of") + " " + testsNum + " **\n");
+ //If test count scheduled is
complete, quit
if (testNo == testsNum) {
+ //If user stops the test, quit
if (sPanel.wantToStop()) {
+ //increment test count
testNo += 1;
+ /* This iteration of tests is now complete. Enable all buttons and output
+ so that user can view details
of results */




_txtStatistics.append("\n** " + _resBundleMessages.getString("test") + " " + testNo + " **\n");
_txtDiagnosis.append("\n** " + _resBundleMessages.getString("test") + " " + testNo + " **\n");
+ //Now, sleep for some time based on user's choice before running the next iteration of the test suite
try {
(_cmboboxDelay.getSelectedIndex()) {
case 1:
@@ -904,6 +975,7 @@
_sErrMsg =
_resBundleMessages.getString("serverBusy30s") + "\n";

+ /* If test failed due to any reason, mark
failure reason too*/
if (_bFailed) {

@@ -911,6 +983,7 @@
pub_errmsg = _sErrMsg;

+ //Enable all buttons. Continue activities to
mark status as complete
@@ -919,7 +992,7 @@

_resultsTxtPane.append("\n" + _resBundleMessages.getString("clickStart2") + "\n");
- testInProgress = false;
+ _bTestInProgress = false;
@@ -1037,24 +1110,29 @@
* @param String value of status
* @return void */
public void showStatus(String msg) {
- if (!isApplication) {
+ if (!_bIsApplication) {

/* MiddleBox testing method
- * @param Protocol
- * @return boolean
- * @TODO documentaion */
+ * @param Protocol Object
+ * @return boolean value indicating test failure status
+ * true if test failed
+ * false if test passed
+ * @ */

public boolean test_mid(Protocol ctl) throws IOException {

- byte buff[] = new byte[8192];
+ //byte buff[] = new byte[8192];
+ //
+ byte buff[] = new byte[NDTConstants.MIDDLEBOX_PREDEFINED_MSS];
Message msg = new Message();
- if ((tests & NDTConstants.TEST_MID) == NDTConstants.TEST_MID)
+ if ((_yTests & NDTConstants.TEST_MID) ==
NDTConstants.TEST_MID) {
/* now look for middleboxes (firewalls, NATs, and
other boxes that
- * muck with TCP's end-to-end priciples
+ * muck with TCP's end-to-end principles

_resultsTxtPane.append(_resBundleMessages.getString("checkingMiddleboxes") + " ");
@@ -1062,11 +1140,13 @@
_sEmailText = _resBundleMessages.getString("checkingMiddleboxes") + " ";
pub_status = "checkingMiddleboxes";

+ //If reading socket was not successful, then declare middlebox test as a failure
if (ctl.recv_msg(msg) != 0) {
_sErrMsg = _resBundleMessages.getString("protocolError") + Integer.parseInt(new String(msg.getBody()), 16) + " instead\n";
return true;
- //Do not use static import of message types for
cleaner code
+ //Initially, expecting a TEST_PREPARE message
if (msg.getType() != MessageType.TEST_PREPARE) {
_sErrMsg =
_resBundleMessages.getString("mboxWrongMessage") + "\n";
if (msg.getType() == MessageType.MSG_ERROR) {
@@ -1074,11 +1154,13 @@
return true;
+ //get port number that server wants client to bind to
for this test
int midport = Integer.parseInt(new

- Socket in2Socket = null;
+ //connect to server using port obtained above
+ Socket midSrvrSockObj = null;
try {
- in2Socket = new Socket(host, midport);
+ midSrvrSockObj = new Socket(host, midport);
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
System.err.println("Don't know about host: "
+ host);
_sErrMsg =
_resBundleMessages.getString("unknownServer") + "\n" ;
@@ -1089,81 +1171,101 @@
return true;

- InputStream srvin2 = in2Socket.getInputStream();
- OutputStream srvout2 = in2Socket.getOutputStream();
- int largewin = 128*1024;
- in2Socket.setSoTimeout(6500);
+ InputStream srvin2 = midSrvrSockObj.getInputStream();
+ OutputStream srvout2 =
+ //int largewin = 128*1024; //Unused variable, commenting out until needed
+ //Time out the socket after 6.5 seconds
+ midSrvrSockObj.setSoTimeout(6500);
int bytes = 0;
int inlth;
_dTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
pub_TimeStamp = new Date();

+ /*Read server packets into the pre-initialized buffer.
+ * Record number of packets read as reading completes
+ */
try {
while ((,0,buff.length))
> 0) {
bytes += inlth;
pub_bytes = bytes;
+ //If more than 5.5 seconds have
passed by, stop reading socket input
if ((System.currentTimeMillis() -
_dTime) > 5500)
- catch (IOException e) {}
+ catch (IOException e) {} //TODO Question for a later fix. Why no exception handling code?
+ //Record test duration seconds
_dTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - _dTime;
System.out.println(bytes + " bytes " + (8.0 * bytes)/_dTime + " kb/s " + _dTime/1000 + " secs");
+ //Calculate throughput in Kbps.
_dS2cspd = ((8.0 * bytes) / 1000) / _dTime;

- if (ctl.recv_msg(msg) != 0) {
+ //Test is complete. Now, get results from server
+ if (ctl.recv_msg(msg) != 0) { //msg not received
_sErrMsg = _resBundleMessages.getString("protocolError") + Integer.parseInt(new String(msg.getBody()), 16) + " instead\n";
return true;
- if (msg.getType() != MessageType.TEST_MSG) {
+ //Results are sent from server in the form of a
TEST_MSG object
+ if (msg.getType() != MessageType.TEST_MSG) { //If not TEST_MSG, then test results not obtained
_sErrMsg =
_resBundleMessages.getString("mboxWrongMessage") + "\n";
+ //get error code
if (msg.getType() == MessageType.MSG_ERROR) {
_sErrMsg += "ERROR MSG: " + Integer.parseInt(new String(msg.getBody()), 16) + "\n";
return true;
- tmpstr2 = new String(msg.getBody());
+ //Get Test results
+ _sMidBoxTestResult = new String(msg.getBody());
+ //client now sends throughput as calculated above, in
String tmpstr4 = Double.toString(_dS2cspd*1000);
System.out.println("Sending '" + tmpstr4 + "' back to

+ //append local address to the Test Results obtained
from server
try {
- tmpstr2 += in2Socket.getInetAddress() + ";";
+ _sMidBoxTestResult += midSrvrSockObj.getInetAddress() +
} catch (SecurityException e) {
System.err.println("Unable to obtain Servers IP addresses: using " + host);
_sErrMsg = "getInetAddress() called failed\n"
- tmpstr2 += host + ";";
+ _sMidBoxTestResult += host + ";";
_resultsTxtPane.append(_resBundleMessages.getString("lookupError") + "\n");

try {
- tmpstr2 += in2Socket.getLocalAddress() + ";";
+ _sMidBoxTestResult += midSrvrSockObj.getLocalAddress()
+ ";";
} catch (SecurityException e) {
System.err.println("Unable to obtain local IP address: using");
_sErrMsg = "getLocalAddress() call failed\n" ;
- tmpstr2 += ";";
- }
+ _sMidBoxTestResult += ";";
+ }
+ //wrap up test set up
- in2Socket.close();
+ midSrvrSockObj.close();
+ //Expect TEST_FINALIZE message from server
if (ctl.recv_msg(msg) != 0) {
_sErrMsg = _resBundleMessages.getString("protocolError") + Integer.parseInt(new String(msg.getBody()), 16) + " instead\n";
return true;
- if (msg.getType() != MessageType.TEST_FINALIZE) {
+ if (msg.getType() != MessageType.TEST_FINALIZE) { //report unexpected message reception
_sErrMsg =
if (msg.getType() == MessageType.MSG_ERROR) {
_sErrMsg += "ERROR MSG: " + Integer.parseInt(new String(msg.getBody()), 16) + "\n";
return true;
+ //Report status as "complete"
_resultsTxtPane.append(_resBundleMessages.getString("done") +
_txtStatistics.append(_resBundleMessages.getString("done") +
_sEmailText += _resBundleMessages.getString("done") +
@@ -1171,21 +1273,32 @@
return false;

- public boolean test_sfw(Protocol ctl) throws IOException
+ /* Fireiwall tests aiming to find out if one exists between Client and server
+ * Tests performed in both directions
+ * @param Protocol Object
+ * @return boolean
+ * true if test failed
+ * false if test passed */
+ public boolean test_sfw(Protocol protocolObj) throws IOException
Message msg = new Message();
- if ((tests & NDTConstants.TEST_SFW) == NDTConstants.TEST_SFW)
+ //start test
+ if ((_yTests & NDTConstants.TEST_SFW) ==
NDTConstants.TEST_SFW) {
+ //show status of test as started
_resultsTxtPane.append(_resBundleMessages.getString("checkingFirewalls") + " ");
_txtStatistics.append(_resBundleMessages.getString("checkingFirewalls") + " ");
_sEmailText = _resBundleMessages.getString("checkingFirewalls")
+ " ";
pub_status = "checkingFirewalls";

- if (ctl.recv_msg(msg) != 0) {
+ //Message received in error?
+ if (protocolObj.recv_msg(msg) != 0) {
_sErrMsg = _resBundleMessages.getString("protocolError") + Integer.parseInt(new String(msg.getBody()), 16) + " instead\n";
return true;
- if (msg.getType() != MessageType.TEST_PREPARE) {
+ //TEST_PREPARE is the first message expected from the
+ if (msg.getType() != MessageType.TEST_PREPARE) { //oops, unexpected message received
_sErrMsg =
_resBundleMessages.getString("sfwWrongMessage") + "\n";
if (msg.getType() == MessageType.MSG_ERROR) {
_sErrMsg += "ERROR MSG: " + Integer.parseInt(new String(msg.getBody()), 16) + "\n";
@@ -1193,13 +1306,18 @@
return true;

- String message = new String(msg.getBody());
+ //Get message body from server packet
+ String sMsgBody = new String(msg.getBody());
+ /*
+ * This message body contains ephemeral port # and testTime separated by a
+ * single space
+ */
int srvPort, testTime;
try {
- int k = message.indexOf(" ");
- srvPort =
- testTime =
+ int k = sMsgBody.indexOf(" ");
+ srvPort =
+ testTime =
catch (Exception e) {
_sErrMsg =
_resBundleMessages.getString("sfwWrongMessage") + "\n";
@@ -1209,6 +1327,7 @@
System.out.println("SFW: port=" + srvPort);
System.out.println("SFW: testTime=" + testTime);

+ //Clients creates a server socket to send TEST_MSG
ServerSocket srvSocket;
try {
SecurityManager security =
@@ -1216,6 +1335,7 @@
System.out.println("Asking security manager for listen permissions...");
+ //0 to use any free port
srvSocket = new ServerSocket(0);
catch (Exception e) {
@@ -1225,12 +1345,15 @@

System.out.println("SFW: oport=" +
- ctl.send_msg(MessageType.TEST_MSG, Integer.toString(srvSocket.getLocalPort()).getBytes());
- if (ctl.recv_msg(msg) != 0) {
+ //Send TEST_MSG
+ protocolObj.send_msg(MessageType.TEST_MSG, Integer.toString(srvSocket.getLocalPort()).getBytes());
+ //Expect a TEST_START message from the server
+ if (protocolObj.recv_msg(msg) != 0) { //oops, error
receiving message
_sErrMsg = _resBundleMessages.getString("protocolError") + Integer.parseInt(new String(msg.getBody()), 16) + " instead\n";
return true;
+ //Only TEST_START message expected at this point
if (msg.getType() != MessageType.TEST_START) {
_sErrMsg =
if (msg.getType() == MessageType.MSG_ERROR) {
@@ -1244,21 +1367,28 @@
OsfwWorker osfwTest = new OsfwWorker(srvSocket,
testTime, this);
new Thread(osfwTest).start();

+ //Now, run test trying to connect to ephemeral port
Socket sfwSocket = new Socket();
try {
+ //create socket to ephemeral port. testTime
now specified in mS
sfwSocket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(host, srvPort), testTime * 1000);

Protocol sfwCtl = new Protocol(sfwSocket);
+ //send a simple string message over this
sfwCtl.send_msg(MessageType.TEST_MSG, new String("Simple firewall test").getBytes());
catch (Exception e) {

- if (ctl.recv_msg(msg) != 0) {
+ //Server expected to respond back with a TEST_MSG too
+ if (protocolObj.recv_msg(msg) != 0) { //oops, error
reading Protocol
_sErrMsg = _resBundleMessages.getString("protocolError") + Integer.parseInt(new String(msg.getBody()), 16) + " instead\n";
return true;
+ //Only TEST_MSG type expected at this point
if (msg.getType() != MessageType.TEST_MSG) {
_sErrMsg =
_resBundleMessages.getString("sfwWrongMessage") + "\n";
if (msg.getType() == MessageType.MSG_ERROR) {
@@ -1266,14 +1396,21 @@
return true;
+ //Todo: Could not determine where this is used yet
+ //But this is an integer with value 0/1/2/3
indicating connection status
c2sResult = Integer.parseInt(new

+ //Sleep for some time

- if (ctl.recv_msg(msg) != 0) {
+ //Server closes the SFW test session by sending
+ if (protocolObj.recv_msg(msg) != 0) { //oops, error
reading message
_sErrMsg = _resBundleMessages.getString("protocolError") + Integer.parseInt(new String(msg.getBody()), 16) + " instead\n";
return true;
+ //ONLY TEST_FINALIZE type of message expected here
if (msg.getType() != MessageType.TEST_FINALIZE) {
_sErrMsg =
_resBundleMessages.getString("sfwWrongMessage") + "\n";
if (msg.getType() == MessageType.MSG_ERROR) {
@@ -1281,10 +1418,14 @@
return true;
+ //Conclude by updatng status as "complete" on GUI
_resultsTxtPane.append(_resBundleMessages.getString("done") +
_txtStatistics.append(_resBundleMessages.getString("done") +
_sEmailText += _resBundleMessages.getString("done") +
+ //successfully finished the SFW test, hence return
return false;

@@ -1293,7 +1434,7 @@
// byte buff2[] = new byte[8192];
byte buff2[] = new byte[64*1024];
Message msg = new Message();
- if ((tests & NDTConstants.TEST_C2S) == NDTConstants.TEST_C2S)
+ if ((_yTests & NDTConstants.TEST_C2S) ==
NDTConstants.TEST_C2S) {

_resultsTxtPane.append(_resBundleMessages.getString("runningOutboundTest") + " ");
_txtStatistics.append(_resBundleMessages.getString("runningOutboundTest") + " ");
@@ -1446,7 +1587,7 @@
byte buff[] = new byte[8192];
Message msg = new Message();
- if ((tests & NDTConstants.TEST_S2C) == NDTConstants.TEST_S2C)
+ if ((_yTests & NDTConstants.TEST_S2C) ==
NDTConstants.TEST_S2C) {

_resultsTxtPane.append(_resBundleMessages.getString("runningInboundTest") + " ");
_txtStatistics.append(_resBundleMessages.getString("runningInboundTest") + " ");
@@ -1566,7 +1707,7 @@
ctl.send_msg(MessageType.TEST_MSG, buff);

/* get web100 variables from server */
- tmpstr = "";
+ _sTestResults = "";
int i = 0;

// Try setting a 5 second timer here to break out if
the read fails.
@@ -1587,7 +1728,7 @@
return true;
- tmpstr += new String(msg.getBody());
+ _sTestResults += new
} catch (IOException e) {}
@@ -1597,21 +1738,37 @@
return false;

- public boolean test_meta(Protocol ctl) throws IOException
+ /* Meta tests method
+ * The META test allows the Client to send an additional information to the Server
+ * that basically gets included along with the overall set of test results.
+ *
+ * @param Protocol Object
+ * @return booleanturn boolean
+ * true if test failed
+ * false if test passed
+ * @throws IOException when sending/receiving messages from server
+ * @see Protocol#recv_msg(Message msgParam)
+ * @see Protocol#send_msg(byte bParamType, byte[] baParamTab)
+ * These methods indicate more information about IOException
+ * */
+ public boolean test_meta(Protocol protocolObj) throws IOException
Message msg = new Message();
- if ((tests & NDTConstants.TEST_META) ==
NDTConstants.TEST_META) {
+ //Start META tests
+ if ((_yTests & NDTConstants.TEST_META) ==
NDTConstants.TEST_META) {
_resultsTxtPane.append(_resBundleMessages.getString("sendingMetaInformation") + " ");
_txtStatistics.append(_resBundleMessages.getString("sendingMetaInformation") + " ");
_sEmailText += _resBundleMessages.getString("sendingMetaInformation") + " ";
pub_status = "sendingMetaInformation";

- if (ctl.recv_msg(msg) != 0) {
+ //Server starts with a TEST_PREPARE message.
+ if (protocolObj.recv_msg(msg) != 0) { //error, message not received correctly
_sErrMsg = _resBundleMessages.getString("protocolError") + Integer.parseInt(new String(msg.getBody()), 16) + " instead\n";
return true;
- if (msg.getType() != MessageType.TEST_PREPARE) {
+ if (msg.getType() != MessageType.TEST_PREPARE) {
+ //only TEST_PREPARE message expected at this
_sErrMsg =
_resBundleMessages.getString("metaWrongMessage") + "\n";
if (msg.getType() == MessageType.MSG_ERROR) {
_sErrMsg += "ERROR MSG: " + Integer.parseInt(new String(msg.getBody()), 16) + "\n";
@@ -1619,48 +1776,65 @@
return true;

- if (ctl.recv_msg(msg) != 0) {
+ //Server now send a TEST_START message
+ if (protocolObj.recv_msg(msg) != 0) { //error, message not read/received correctly
_sErrMsg = _resBundleMessages.getString("protocolError") + Integer.parseInt(new String(msg.getBody()), 16) + " instead\n";
return true;
+ //Only TEST_START message expected here. Everything
else is unacceptable
if (msg.getType() != MessageType.TEST_START) {
_sErrMsg =
_resBundleMessages.getString("metaWrongMessage") + "\n";
if (msg.getType() == MessageType.MSG_ERROR) {
_sErrMsg += "ERROR MSG: " + Integer.parseInt(new String(msg.getBody()), 16) + "\n";
return true;

- ctl.send_msg(MessageType.TEST_MSG, (NDTConstants.META_CLIENT_OS + ":" + System.getProperty("")).getBytes());
- ctl.send_msg(MessageType.TEST_MSG, (NDTConstants.META_BROWSER_OS + ":" + UserAgentTools.getBrowser(getUserAgent())[2]).getBytes());
- ctl.send_msg(MessageType.TEST_MSG, (NDTConstants.META_CLIENT_KERNEL_VERSION + ":" + System.getProperty("os.version")).getBytes());
- ctl.send_msg(MessageType.TEST_MSG, (NDTConstants.META_CLIENT_VERSION + ":" + NDTConstants.VERSION).getBytes());
- ctl.send_msg(MessageType.TEST_MSG, new byte[0]);
- if (ctl.recv_msg(msg) != 0) {
+ /* As a response to the Server's TEST_START message, client responds with TEST_MSG. These messages may be used, as below
+ to send configuration data name-value pairs.
+ Note that there are length constraints to keys- values: 64/256 characters respectively*/
+ protocolObj.send_msg(MessageType.TEST_MSG, (NDTConstants.META_CLIENT_OS + ":" + System.getProperty("")).getBytes());
+ protocolObj.send_msg(MessageType.TEST_MSG, (NDTConstants.META_BROWSER_OS + ":" + UserAgentTools.getBrowser(getUserAgent())[2]).getBytes());
+ protocolObj.send_msg(MessageType.TEST_MSG, (NDTConstants.META_CLIENT_KERNEL_VERSION + ":" + System.getProperty("os.version")).getBytes());
+ protocolObj.send_msg(MessageType.TEST_MSG, (NDTConstants.META_CLIENT_VERSION + ":" + NDTConstants.VERSION).getBytes());
+ /* Client can send any number of such meta data in a TEST_MSG format, and signal
+ the end of the transmission using an empty TEST_MSG */
+ protocolObj.send_msg(MessageType.TEST_MSG, new
+ //The server now closes the META test session by sending a TEST_FINALIZE message
+ if (protocolObj.recv_msg(msg) != 0) { //error, message cannot be read/received properly
_sErrMsg = _resBundleMessages.getString("protocolError") + Integer.parseInt(new String(msg.getBody()), 16) + " instead\n";
return true;
- if (msg.getType() != MessageType.TEST_FINALIZE) {
+ if (msg.getType() != MessageType.TEST_FINALIZE) { //Only this message type is expected
_sErrMsg =
if (msg.getType() == MessageType.MSG_ERROR) {
_sErrMsg += "ERROR MSG: " + Integer.parseInt(new String(msg.getBody()), 16) + "\n";
return true;
+ //Display status as "complete"
_resultsTxtPane.append(_resBundleMessages.getString("done") +
_txtStatistics.append(_resBundleMessages.getString("done") +
_sEmailText += _resBundleMessages.getString("done") +

+ //completed tests
pub_status = "done";
+ //status is false indicating test-failure=false
return false;

+ /* Method to run tests and interpret the results sent by the server
+ * @param StatusPanel object to describe status of tests
+ * @return none
+ */
public void dottcp(StatusPanel sPanel) throws IOException {
Socket ctlSocket = null;
- if (!isApplication) {
+ if (!_bIsApplication) {

* Enable NDT to test against a web100srv instance on
a remote server.
@@ -1680,19 +1854,24 @@
pub_host = host;

- int ctlport = 3001;
- double wait2;
- int sbuf, rbuf;
- int i, wait, swait=0;
+ /* The default control port used for the NDT tests session. NDT server listens
+ to this port */
+ int ctlport = NDTConstants.CONTROL_PORT_DEFAULT;
+ //Commenting these 2 variables - seem unused
+ //double wait2;
+ //int sbuf, rbuf;
+ int i, wait;
+ int iServerWaitFlag=0; //flag indicating whether a wait message was already received once
+ //Assign false to test result status initially
_bFailed = false;

try {

// RAC Debug message
_resultsTxtPane.append(_resBundleMessages.getString("connectingTo") + " '" + host + "' [" + InetAddress.getByName(host) + "] " + _resBundleMessages.getString("toRunTest") + "\n");
+ //If IPv6 is preferred by Applet user, set property
for any further use
if (_chkboxPreferIPv6.isSelected()) {
try {

System.setProperty("", "true");
@@ -1702,6 +1881,7 @@
+ //create socket to host specified by user and the
default port
ctlSocket = new Socket(host, ctlport);
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
System.err.println("Don't know about host: " + host);
@@ -1716,11 +1896,12 @@

- Protocol ctl = new Protocol(ctlSocket);
+ Protocol protocolObj = new Protocol(ctlSocket);
Message msg = new Message();

/* The beginning of the protocol */
+ //Determine, and indicate to client about Inet6/4 address
being used
if (ctlSocket.getInetAddress() instanceof Inet6Address) {
_resultsTxtPane.append(_resBundleMessages.getString("connected") + " " + host + _resBundleMessages.getString("usingIpv6") + "\n");
@@ -1728,54 +1909,70 @@
_resultsTxtPane.append(_resBundleMessages.getString("connected") + " " + host + _resBundleMessages.getString("usingIpv4") + "\n");

- /* write our test suite request */
- ctl.send_msg(MessageType.MSG_LOGIN, tests);
+ /* write our test suite request by sending a login message
+ _yTests indicates the requested test-suite
+ */
+ protocolObj.send_msg(MessageType.MSG_LOGIN, _yTests);
/* read the specially crafted data that kicks off the old
clients */
- if (ctl.readn(msg, 13) != 13) {
+ if (protocolObj.readn(msg, 13) != 13) {
_sErrMsg = _resBundleMessages.getString("unsupportedClient") +
_bFailed = true;

for (;;) {
- if (ctl.recv_msg(msg) != 0) {
- _sErrMsg = _resBundleMessages.getString("protocolError") + Integer.parseInt(new String(msg.getBody()), 16) + " instead\n";
+ //If SRV_QUEUE message sent by NDT server does not indicate that the test session starts now, return
+ //if (protocolObj.recv_msg(msg) != 0) { //comment to replace with constant
+ if (protocolObj.recv_msg(msg) != NDTConstants.SRV_QUEUE_TEST_STARTS_NOW) {
+ _sErrMsg =
_resBundleMessages.getString("protocolError") +
+ Integer.parseInt(new
String(msg.getBody()), 16) + " instead\n";
_bFailed = true;
+ //SRV_QUEUE messages are only sent to queued clients with if the test can be started immediately.
+ //Any other type of message at this stage is incorrect
if (msg.getType() != MessageType.SRV_QUEUE) {
_sErrMsg =
_resBundleMessages.getString("loggingWrongMessage") + "\n";
_bFailed = true;
- }
+ }
String tmpstr3 = new String(msg.getBody());
wait = Integer.parseInt(tmpstr3);
System.out.println("wait flag received = " + wait);

- if (wait == 0) {
+ if (wait == 0) { /* SRV_QUEUE message received indicating "ready to start tests" status,
+ proceed to
running tests */

- if (wait == 9988) {
- if (swait == 0) {
+ //if (wait == 9988) {
+ if (wait == NDTConstants.SRV_QUEUE_SERVER_BUSY) {
+ if (iServerWaitFlag == 0) { //First message from server, indicating server is busy. Quit
_sErrMsg =
_resBundleMessages.getString("serverBusy") + "\n";
_bFailed = true;
- } else {
+ } else { //Server fault, quit qithout
further ado
_sErrMsg =
_resBundleMessages.getString("serverFault") + "\n";
_bFailed = true;

- if (wait == 9999) {
+ //if (wait == 9999) {
+ //server busy, wait 60 s for previous test to finish
+ if ( wait == NDTConstants.SRV_QUEUE_SERVER_BUSY_60s )
_sErrMsg =
_resBundleMessages.getString("serverBusy60s") + "\n";
_bFailed = true;

- if (wait == 9990) { // signal from the server to see if the client is still alive
- ctl.send_msg(MessageType.MSG_WAITING, tests);
+ //if (wait == 9990) { // signal from the server to see if the client is still alive
+ if (wait == NDTConstants.SRV_QUEUE_HEARTBEAT) { // signal from the server to see if the client is still alive
+ // Client has to respond with a "MSG_WAITING" to such heart-beat messages from server
+ protocolObj.send_msg(MessageType.MSG_WAITING,

@@ -1783,23 +1980,29 @@
// tests in the queue.
wait = (wait * 45);
_resultsTxtPane.append(_resBundleMessages.getString("otherClient") + wait + _resBundleMessages.getString("seconds") +".\n");
- swait = 1;
- }
+ iServerWaitFlag = 1; //first message from server
already encountered
+ } //end waiting

- if (ctl.recv_msg(msg) != 0) {
+ /*Tests can be started. Read server response again.
+ * The server must send a message to verify version, and this
+ * a MSG_LOGIN type of message
+ */
+ if (protocolObj.recv_msg(msg) != 0) { //it not read correctly, it is protocol error
***The diff for this file has been truncated for email.***
--- /branches/kkumar_code_organize/Applet/ Wed Aug 10 13:58:17 2011
+++ /branches/kkumar_code_organize/Applet/ Wed Aug 17 19:50:47 2011
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
return res;
public static String getVersionNumber(String a_userAgent, int a_position) {
if (a_position<0) return "";
StringBuffer res = new StringBuffer();

  • [ndt-dev] [ndt] r504 committed - Documented MID, SFW and META tests, added documentation for some more ..., ndt, 08/17/2011

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