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mw-announce - [mw-announce] IAM Online Tues, Dec. 8 - InCo mmon’s Future: Interfederation, K-12, and Changi ng Demographics

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[mw-announce] IAM Online Tues, Dec. 8 - InCo mmon’s Future: Interfederation, K-12, and Changi ng Demographics

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  • From: Emily Eisbruch <>
  • To: "" <>
  • Subject: [mw-announce] IAM Online Tues, Dec. 8 - InCo mmon’s Future: Interfederation, K-12, and Changi ng Demographics
  • Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2015 19:00:01 +0000
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IAM Online – Tuesday, December 8, 2015

4 pm ET / 3 pm CT / 2 pm MT / 1 pm PT

InCommon’s Future: Interfederation, K-12, and Changing Demographics

You’ve recently heard about InCommon’s plan for international interfederation, but that is not the only change in the works for 2016. Pilots involving K-12 involvement are expected to move to production. And InCommon will explore the potential for new services and support options, given the changing demographics of InCommon participants.

Join us for this IAM Online to hear about how InCommon is changing and how that might affect you and your organization. Topics will include:

  • The changing mix of InCommon participants
  • InCommon Goes Global - how interfederation expands opportunities for participants
  • Incorporating K-12 - working with state research and education networks to broaden federation and trust opportunities
  • Plans for the future - using the data and the reports of recent working groups to plot the course for InCommon services and support


Klara Jelinkova, InCommon Steering Chair, VP and CIO at Rice University

Ann West, Associate Vice President, Trust and Identity, Internet2



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About IAM Online

IAM Online is a monthly online education series brought to you by Internet2’s InCommon community and the EDUCAUSE Higher Education Information Security Council (HEISC).

Emily Eisbruch, Work Group Lead, Trust and Identity
office: +1-734-352-4996 | mobile +1-734-730-5749

  • [mw-announce] IAM Online Tues, Dec. 8 - InCo mmon’s Future: Interfederation, K-12, and Changi ng Demographics, Emily Eisbruch, 11/24/2015

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