mw-announce - [mw-announce] IAM Online today, Feb 8 - Making Federation Easier: Default Attribute Release and User Consent
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[mw-announce] IAM Online today, Feb 8 - Making Federation Easier: Default Attribute Release and User Consent
Chronological Thread
- From: Emily Eisbruch <>
- To: "" <>
- Subject: [mw-announce] IAM Online today, Feb 8 - Making Federation Easier: Default Attribute Release and User Consent
- Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2017 14:47:48 +0000
- Accept-language: en-US
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IAM Online – Wednesday, February 8, 2016 2 pm ET / 1 pm CT / Noon MT / 11 am PT
Making Federation Easier: Default Attribute Release and User Consent
One of the main barriers to effective attribute release by default - and widespread adoption of initiatives like the Research & Scholarship Category - are campus policies and requirements for user consent. How have campuses overcome such barriers? What advice to these campuses have for you to deploy user consent and help your faculty, researchers, staff, and students more easily take advantage of collaboration services?
This IAM Online includes: 1. Suggestions for working with local stakeholders to achieve agreement to deploy scalable user consent. 2. Examples of campus default attribute release policies (and implementing those policies using Shibboleth IdPv3)
Join us for the next IAM Online to hear about campus deployments of user consent, how they have engaged campus stakeholders, and how this helps their users and their approaches to default attribute release.
************** Presenters: Liam Hoekenga, University of Michigan Mark Scheible, MCNC Keith Wessel, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
************** Connecting We use Adobe Connect for slide sharing and audio: For more details, including back-up phone bridge information,
************** About IAM Online IAM Online is a monthly online education series brought to you by Internet2’s InCommon community and the EDUCAUSE Higher Education Information Security Council (HEISC).
Emily Eisbruch, Work Group Lead, Trust and Identity Internet2 office: +1-734-352-4996 | mobile +1-734-730-5749 ![]() |
- [mw-announce] IAM Online today, Feb 8 - Making Federation Easier: Default Attribute Release and User Consent, Emily Eisbruch, 02/08/2017
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